[MP] The Police Business

Hello, guys. I'm new here and I've made first mission pack series that I hope you'll like it. Since I've started making in lot of months to finish this, with lot of effort for this mission pack. It contains 29 missions and 4 chapters on it. So, I hope you play it enjoyfully :)
In the city of Los Angeles, it is full of crimes and gangsters all around the city. The polices had a hard time to clear the particular problems. Steve "Scaraff" Ben Johns, the new recruit of the police forces and services. He always wanted to be a police since his childhood to protect and serve the community and city of LA. However, due to his "higher level of protecting the citizens", he suggested the citizens is in danger from the even infuriate and derange unknown gangs, causing him more confusion in mistake way. He'll try his best to clear the problem all around the community..
*Download the sound effects for more realism. Here's the link: https://www.sendspace.com/file/f47z18
*It doesn't connected to GTA Timeline. So, it's settings was set in alternate real world. I did this because I want real world.
*It quite humorous when having characters with weird names. It is their own callsign.
*When you're using headset, make sure you adjust your volume correctly what suits your hearing. The sounds may not properly optimized.
08/13 - First release of this mission
12/28 - see Changelog.txt in the archive
Hello, guys. I'm new here and I've made first mission pack series that I hope you'll like it. Since I've started making in lot of months to finish this, with lot of effort for this mission pack. It contains 29 missions and 4 chapters on it. So, I hope you play it enjoyfully :)
In the city of Los Angeles, it is full of crimes and gangsters all around the city. The polices had a hard time to clear the particular problems. Steve "Scaraff" Ben Johns, the new recruit of the police forces and services. He always wanted to be a police since his childhood to protect and serve the community and city of LA. However, due to his "higher level of protecting the citizens", he suggested the citizens is in danger from the even infuriate and derange unknown gangs, causing him more confusion in mistake way. He'll try his best to clear the problem all around the community..
*Download the sound effects for more realism. Here's the link: https://www.sendspace.com/file/f47z18
*It doesn't connected to GTA Timeline. So, it's settings was set in alternate real world. I did this because I want real world.
*It quite humorous when having characters with weird names. It is their own callsign.
*When you're using headset, make sure you adjust your volume correctly what suits your hearing. The sounds may not properly optimized.
08/13 - First release of this mission
12/28 - see Changelog.txt in the archive
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- Last Update
- Dec 30 '16
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- 18

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Added by GOTH_old on Aug 14 2016, 12:18
@Xaad - Thank you!
Added by Roxie on Nov 24 2016, 10:59
Cool MP
Added by GOTH_old on Nov 26 2016, 08:08
@Roxie - Thank you.
Added by Green Goo on Apr 15 2017, 15:55
Man you're a genius! I love this MP Keep designing missions!
Added by GOTH_old on Apr 28 2017, 11:59
@Green Goo - Thank you for your kind of words. Sorry, for late reply, I was kinda busy, that's all.
Added by Artty on Jun 11 2017, 18:05
The best series so far! Keep up the good work!
Added by GOTH_old on Jun 13 2017, 14:35
@Artty - Thank you!
Added by Shaun on Jun 25 2017, 14:35
Really good Mission pack
Added by Shaun on Jun 25 2017, 14:35
This is the best Police MP ever i have seen!
Added by Shaun on Jun 25 2017, 14:38
This is the best Police MP ever i have seen!
Added by GOTH_old on Jun 25 2017, 14:47
@Shaun - Avoid doublepost please, and thanks for your words on my MP.
Added by DeAdLy PyThOn on Oct 22 2017, 17:49
Looks so promising MP, surely play and give my feedback soon!
Added by S3DOx on Nov 18 2017, 21:14
Bro I Just Play The First Chapter And Its Realy Good And Funny [Grounaaad] Hahahah
Keep Up The Good Work
Keep Up The Good Work
Added by CyberDreamcast500 on Sep 30 2018, 22:37
This is pretty awesome for a first MP.
Added by Witherer on Nov 24 2019, 10:05
I've played a few missions then stopped, I thought it'd be boring since the start. I did download the sounds, it worked fine. I wanted to play this again but when I went through the website, it says that the file expiry date has reached. I had the possibility of downloading the file. Can you upload it again? I'll be pleased
Added by Witherer on Nov 25 2019, 13:39
Though you need some Grammar corrections, this is great!
5/5 rating
5/5 rating
Added by M.B. Kovas on Jul 31 2021, 18:49
Hello. I have played some of your "The Police Business" in my walkthrough channel on YouTube. Be sure to check it out!
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