DYOM » Text Tutorials » How to Show Objective in a cutscene(Vehicle or Actor)

How to Show Objective in a cutscene(Vehicle or Actor)

By Faizan Alim

Faizan's Gaming zone Tutorial's

So, You Wana show objective in a cutscene

there are only for vehicle or actor

Follow my steps

1.Make Vehicle or Actor in anywere you wana(Not Objective)
2.create a Cutscene and show Vehicle or Actor in a Cutscene and type Text
example of Text:For Vehicle=Distroy the ~r~Vehicle~w~, or Get in ~b~Vehicle~w~
For Actor= Kill the ~r~Name~w~
3.Then Hide Actor or Vehicle
4.Then add Objective Actor or Vehicle at in same Position

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Sep 05 '13
Last Update
Sep 05 '13


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