DYOM » Members » Totalem12

Profile of Totalem12

hamarosan kijön a grove street vs ballas utoso epizoda és sweet el megy ha vége van enek a ballas ögy nek és 1-2 év mulva visz tér és smoke fogja várni repteren és. Asztán egybõl el kel menni a már 2 nap mulva egy auto csempészek tõl egy B****** jó kocsit és ha meg van egy új rész jõ megint

soon be coming out of the grove street vs Ballas striking episodes and sweet in the end if you go to the National Assembly has, and Ballas takes 1-2 years from now will wait for space and airport, and smoke. Go straight to the table comes two days after a car is from one traffickers B ****** good car and if you are a new part comes in again (WARNING ONLY FOR HUNGARIAN Englis comes out does not come out! ONLY translated Englis RE )


MembergroupDYOM Designer
Gtaforums.com Usernamealex


Member Stats

Jan 20 '12
Last Login
Sep 06 '12
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Mission List

MissionNameLast UpdateRatingViewsDownloadsComments
rendor vok es keszJan 20 2012, 17:14-7389150
[HUN]the lost a jeferson hotel ban Mar 01 2012, 15:28-18119535
[HUN]the lost motoros banda oldozeseMar 01 2012, 16:29-10698692


Added by larosco on Jan 20 2012, 16:26
ello there, welcome to dyom. have fun :D
Added by cuacky on Jan 20 2012, 18:09
welcome to dyom!

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