DYOM » Text Tutorials » How to make the text in colour

How to make the text in colour

By diegoxxd

these are the steps to change the color of the letters:

1. Make a cutscene, text of introduction, etc...
2. Write names of things, people, and for example you enter "Daily" to add some color need to put + (the color you want) + and put the name or anything and if you want to stop putting the color red and normally want to erase, you place + w +
3. these are the colors that can be put: + r + for red, + w + for white, + y + for yellow, + b + for blue, +g+ for green, +p+ for purple.

That's all, I hope you liked it and hope you have served the trick, goodbye!


Oct 29 '13
Last Update
Dec 24 '13


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