DYOM » Members » TheNewGenGamer

Profile of TheNewGenGamer

Hi ! I am TheNewGenGamer......my real name is Lalit Kumar. I Like to make missions but i am unable to make too many because i don't get time to start my PC......because i am only 13 years old.... Thanks !


MembergroupDYOM Designer
RespectListI respect only those who look and download my missions..
Gtaforums.com Username


Member Stats

Apr 25 '14
Last Login
Mar 10 '24
Missions made
3 Avg: -
Trailers made
VideoTuts made
TextTuts made
Comments made
Ratings made

Mission List

MissionNameLast UpdateRatingViewsDownloadsComments
End Of The Line Pt.4Apr 25 2014, 12:16-8011961
End Of The Line Pt.5 V 2.0Apr 26 2014, 14:28-5681790
End Of The Line Pt.6 V 3.0Apr 27 2014, 10:10-6771680


Added by Dhiman on May 07 2014, 12:29
Nice Missions, Check out mine.
Added by Dhiman on May 13 2014, 11:02
Listen dude, DYOM Website cannot handle Missions anymore, so you have to upload them to any other site and give me the link. and about the Player model, i assume you to use the ped id 120.
Added by TheNewGenGamer on Jun 11 2014, 06:24
Thanks for the advice ! I am making a new mission named as "After the ending", so please do wait and check out my mission..
Thanks again !
You make good missions Dhiman ! Bye !
Added by Dhiman on Jul 02 2014, 16:08
Thanks again.

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