DYOM » Members » SmokeRail

Profile of SmokeRail

Comunicado Importante!

Eu Mudei de Conta, todas as séries menos as séries abaixo estão oficialmente canceladas!

Séries Não Canceladas:

The Walking Death
[SL] Grove Street Stories '85

Atenção, somente as séries acima, NÃO estão canceladas.

Se quiserem ver meu novo perfil, acesse clicando AQUI


MembergroupDYOM Designer
LocationBrasil/São Paulo


Carl Johnson
Tony Montana
Wu Zi Mu
Tommy Vercetti
Tony Montana
Mateus H.
Trilogy Games
Woozy Games
Gtaforums.com UsernameNão tenho.


Member Stats

Jun 07 '15
Last Login
Jan 25 '16
Missions made
76 Avg: 4.8
Trailers made
VideoTuts made
TextTuts made
Comments made
Ratings made
18 Avg: 4.3

Mission List

MissionNameLast UpdateRatingViewsDownloadsComments
Série Tommy em San Andreas.Jun 07 2015, 18:064.512573913
Assalto (PT-BR)Jun 07 2015, 19:27511263876
Cj vai a caça paranormal #1 Arrumando uJun 09 2015, 03:255155017133
Sangue de Zumbi #1-Primeira vezJun 09 2015, 19:285159415053
Sangue de Zumbi #2 Indo para Los SantosJun 10 2015, 01:515131116722
O AcidenteJun 13 2015, 03:115150816191
Motorista Profissional #1 Pizzareiro (PTJun 20 2015, 18:325138715182
Motorista Profissional #2 TaxistaJun 20 2015, 18:365133815991
Gta Vice San Andreas TraillerJun 29 2015, 22:595139213144
Gta Vice San Andreas Trailler com musicaJun 29 2015, 23:0958793783
Skin Tommy VercettiJul 01 2015, 20:29511363472
Assalto ao Carro ForteJul 01 2015, 22:325151515501
Assalto ao Carro ForteJul 01 2015, 22:335143014251
Assalto á Pizzaria Dyom 8.1Jul 03 2015, 20:175137816401
Década de 1974Jul 03 2015, 21:385188315051
Crackeando Parte 01 Dyom 8.1Jul 04 2015, 23:1259022881
Crackeando Parte 02 Dyom 8.1Jul 05 2015, 18:595139917871
Sangue de Zumbi #FinalJul 12 2015, 21:12586914731
Sangue de Zumbi - CompletoJul 12 2015, 21:44515496131
Os Assassinatos Dyom 8.1Jul 14 2015, 23:14511103462
Murders - English USJul 15 2015, 01:4057412761
Scarface TWIY Parte 01Jul 24 2015, 00:12510964071
Mini Corrida (Missão Rápida) [PT BR]Jul 24 2015, 03:235102914441
The Walking Death 1° ParteJul 24 2015, 19:235252315682
The Walking Death 2° ParteJul 25 2015, 17:575188930332
Uma Viagem de Motorista de ÔnibusJul 26 2015, 03:1459183271
The Walking Death 3° ParteJul 26 2015, 16:535151022331
Ônibus ArticuladoJul 26 2015, 20:1758922812
Jogo do Slenderman #Nunca o ofendaJul 30 2015, 03:135354915591
O Dia de Guerra PT1Jul 31 2015, 00:02384514560
Big Smoke (Recriado) CJ MorreAug 07 2015, 18:25516116232
Assalto ao Carro Forte RemakeAug 09 2015, 20:25475514380
Um Dia de LegistaAug 10 2015, 01:03581014641
Crackeando Parte 03 Dyom 8.1Aug 10 2015, 21:06574014071
The Walking Death 4° ParteAug 11 2015, 20:185141819051
Matando o Presidente,Parte 01: PreparaçAug 19 2015, 19:285234721321
UFC Boxing 1992 [PT-BR] DYOM 8.1Aug 20 2015, 21:025150614780
Gta The Hardi's v1.0Aug 21 2015, 19:2659913242
Matando o Presidente,Preparação IIAug 22 2015, 20:135201621550
40° Missão: Tiro Contra TiroAug 22 2015, 22:01173016000
Matando o Presidente,Ação (Final)Aug 23 2015, 18:445149120340
Grand Theft Auto: Ballas StoriesAug 25 2015, 01:184.714496214711
DYOM 8.1 PT-BR e CLEO 4.3Aug 26 2015, 02:055378416683
Grand Theft Auto: The Hell Boys 1 [SL]Aug 29 2015, 22:554.339942982
(**Avisos Importantes**)Sep 01 2015, 03:2956952681
O Motel JeffersonSep 04 2015, 21:164.67112615930
Sleeping Dogs 1 Parte BRSep 10 2015, 17:505123714180
Slenderman: TOTAL TERRORSep 11 2015, 00:265635525715
Crackeando Parte 04 Dyom 8.1Sep 14 2015, 17:28-69715220
QUESTÕES IMPORTANTES!Sep 14 2015, 17:55-6752361
Festa do Tiro - Mafia 1Sep 14 2015, 23:13511733420
The Walking Death 5° ParteSep 15 2015, 22:01-144720130
The Walking Death 6° ParteSep 15 2015, 23:004129419331
The Walking Death 7° ParteSep 16 2015, 20:01-127119670
The Walking Death 8° ParteSep 17 2015, 22:43-129419550
The Walking Death 9° ParteSep 19 2015, 20:415115418610
The Walking Death 10° ParteSep 20 2015, 17:31-113317020
The Walking Death 11° ParteSep 21 2015, 20:17-111417570
The Walking Death 12° ParteSep 21 2015, 21:10-106817190
The Walking Death 13° ParteSep 23 2015, 01:16-113717551
*Questões Importantes 2*Sep 23 2015, 01:22-6902652
007 Em Ação |Dublado em Pontos|Sep 23 2015, 02:39-11254860
Mate Joe Barbaro - Mafia 1Sep 24 2015, 22:35511153661
The Walking Death 14° ParteSep 25 2015, 21:014110215971
Aluguel de Proteção - Mafia 1Sep 26 2015, 00:1657742514
The Walking Death 15° ParteOct 03 2015, 18:03-111318080
The Walking Death 16° ParteOct 05 2015, 20:21-101216620
Enviado Para MatarOct 06 2015, 21:22-119014530
The Walking Death 17° ParteOct 09 2015, 18:195125016232
Grove Street Stories '85 PreviewOct 12 2015, 18:19311813570
Roubando o Cassino: Introdução Parte 1Oct 12 2015, 18:58-7542930
Roubando o Cassino: Introdução Parte 2Oct 13 2015, 23:26-64914430
Roubando o Cassino: Preparações Parte Oct 16 2015, 15:41-71714220
Corrida do Ouro - Mafia 1Oct 18 2015, 02:40410042980
Thompson 1928 - Mafia IIOct 21 2015, 00:33-12213140
(AVISOS SOBRE A TWD)Oct 22 2015, 00:01-9572940


