DYOM » Missions » I didn't post that

I didn't post that

By Toguro45

WTF! I was hacked or something? Must be the fake Spyder screwing things up so pls delete that lol


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Added by spyderblack66 on Jul 31 2018, 20:11
you stole my mission you report your mother's shell child retarded mental rat you imitate everything idiot!
Added by toguro45 on Jul 31 2018, 20:29
facking retardfacking retardfacking retardfacking retardfacking retardfacking retardfacking retardfacking retardfacking retardfacking retardfacking retardfacking retardfacking retardfacking retardfacking retardfacking retardfacking retardfacking retardfacking retardfacking retardfacking retardfacking retardfacking retardfacking retardfacking retardfacking retardfacking retardfacking retardfacking retardfacking retardfacking retardfacking retard
Added by YoshiFan Gaming on Aug 05 2018, 11:11
+spyderblack66 You're that idiot from the Discord server.
Added by Retard Toguro45 on Aug 14 2018, 16:21
YoshiFan Gaming facking retard your missions is boring all motherfuckers!
Added by Toguro45 on Aug 16 2018, 20:58
Retard Toguro45 Let me guess, you also rated all his missions with one star lmao
Added by Lava Alex on Sep 09 2018, 06:20
fuck you fake account retard toguro45 and Toguro45 lmao fuck you nigga rat boys
Added by Lava Alex on Sep 09 2018, 06:20
fuck you fake account retard toguro45 and Toguro45 lmao fuck you nigga rat boys
Added by Water Alex on Sep 09 2018, 06:26
fuck you nigaaaaaaa I didn't post that trash trash mission boring
Added by Water Alex on Sep 09 2018, 17:27

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