DYOM » Members » lee_atsugai

Profile of lee_atsugai

"Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light."


MembergroupDYOM Designer
Birthdate10 April 1999
Gtaforums.com UsernameLee.


Member Stats

Feb 11 '12
Last Login
Aug 19 '23
Missions made
49 Avg: 4.2
Trailers made
1 Avg: 5
VideoTuts made
TextTuts made
Comments made
Ratings made
23 Avg: 4.9

Mission List

MissionNameLast UpdateRatingViewsDownloadsComments
The End is Here! [DYOM #5 Contest]Feb 18 2012, 08:264.2173724114
BUYSAG - Desert Eagles - Team PlayerMar 15 2012, 14:49597613970
BUYSAG - Desert Eagles - Snatch and GrabMar 16 2012, 12:38-97811980
[DW - TDC] The First MurderMar 23 2012, 09:57-105614420
[DW - TDC] New House, New FriendMar 24 2012, 04:34-113313200
[DW - TDC] Capture the Van!Mar 24 2012, 05:46-106613664
[DW - TDC] A Date With JessicaMar 24 2012, 11:584115412902
[DW - TDC] RevengeMar 26 2012, 06:17-114315460
[Gangster and the Army] In the BeginningMar 27 2012, 15:17-156015870
[Gangster and the Army] Face Your FearMar 27 2012, 15:18-112815650
[Gangster and the Army] CQB TestMar 27 2012, 15:18-113416950
[Gangster and the Army] The Delta ForcesMar 27 2012, 15:19-110813730
[Gangster and the Army] A Fatal ProtectiMar 27 2012, 15:23-100613610
[Gangster and the Army] Chinatown WarMar 27 2012, 15:23-117714442
Gangster and the Army Act 1Mar 27 2012, 15:25-23133840
[Gangster and the Army] Op. Black RainMar 27 2012, 15:25-111915470
[Gangster and the Army] El SindicatoMar 27 2012, 15:26-105614630
[Gangster and the Army] Loose EndsMar 27 2012, 15:27-107613960
[The Dead Souls] Hunter KillerApr 05 2012, 18:07-85915190
[The Dead Souls] The RescueApr 06 2012, 09:34-81612120
[Co2016:RoTF141] Night of DoomApr 11 2012, 16:35-98114202
[Co2016:RoTF141]Alive in DarknessApr 14 2012, 13:38-77812520
[Co2016:RoTF141] Ghost WarriorApr 18 2012, 12:45-111214200
Co2016:RoTF141 Chapter 1Apr 24 2012, 11:05318955482
[Co2016:RoTF141] AvengersApr 25 2012, 05:57-120816210
The Dead Souls-Remake FullMay 05 2012, 08:30-14253717
[Co2016:RoTF141]Desperate EscapeMay 13 2012, 12:33-105913592
[Co2016:RoTF141]Anti Task ForceMay 16 2012, 16:26-110313850
[Co2016:RoTF141]Medical SituationMay 17 2012, 04:49-118713900
[BUYSAG v6] RebirthMay 26 2012, 08:40-105713170
[Co2016:RoTF141] WolverinesJun 12 2012, 13:00-107214740
[Co2016:RoTF141] LS FreedomJun 19 2012, 06:29-71713780
Co2016:RoTF141 Chapter 2Jun 19 2012, 06:33-18624241
[Co2016:RoTF141] LV SiegeJun 21 2012, 15:31-106614800
Find Makarov: Operation KingfishJun 25 2012, 03:26-164816440
[BUYSAG]There is Only WarJul 16 2012, 11:47-87715380
[BUYSAG] Retaking Our LandJul 18 2012, 14:41-101612950
[One Shot] Go F*ck YourselfSep 06 2012, 16:08-76112550
[One Shot] Go F*ck YourselfSep 06 2012, 16:08-80313480
The Dead Souls 2 - Prelude MissionOct 25 2012, 15:53-79511630
[Co2016:RoTF141] Siege of Las VenturasJun 18 2013, 09:14-83612880
[Co2016:RoTF141] ContigencySep 26 2013, 17:28-85613260
[Co2016:RoTF141] FirewallOct 01 2013, 15:37-67912030
[Co2016:RoTF141] StrongholdOct 06 2013, 21:17-79712020
Co2016:RoTF141 Chapter 3Oct 12 2013, 04:46-6892410
Crisis of 2016: Rage of Task Force 141Oct 12 2013, 04:494.75760613071
[Paradox] Into the StormOct 22 2014, 10:17-80812520
[Paradox] One Step AheadOct 30 2014, 10:02-83913650
[DYOM Contest #9] The ArenaDec 28 2017, 16:064.571610783

Trailer List

DYOM Puzzle 2 by xGhostx Speedrun - 3:52Jan 27 2018, 06:195


Added by lee_atsugai on Apr 23 2012, 12:44
Crisis of 2016 : Rage of Task Force 141 Chapter 2 will be released in a .zip file. Play and give feedback for Chapter 1 please ;)

Added by VergilDD on Apr 27 2012, 14:22
Ok i'll play and rate your missions. :)
Added by lee_atsugai on Apr 28 2012, 07:30
Thanks man :)
Added by CLEOMASTER on Jul 03 2012, 13:26
THANKS for answer my question thank you very much and be prepaid for my mission.it will be realiz when it realiz i will tell you and please send the realiz date to your freinds.
it will be extreme cool mission.
Added by caio3771 on Jul 19 2012, 03:07
Good missions man.
Added by lee_atsugai on Jul 22 2012, 17:44
Thanks :)
Added by Samuel Aditya on Aug 11 2013, 04:22
Lee are you indonesian?
Added by lee_atsugai on Sep 30 2013, 16:47
Yes, I am.
Added by ADib154 on Jan 07 2017, 10:22
Added by GuerreroX on Dec 28 2017, 18:23
Hey bro!is good to see you making DYOM Mission Again!I Added you to respect list

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