DYOM » Text Tutorials » List of actor animations

List of actor animations

By Greenchicken

These are the animations that can be selected on actors.
0. Holding Gun
1. Talking
2. Sticking finger up
3. Leaning over counter
4. Crouching
5. Sitting down with hands in lap
6. Possibly using a machine/giving someone something
7. Tai Chi
8. Hailing Taxi
9. Scratching penis
10. Sticking finger up
11. Waving
12. Adjusting/using something
13-14 Slow dancing
15. Cleaning Counter
16. Bring it on
17. Gangster Talk
18-19. Cheering Signals
20. Cheering
21. Spanking
22. Pointing gun
23. Butt slap
24. Putting hands up
25. Looking around
26. Looking at sky
27. Shouting into sky
28. Pointing
29-30. Epsilon Program/Cult signals
31. Shouting
32. Shouting and Waving
33. Yelling
34. Leaning face on wall, knocking and complaining
35. Drinking
36. Fighting
37-38. Gangster Talk
39-40. Homie Love/Hug
41. Light dancing
42. Dancing
43-44. Light Dancing
45. Weird Dancing
46. Crazy dance
47-49. Lying/Sitting on ground/against wall
50. Wacking someone on the ground with a melee weapon
51. Looking around erratically
52. Punching grounded opponent
53. Kicking grounded opponent
54. Fighting stance
55. Slaping grounded opponent
56. Karate stance
57-58. Drunk
59. Kicking downed opponent
60. Light punch
61-68. Gangster talk
69. Pointing at/accusing someone
70-74. Erotic/Strip club dancing
75-77. Bring it on
78. Curled up in a ball shaking
79. Lying on floor lifting head
Sit in Nearest Car
Leave Nearest Car
Enter Nerarest Car


Mar 04 '14
Last Update
Mar 04 '14


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