DYOM » Missions » COTFL: A Toast for Vipers #2 - Ashley I

COTFL: A Toast for Vipers #2 - Ashley I


Chronicles of the Forsaken Lands: Part 1 - A Toast for Vipers

Chapter 2: Ashley I

Please make sure to install correctly the SD and CLEO folders that are in the .zip file with the mission. If you have any doubt about the location where you have to place them, read the text files that will tell you the location of each folder.

A long time ago, in forgotten lands of the Pacific Ocean, lived people long before their own time, with a monarchical political system and social classes, divided in Six Great Nations who lives for a long time in harmony. In the Capital, the city starts to plan the great meeting of the six leaders, who seeks to keep the peace between the nations through diplomatic conversations. In the Colony forests, the Young Prince seeks to form a new crew of counselors while surrounded by snakes who wants him dead. In the South, the right arm of the Queen of the Bay tries to conciliate the interests of her Queen and her own sister, leader of another nation and her main opponent. In the Tiger’s Lair, the Queen takes care of her King, weak due to an attack, while he tries to find trustworthy substitutes for the great meeting. And in the North Mountains, the King of Tall Town starts to plot an investigation against other leaders he mistrust. But will he be able to keep his cover in order to maintain peace, even if it means to participate of this whole toast for vipers?

In Chronicles of the Hexagon, there’s not only one playable character. Instead, there is many of them, who take turns in each mission in a way the point of view of each contributes to the story’s flow.


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