DYOM » Missions » The Last of Us - Episode 1. Part 8

The Last of Us - Episode 1. Part 8

By Harrison_West

The Last of Us - Episode 1. Part 8
It Only Takes a Bullet

IMPORTANT READ!!: Part 8 gives alot of crashes on CLEO 4, so It's highly recommended to degrade to CLEO 3, no worries, CLEO 3 will not messed DYOM up

1993, September 4th, the end of the world was not as we predicted, too many humans, not enough resources, when the civil war broke out, everything was in total dispair, many humans died for freedom, some of them died for land, money, when everything was over, everyone thought, everything would be calm again, they were wrong, another epidemic was on the rise, but not the usual ones, sick people are dying, and when they died, they rise again, not as one of us, we are the prey, and they are the predators, humanity was almost extinct, but some of us, luckily survived, but we didn't know, We are the Last of Us
For more details, click this link
NOTE: I encountered a dozens of crash while testing this part, so, in any case this happens, I recommend to re-install CLEO.

**Don't forget to comment, rate, and also, ENJOY! **


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Added by Martincho on May 04 2013, 20:17
Really nice mission man, it's really interesting, i liked it so 5 stars, but it really crashed a lot of times...
And I have CLEO 3
Added by Harrison_West on May 04 2013, 20:23
@Martincho, I was making this on CLEO 4 but it crashes alot, so I degrade at CLEO 3, so, in any case it still crashes on CLEO 3, I would recommend to re-install CLEO 3. trust me it works :)
Added by Martincho on May 04 2013, 20:43
Ok cool, but I finished the mission, i had to played it 2 times to win it xD
Added by Harrison_West on May 04 2013, 20:55
Congratulations on finishing it

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