DYOM » Members » nandack

Profile of nandack

GTA SA Lover, Mod Freaks. Learning to make my own mission.
Twitter: @NandackCahyo

My mission always go to the phase of Introduction - Mission - Tweaking - Another Tweaking - End. But not always like that, just use that method.
Maintain objective and cutscene for better gameplay and stories.

First Uploaded storyline:Queen of Road - Chapter 1

Link: Download Here

19 Years old Young Man | Indonesian | Programmer | Web Developer | Musician | Magician | Comic | Gamer

GTAFORUMS: nandack


Storylines created:

Do you see the textbox at the bottom page? Use it to give me feedbacks.


MembergroupDYOM Designer
Birthdate2 November 1995
RespectListDutchy3010, PatrickW and DYOM Designer whoever they are.
Gtaforums.com Usernamenandack


Member Stats

Jul 12 '14
Last Login
Dec 24 '14
Missions made
19 Avg: 4.9
Trailers made
VideoTuts made
TextTuts made
2 Avg: 4.9
Comments made
Ratings made
10 Avg: 4.1

Mission List

MissionNameLast UpdateRatingViewsDownloadsComments
Queen of Road - Chapter 1 (Pack)Jul 20 2014, 11:0258573132
QoR Chapter 1: Queen of Road (1)Jul 20 2014, 18:32572914272
QoR Chapter 1: Back to RaceJul 20 2014, 19:05577515872
Queen of Road - Chapter 1 (Pack)Jul 21 2014, 02:18517854387
Queen of Road 1 - Mission 2Jul 22 2014, 04:1558862781
Queen of Road 1 - Mission 3Jul 22 2014, 04:2857582581
Queen of Road 1 - Mission 4Jul 22 2014, 04:3257233211
Queen of Road 1 - Mission 5Jul 22 2014, 04:3557722761
Queen of Road 1 - Mission 6Jul 22 2014, 10:5457962541
Queen of Road 1 - Mission 7 (2m challengJul 22 2014, 10:5758692681
Queen of Road 1 - Chapter 1 Final - MissJul 22 2014, 13:3858063021
The Mad CopJul 25 2014, 20:185133716752
Nandack: Wind of ChangeJul 26 2014, 18:555115616363
Souls for MoneyJul 28 2014, 10:135104614850
Nandack: World of BloodJul 30 2014, 04:54511113361
Nandack: Angry Mobs!Jul 30 2014, 04:55512273352
The Unforgiven Sins 1Aug 03 2014, 06:0559993941
Clown and ClawsAug 03 2014, 17:483103015840
Nightlife PartnerAug 03 2014, 17:48512363807

Text Tutorial List

Make Dinamic Action Key Objective for Your MissionJul 20 2014, 08:484123
Tips for Lag, Hang and Crash during Editing Your MissionJul 20 2014, 08:534127


