DYOM » StoryLines » Who's there?

Who's there?

By Nitesh aka AAAAAAA

The download contains a .ZIP file which contains the DYOMx.dat files. Just copy the files to GTA SAN ANDREAS USER FILES and enjoy.

The main setting for this mission pack is 'Shady Creeks'. It tells the story of a spirit who is wandering in the Shady Creeks. It has killed those who dared to enter the forest in the past, and it is still ready to protect the forest. The main story starts when some people decide to go to the Shady Creeks for their own different reasons.

There is a group of woodcutters. They used to cut trees near Angel Pine but the trees are almost getting exhausted. Now they are going to Shady Creeks where there is plenty of trees.

The Triads, the only dominating gang in smuggling of weed. This days the police are on the neck of the Triads so they have to find a new hideout where they can stock their supply. Well you can guess where the hideout will be. Shady Creeks.

The environment champions is a group that makes sure that the environment remains cle


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Added by Grim Reaper on Dec 01 2011, 11:50
Who's there?
Added by luýs on Jan 27 2012, 15:24
thýs fýle ýs not workýng dude :(
Added by PissMeOf on Mar 19 2013, 11:19
I AM There :D

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