DYOM » StoryLines » "Long Theft Auto: COSF" Patch

"Long Theft Auto: COSF" Patch


Final Patch of "Long Theft Auto: Chapter of San Fierro."
The patch fixes:
- Wrong routes some missions;
- Puts more obstacles in the mission "The blue jungle";
- Retired the mission "The end smuggling";

If you find any more errors, comment here.


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Last Update
Sep 04 '13


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PLAYTrailerTHBPSep 05 2013, 02:22
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Added by Faizan Alim on Sep 04 2013, 05:08
You Know Your missions best ever LTA Los Santos and LTA San Fierro are best ever please make it for las vegas my dear brother
Added by Faizan Alim on Sep 04 2013, 05:27
it still crash in final smuggling mission
Added by THBP on Sep 04 2013, 16:13
Thanks for the reply.
And wtf, still crash? I'll make another pack without this mission. Can be like it?
And I'll make the Pack of Las Venturas. Keep waiting...

THBP, work in progress
Added by THBP on Sep 04 2013, 16:14
Ah, and if you are with problems, and can't play the another missions, download the "missions version": http://dyom.gtagames.nl/show/27701
(That mission maybe keep with the bug but the another missions are ok)
Added by THBP on Sep 04 2013, 16:22
Ah, and if you are with problems, and can't play the another missions, download the "missions version": http://dyom.gtagames.nl/show/27701
(That mission maybe keep with the bug but the another missions are ok)
Added by Faizan Alim on Sep 04 2013, 18:51
Please Remake The Mission final smuggling and add it to story line coz final smuggling are best mission Bro
Added by THBP on Sep 04 2013, 22:28
It's a complicated mission, bro.
Took me a long time to do. Maybe I can remake... Maybe.

THBP, work in progress
Added by THBP on Sep 04 2013, 23:15
Story edited. I apologize for the errors in the mission, I had to pull it out of the story. Staying means "empty" why Mark have gone to San Fierro, but it's better than not being able to play the rest of the story. Now, I'll begin work on the "Chapter of Las Venturas" (report of bugs won't be accepted now).

Main page: http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=541534

THBP, work in progress
Added by Faizan Alim on Sep 06 2013, 06:29
Visit my Profile maybe youlike my profile http://dyom.gtagames.nl/profile/2736

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