DYOM » Members » D-guy

Profile of D-guy

I'm D-Guy i'm the junior DYOM Designer
so if in my mission i have a little mistake,
teach me how to fix it,
if you guys teach me i will be happy... ;)


MembergroupDYOM Designer
LocationLas Venturas
RespectListSpecial thanks to: Dutchy3010,

Thanks to: xGhostx,Arejai,Christian23,Galactic.
Gtaforums.com UsernameD-Guy


Member Stats

Aug 15 '14
Last Login
Oct 11 '14
Missions made
41 Avg: 5
Trailers made
VideoTuts made
TextTuts made
Comments made
Ratings made
1 Avg: 5.0

Mission List

MissionNameLast UpdateRatingViewsDownloadsComments
The FightSep 05 2014, 13:16555510362
xXx : Help YorgiSep 07 2014, 18:11-75210470
Jose Cortez Story: Party in Los SantosSep 11 2014, 14:25-59810660
It's time to race! [Bad Mission]Sep 11 2014, 16:44-67310660
Ballas mission: Kill VagosSep 13 2014, 06:44570712442
Scary Nights : IntroductionSep 13 2014, 09:02-63312330
[MOTW #1] Jose Cortez Story : Kill JimmySep 13 2014, 09:04-68911880
Jose Cortez Story: Steal Police CarsSep 13 2014, 14:46-71410760
The end of Jose Cortez Story: The paybacSep 14 2014, 13:51-56910640
Ballas mission: Kill AztecasSep 15 2014, 15:11-64111740
Ballas mission: Take Out Grove streetsSep 15 2014, 15:13-61210470
[MOTW#2] The Survivors [Pt.1]Sep 17 2014, 12:53-63612550
L.S Heroes: IntroSep 19 2014, 13:16558011360
L.S Heroes: IntroSep 19 2014, 13:16-55210330
CoD [Pt.1] : The ChoiceSep 20 2014, 14:10-50110311
CoD [Pt.1] : The ChoiceSep 20 2014, 14:11-56610630
CoD [Pt.1] : The ChoiceSep 20 2014, 14:11-54010420
CoD [Pt.1] : The ChoiceSep 20 2014, 14:12-5149190
CoD [Pt.1] : The ChoiceSep 20 2014, 14:12-5079590
CoD [Pt.1] : The ChoiceSep 20 2014, 14:12-5489790
CoD [Pt.1] : The ChoiceSep 20 2014, 14:12-53310560
CoD [Pt.1] : The ChoiceSep 20 2014, 14:12-52411410
CoD [Pt.1] : The ChoiceSep 20 2014, 14:12-51910760
CoD [Pt.1] : The ChoiceSep 20 2014, 14:12-5099940
CoD [Pt.1] : The ChoiceSep 20 2014, 14:13-52110520
CoD [Pt.1] : The ChoiceSep 20 2014, 14:13-52010540
CoD [Pt.1] : The ChoiceSep 20 2014, 14:13-49610050
CoD [Pt.1] : The ChoiceSep 20 2014, 14:14-52112440
CoD [Pt.1] : The ChoiceSep 20 2014, 14:14-51510670
CoD [Pt.1] : The ChoiceSep 20 2014, 14:15-53610570
CoD [Pt.1] : The ChoiceSep 20 2014, 14:15-52112090
Missione CompletaSep 20 2014, 14:17-54610410
CoD [Pt.1] : The ChoiceSep 20 2014, 14:17-57011240
the missionSep 20 2014, 14:19-56511530
Indonesian MissionSep 20 2014, 14:20-56810890
SomethingSep 20 2014, 14:21-55612460
DougSep 20 2014, 14:22-51510140
The BallSep 20 2014, 14:23-49711470
SanViceSep 20 2014, 14:24-54911440
Missione CompletaSep 20 2014, 14:25-55210250
DougSep 20 2014, 14:25-54810940


Added by Christian23 on Sep 18 2014, 11:12
Hey Man!!! This Is Christian23 I Respect You Too Man....
Added by abdulrahman on Nov 26 2014, 12:32
nice mission.....please play my mission (police vs vagos)

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