DYOM » Text Tutorials » How To Solve Invisible Checkpoint Bug

How To Solve Invisible Checkpoint Bug

By Casualmind

Hello guys, in this tutorial I'm gonna show you "How to Solve Invisble Checkpoint Bug". Basicly, this problems will appeared when you reach over 20 objectives in your mission. Follow these steps to solve it.

1. First, Press "Y" then choose "Objective"
2. Then, choose "add objectives"
3. Select "Add Env. Objectives"
4. Select "Cut Scenes"
5. Select "Static"
6. After that, try to rotate the camera where's the checkpoint location who contains bug.
7. Then, Press "F" to cancel.
8. Done. The checkpoint will be visible like before (Normal).

P.S: If this bug keep occured, just repeat these steps.

Hope this Helps!
Made by: Blues2030


Aug 03 '13
Last Update
Jun 21 '16


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