Added by Mateus H. on Jul 12 2014, 18:23
welcome to DYOM
Added by unnamed on Jul 19 2014, 05:19
Added by nandack on Jul 19 2014, 06:53
Welcome to my profile.
Added by Casualmind on Jul 19 2014, 21:32
Hallo, salam kenal. ;)
Added by nandack on Jul 20 2014, 06:33
salam kenal Varro
Added by Huzaifa on Jul 20 2014, 11:53
Hello, friend nice to meet you :)
Added by nandack on Jul 20 2014, 13:24
Nice to meet you too Huzaifa
Added by unnamed on Jul 21 2014, 02:10
Oh you're Indonesian too , oh yeah , i'm glad to see you :)
Added by nandack on Jul 21 2014, 02:13
Thanks bro
Added by unnamed on Jul 22 2014, 05:32
hey , you're girl?
Added by nandack on Jul 22 2014, 06:10
No, I write 19 years old Young Man on my profile. Why you think that I am girl?
Added by GTAIVFan17 on Jul 22 2014, 18:13
Because you have a profile picture of a girl.
Added by nandack on Jul 23 2014, 15:54
Just the pict of my cousin, is that bothering you all? I am absolutely 100% male. But not sure to change it with my own, at least there is an eye-catching on my profile.
Added by RapperG on Jul 24 2014, 04:58
Hello i am God
Added by nandack on Jul 24 2014, 05:15
Hey RapperG are you the same guy with an account named AdamArtz or something like that?
Added by gheorghem on Jul 26 2014, 10:46
Hi, yes, as I was saying, the glitch appears when you follow Varo to the stadium. The conversation goes something like "I know you've had some trouble" and then, somewhere among the next 2 lines, the game crashes
Added by gheorghem on Jul 26 2014, 10:48
It seems to happen if you use too many timeouts one after another (I used to have the same problem with one of my missions actually), so that may be the reason.
Added by nandack on Jul 26 2014, 11:34
Wait a minute, I play it but nothing wrong. Maybe I should check it. Well, timeouts for that stage after varo and his bike is spawned are double checker actually. I put a long timeout before the phone is ringing. It could be better if I use invisible checkpoints, but that will be a big glitch if the player doesn't use the track that I made for Varo. I'll check it again.
Added by GTAIVFan17 on Jul 26 2014, 16:23
@nandack I didn't say it was bothering me did I? I'm just saying it's a bit strange to have a picture of a girl if you say you're a male.
Added by nandack on Jul 26 2014, 17:15
ok, I will change it. But not now.
Added by gheorghem on Jul 26 2014, 18:26
ok, cool! =D
by the way, how old is your cousin? she's pretty =)
Added by nandack on Jul 26 2014, 18:50
17 maybe, I am older. But I will change it because everyone think that I am a girl although I wrote young man. Funny enough, she is Indonesian.
Added by gheorghem on Jul 26 2014, 19:59
ahah, ok sorry =D
but why not just reply on a person's profile?
Added by gheorghem on Jul 26 2014, 20:00
I mean, instead of replying on your profile AND on theirs...
also, what's the big deal if she's Indonesian?
Added by gheorghem on Jul 26 2014, 21:31
um, no, we're neighbors of Ukraine, who are neighbors of Russia =D
but we do have many Russians or Russian wannabe's =P
Added by Huzaifa on Jul 27 2014, 00:13
Man, I play your mission mad cop and it seriously enjoyable keep working mate :) And also play my gang war Juniper Hill Conflict hope you like it :)
Added by Huzaifa on Jul 27 2014, 11:07
Thank you very much for your very long review. I highly appreciated it :) If I want any I should ask you :)
Added by Huzaifa on Jul 27 2014, 11:08
What do you think I can't make more gang wars or not ?
Added by Huzaifa on Jul 27 2014, 11:09
Oh! sorry I means do you think I'm good in making gang war missions or not ?
Added by RedStarRising on Jul 27 2014, 14:24
i like your missions nandack,not sure if your a female/male but consider me,your mission player :)
Added by nandack on Jul 27 2014, 14:38
Thanks, I am a man for sure.
Added by gheorghem on Jul 28 2014, 20:26
I haven't checked it yet
Added by gheorghem on Jul 29 2014, 19:14
hmm, ok, I'll keep an eye ;)
Added by gheorghem on Jul 29 2014, 19:24
ok, so about mission 3 in Michele - I've turned off map and hud, but it still crashed =(
Added by gheorghem on Jul 29 2014, 20:19
mission 4, when you start the race, M's car doesn't want to drive forward, there's like an invisible wall in front of it. same for the final mission (there's the wall in front of your bus).
also, in the last mission, Reyn fell off a cliff, so he couldn't finish the race even if he had to =D
and, in some missions, the camera is off focus (too low or to high, or too much to the left, etc.)
overal, quite nice missions, loved the decorations on the last one =)
Added by gheorghem on Jul 29 2014, 20:45
hah, sounds interesting =)
Added by gheorghem on Jul 29 2014, 21:13
yeah, ok.
I'm working on a next series of LatexCat missions as we speak =)
Added by gheorghem on Jul 30 2014, 03:04
could you give me the full list of the Unforgiven Sins missions? because I can only find:
4) The Mad Cop
5) Wind of Change
6) Souls for Money

also, upload the Guns lady!
Added by gheorghem on Jul 30 2014, 13:49
ah, yeah, I've already played nightlife partner =D
Added by gheorghem on Jul 30 2014, 23:17
Ok, so about the U.S. missions:
Mission 1: The grove guys are refered to as "homies" which I found wrong.
Mission 2: Why did the people start rioting? And why come to the observatory anyway?
Mission 3: (already commented)
Mission 4: (no complaints)
Mission 5: Says "mission failed" as soon as I get inside the special cop car. Is it supposed to be like that?
Mission 6: Why didn't Nandack shoot Pulaski instead of Don? Pulaski didn't have a gun, after all...
Mission 7: Why did the
Added by gheorghem on Jul 30 2014, 23:18
Mission 7: Why did the guys at the club start shooting? Why is Pulaski's brother a woman? (or is it a language thing?)

Overal, pretty decent =)
Added by gheorghem on Jul 31 2014, 15:47
5) then, I guess, Pulaski's car get into an accident...that's why I'm failing the mission...
6) oh, so there already were the cops around the house...ok then.
7) so...Franchise attacked Pulaski or something?
ok, so that explains it about Pulaski's brother =D
Added by gheorghem on Jul 31 2014, 16:26
ok. sorry to piss you off (if I did =D )
Added by gheorghem on Jul 31 2014, 17:53
yeah, everyone's playing gta5 these days >.>
Added by gheorghem on Jul 31 2014, 17:54
although we do seem to have at least 1 new member every day =D
Added by gheorghem on Jul 31 2014, 19:01
heh, sad though =
imagine that! my notebook can play SA! =D
Added by gheorghem on Jul 31 2014, 19:42
well yeah, but you know how back in the day, SA was just so much heavier than VC... =D
Added by gheorghem on Aug 03 2014, 14:37
dude, the final mission crashes before I enter Mon's house :(
Added by gheorghem on Aug 04 2014, 21:17
ok, so I've tried it again, and it finally works! but now it crashes once N says "wait, wait, yes again"
Added by unnamed on Aug 15 2014, 12:01
Nice mission , please join our community of dyom www.dyomclub.esy.es/index.php
Added by gheorghem on Sep 01 2014, 12:46
hey, man, what's going on with you? how're the missions going?
Added by Karan55 on Mar 13 2015, 09:02
i did n't think that girls too played gta...
Added by Alessandro on Aug 02 2015, 16:44
Hello nandack My Name Alessandro

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