Added by SmokeRail on Jun 22 2015, 20:29
Aviso: Importante a Série "Cj Vai a Caça Paranormal",esta cancelada!
Added by Red on Jul 02 2015, 15:44
Added by abdulrahman on Jul 03 2015, 21:19
Added by abdulrahman on Jul 03 2015, 21:20
amesome missions lets be friands :)
Added by SmokeRail on Jul 04 2015, 01:34
abdulrahman add me on skype i am braziliam i no speak english
Added by 007gamer007 on Jul 05 2015, 22:05
cara me ajuda
Added by MateusDD3 on Jul 07 2015, 19:58
ai cara dps so aceitar skype
Added by 007gamer007 on Jul 09 2015, 18:52
cara quer parceria quero a
juda em missões

Added by 007gamer007 on Jul 09 2015, 18:52
meu skype e LeonardoGamerBr
Added by Libertyng on Jul 19 2015, 21:12
Ei, como faz esse bloco que mostra as séries e quando elas ficam prontas? Sabe me dizer?
Added by SmokeRail on Jul 24 2015, 03:38
Ei Libertyng,adicione me no skype que eu passo melhor o que vc quer
Added by RyagoT on Aug 09 2015, 03:33
Cara, ja arrumei o Bug da missão(pelo menos eu acho :V), caso queira testar a missão para ver se não tem outro bug, ficarei grato.
Added by JokerModsJK77 on Aug 19 2015, 16:35
Vamos fazer uma parceria?
Facebook: facebook.com/jokermodsjk77
Added by sam on Aug 25 2015, 18:53

