Profile of jovan53
I always wanted to make a game,but when I saw DYOM I figured out if I make missions for SA that is same as making a game
Membergroup | DYOM Designer |
Location | Serbia |
Birthdate | 7.6.2000 |
RespectList | Nebojsa Neso Tolimir
ArgoN Far East A(n)drEj | Username | jovan53 |

Member Stats
- Registered
- Mar 05 '12
- Last Login
- Apr 12 '13
- Missions made
- 29 Avg: 4.6
- Trailers made
- 0
- VideoTuts made
- 0
- TextTuts made
- 0
- Comments made
- 113
- Ratings made
- 6 Avg: 5.0
Mission List
MissionName | Last Update | Rating | Views | Downloads | Comments |
Gta San Andreas 2 | Mar 05 2012, 19:42 | 4.5 | 2126 | 613 | 3 |
Professional sniper | Mar 05 2012, 22:11 | 5 | 996 | 1603 | 0 |
Professional sniper 2 | Mar 06 2012, 08:08 | 5 | 937 | 1480 | 0 |
Professional sniper 3 | Mar 06 2012, 10:32 | 5 | 942 | 1831 | 0 |
Professional sniper 4 | Mar 07 2012, 09:44 | 5 | 926 | 1566 | 0 |
Professional sniper (ALL IN ONE) | Mar 07 2012, 18:52 | 3.5 | 1034 | 377 | 2 |
Ultimate sniper | Apr 30 2012, 23:09 | 5 | 952 | 1614 | 0 |
Sniper unleashed | May 01 2012, 09:12 | 5 | 994 | 1508 | 0 |
The....ehh...storyline | May 13 2012, 15:25 | - | 1158 | 349 | 0 |
MISTAKE!! | May 30 2012, 07:29 | - | 978 | 338 | 3 |
Professional drive by | Jun 06 2012, 14:07 | - | 1207 | 377 | 3 |
Sniper unleashed 2 (fixed) | Jun 27 2012, 14:20 | - | 883 | 1734 | 1 |
flat out | Aug 30 2012, 13:32 | - | 820 | 1539 | 0 |
--- | Sep 24 2012, 13:45 | 3 | 1543 | 446 | 10 |
Gta 6 (VI) DEMO | Sep 25 2012, 17:39 | - | 3332 | 406 | 4 |
GTA 6: Intro | Sep 27 2012, 14:16 | - | 918 | 1423 | 0 |
Gta 6: 2. Nice Serbian | Sep 27 2012, 14:17 | - | 1149 | 1644 | 0 |
Gta 6: 3.Just to do that | Sep 27 2012, 14:18 | - | 888 | 1559 | 0 |
Gta 6: 4.Being sthealty in the pd | Sep 27 2012, 14:19 | - | 873 | 1506 | 0 |
Gta 6: 5. A i think | Sep 27 2012, 14:20 | - | 828 | 1500 | 0 |
GTA 6: 6. Weird job | Sep 27 2012, 14:22 | - | 984 | 1625 | 0 |
GTA 6: 7.Outro of chapter 1 | Sep 27 2012, 14:23 | - | 865 | 1408 | 0 |
GTA 6: 8. Secret plan of Kevin | Sep 27 2012, 17:13 | - | 1074 | 1542 | 0 |
GTA 6: 9.Hill top farm | Sep 27 2012, 21:00 | - | 1059 | 1559 | 2 |
gta 6: 10.The shootout in Palomino Creek | Sep 28 2012, 14:44 | - | 1070 | 1509 | 0 |
Gta 6: 1.Usual day | Sep 30 2012, 09:02 | - | 1815 | 1364 | 1 |
GTa 6: 11.Robbery in Montogmery | Sep 30 2012, 10:13 | - | 1022 | 1469 | 0 |
Gta VI chapter 1: Los Santos a town of s | Sep 30 2012, 20:18 | - | 1493 | 457 | 1 |
Gta VI END for me | Sep 30 2012, 20:49 | - | 962 | 1482 | 0 |
Added by ArgoN on Mar 06 2012, 18:55
Занимљиве мисије, Јоване!
Added by Nebojsa Neso Tolimir on Mar 06 2012, 22:32
Skino sam tvoje Misije Dobre su =D
Added by jovan53 on Mar 07 2012, 08:27
Hvala, to mi puno znaci!:D
Thanks, it means a lot to me!:D
Thanks, it means a lot to me!:D
Added by jovan53 on Mar 27 2012, 15:44
Does somebody nows how to make people talk without cutscene and mobile phone in dyom
Added by jovan53 on Mar 27 2012, 15:45
Does somebody k
nows how to make people talk without cutscene and mobile phone in dyom
nows how to make people talk without cutscene and mobile phone in dyom
Added by jovan53 on Mar 27 2012, 15:45
Does somebody knows how to make people talk without cutscene and mobile phone in dyom
Added by zimmer370 on Apr 12 2012, 22:26
To make people talk without that in DYOM you must select timeout objective in objective menu. I samo da ti kazem Professional sniper je odlicna misija brate! ;)
Added by jovan53 on Apr 24 2012, 15:53
thank you
Added by AnDReJ98 on May 04 2012, 18:34
Колко Срба има на овом сајту!!!!
