DYOM » Missions » Dead World #6: Good plan

Dead World #6: Good plan

By basketziga

basic description: There are a lot of very bad scenarios how world will end but what if it end with a zombie apocalypse. When the virus first appeared it didn't take a lot of time to turn a very beautiful planet in the ''Dead World''. In this world you will have to do everything to survive, fight zombies, finding food and ammo and making smart decisions. Can you survive ?

description of the mission: Los Santos is becoming more dangerous every day and zombies know where the group is hiding, so it's time to get out of Los Santos, but for that you need something that will take you away.
Note: In this mission you get to choose something. If you want to know how did your choice affect on the story read the file called: Choose IMPORTANT

Download part 5 ( Way back pt.2 ) over here: http://dyom.gtagames.nl/show/24431

You wanna know a detailed description of all the characters and all updateds ? Check ''Dead World'' on GTAForums.com: http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?s=a1961f53460f1e40a272b04694f1fc73&showtopic=547624

Please don't forget to rate and comment I will appreciate your opinion ;)


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Added by King on Mar 24 2013, 13:17
Awesome worked
Added by King on Mar 24 2013, 13:19
Added by Switz on Mar 29 2013, 21:18
I download it works perfectly and when I put in charge mission nothing happens ... please help

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