Added by sam on Aug 25 2015, 18:54

Added by SmokeRail on Aug 26 2015, 02:55
Hello Sam
Added by Mateus H. on Aug 26 2015, 20:42
arrumai o link go GTA TG agora, testa lá http://dyom.gtagames.nl/show/33509 e avalia pá nóis :3 !
Added by Mateus H. on Aug 27 2015, 20:17
ae cara, tenta de novo, di uma última chance pro 4shared funcionar, tenta lá e avalia as missões!
Added by Gk3Brothers on Aug 29 2015, 02:24
Added by Mateus H. on Aug 29 2015, 11:36
não tenho skype, e minha net não aguenta.

Meu facebook: www.facebook.com/mateus.huebra
Added by Husnain on Sep 03 2015, 14:59
Good mission you have man check mine
Added by Sylvester0123 on Sep 05 2015, 06:36
downloads my mission
Added by JohnnyRoyale on Sep 11 2015, 01:30
Faz umas missoes com familia canibal, tipo panico na floresta :D ai eu gravo pro meu canal
Added by GTA_YOUTUBER on Sep 12 2015, 18:44
Good missions bro,5/5 To All :D
Added by Libertyng on Sep 13 2015, 17:57
Eai bro, um dia podiamos fazer uma storyline juntos, que se acha?
Added by Shadow_Fiend on Sep 17 2015, 08:31
Nice Mission My Friend, I Rate your all mission and please rate my mission too, if finish my mission thanks, ^^
Added by Esmeralda_EsquiloBR on Sep 20 2015, 05:57
eae parça quando sai o the walking death e tbm quero saber quando sai o crackeado duas series mto foda cara ta de parabens
Added by Heisenberg_GR on Sep 20 2015, 09:08
I'm recording with FRAPS and editing my videos with Movie Maker of Windows.
Added by Maiquito on Sep 23 2015, 03:11
Smoke, seu nome real é nathan?
Added by 007gamer007 on Sep 25 2015, 17:35

Added by Karketon_Br on Sep 26 2015, 15:11
Qual Progama Que vc faz essas animaçoes ? :)
Added by SmokeRail on Sep 26 2015, 16:45
#Karketon_Br Eu uso o Pivot, um animador que lhe permite criar animacoes com sticks.
Added by Karketon_Br on Sep 27 2015, 22:35
Ahh pivot ja usei ele uma vez vo baixar :)
Added by Ghost_Player_BR on Sep 30 2015, 01:27
Tu tem a mesma idade q eu moço '-' - Missões feras cara continua, to gostando muito de The Walking Dead :)
Added by 007gamer007 on Sep 30 2015, 21:13
ta fuck MT GENTE
Added by AnDReJ98 on Oct 01 2015, 17:24
You can download GTA United from here: http://www.gtainside.com/en/sanandreas/mods/16127-gta-united-1-1/
Added by SmokeRail on Oct 01 2015, 19:38
AnDReJ98 Thank you friend for the link,but my internet it's bad,and i only can download this mod with uTorrent.You have the link of this mod in Torrent?
Added by AnDReJ98 on Oct 02 2015, 20:39
Sorry but there is currently no United on torrent because it's already free so there is no reason for it to be uploaded on torrent. Try searching anyway.
Added by Husnain on Oct 08 2015, 21:13
You design great missions man Check mine i will highly appreciate it
Added by SmokeRail on Oct 09 2015, 15:07
#Husnain Thank you, i download your missions, it's great! Continue! =D
Added by Mafia Games on Dec 06 2015, 11:37
Added by novo william on Dec 27 2015, 15:40
e vem ser da minha equipe novo william POR FAVOR
Added by AnDReJ98 on Feb 23 2016, 21:17
BBCodes closed
Added by Trilogy Games on Sep 26 2016, 06:31
Added by Trilogy Games on Sep 26 2016, 06:31

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