DYOM » StoryLines » Zombies in Desert

Zombies in Desert

By Crazzyl3oyy

In the first mission your boss tells you that zombies exist and then he becomes a zombie. You must kill him then when you want to go home you will see some zombies outside you will take a shotgun from your boss' room and kill them then you will find a car maybe it's your boss' and drive home. In the second you will remember that you forget your ID card in your boss' room and you will go to take it back. But when you go you will see some zombies again. You must kill them take the ID card and drive back home. In the third mission you will wake up then see some zombies in front of your windows and you will take your shotgun and then kill them. In the fourth you will receive a call from a man. He will say that he is on the Abandoned Airstrip and you must take him in your house. You need to find him and drive to your home and he won't like your house because it's too small for 2 men and you must find a house for sale and buy it together. He will say that you will talk next morning (next mission). And on the last mission you will sleep and your boss will be in the toilet pooping. You will wake up and go to see what is that smell. He finishes his work and runs away from the smell. He says that he won't clean the shit and you must clean it. After cleaning it you will start vomiting (puking). The boss will leave the house then place bombs near your house and you will be dead and he will buy him a flat. (Your boss ever wanted to kill you)


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Added by Alessandro on Sep 13 2015, 11:41
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