Added by AnDReJ98 on May 05 2012, 11:55
English: Yeah! LnD was made that. I've other stories! My most popular series is Jack Prinston's life. My first Stoy-Line. :)
Serbian: Da! LnD je napravio to. Ja imam ostale priče! Moja najpopularnia priča je Jack Prinston's life. Moj prvi Story-Line :)
Serbian: Da! LnD je napravio to. Ja imam ostale priče! Moja najpopularnia priča je Jack Prinston's life. Moj prvi Story-Line :)
Added by SithLord on May 10 2012, 13:03
Strange missions,John
Added by jovan53 on May 13 2012, 09:07
What do you mean by that
Added by SithLord on May 15 2012, 21:45
I mean they are not...usual?
Added by jovan53 on May 16 2012, 10:37
Is that a compliment or what??? lol
Added by SithLord on May 18 2012, 21:47
Sure, you can take it as or what.
Added by jovan53 on May 19 2012, 16:56
you are from the other galaxy...Sith Lord I know that..I dont know the name but I know that there is happenig star people or something else..from the other galaxy are weird!!! Its joke...I think
Added by jovan53 on May 19 2012, 16:59
Its a joke...please dont kill me sith lord...that was a joke...Im weird :A
Added by jovan53 on May 20 2012, 11:21
I dont know how to join buysag..I go to the website but I dont know how to join
Added by SithLord on May 20 2012, 20:34
You really want to join buysag after all space jokes?Well....that ,,union,, sucks anyway, nothing special, just using dyom to crate gangs.Lame
Added by AnDReJ98 on May 21 2012, 13:02
Shut up you there!
Jovan: You'll need to contact Secronom President -
But BUYSAG is colsed now. As you can see on the GTAForums the games don't working. People aren't interested for that,but BUYSAG will be opened soon V6. I was joined in V4.1. ;) Goodluck!
Jovan: You'll need to contact Secronom President -
But BUYSAG is colsed now. As you can see on the GTAForums the games don't working. People aren't interested for that,but BUYSAG will be opened soon V6. I was joined in V4.1. ;) Goodluck!
Added by SithLord on May 21 2012, 13:37
BUYSAG is stupid
Added by jovan53 on May 21 2012, 13:41
Thanks AndrEj.You are the best!!!
Are you a Serbian
Da li si Srbin.
By the way your missions are the best AndrEj
Najbolje ti misije AndrEj
Are you a Serbian
Da li si Srbin.
By the way your missions are the best AndrEj
Najbolje ti misije AndrEj
Added by jovan53 on May 21 2012, 13:43
A da jesi Srbin video sam ti na profilu..
Samo si 2 godine mladji od mene..
LoL ima Members: 2012
Samo si 2 godine mladji od mene..
LoL ima Members: 2012
Added by AnDReJ98 on May 21 2012, 13:48
Added by jovan53 on May 21 2012, 21:18
I want to make a mission but I dont have any ideas! If somebody has a idea-make a comment belove this and im gonna tell you if Im gonna make that mission or not
Added by SithLord on May 22 2012, 14:20
Make a mission called Squash
Added by jovan53 on May 22 2012, 14:33
Added by CLEOMASTER on May 27 2012, 12:45
JOVAN you think i am hacker becuz in the mssion the nick is not mine right thats becuz my brother and me play the misssion desighner my brother has modded so its my brother nick
Added by SithLord on May 29 2012, 22:20
Who the heck is Nick?
Added by jovan53 on May 30 2012, 07:30
Nick???? I think he thinks know what nickname means
Added by SithLord on May 30 2012, 09:48
And by nickname you mean the name similar name or ,,NickName,,.
Added by jovan53 on May 30 2012, 12:36
similar like somebody is called Alexandra but somebody calls her Alex
Added by AnDReJ98 on May 31 2012, 12:32
In Belgrade,i'll play your storyline as soon as possible,i've to go in school now. For MDC....I made 45 missions for that,i'm not sure i'll finish it with total 70 missions. First bad thing is school. I don't have the time. NTFTL (No time for the life)
is coming to the end soon,but another problem is GTA San Andreas Stories. I'll finish SAS quickly on holiday then i'll be back on MDC.
Look this:
is coming to the end soon,but another problem is GTA San Andreas Stories. I'll finish SAS quickly on holiday then i'll be back on MDC.
Look this:
Added by jovan53 on May 31 2012, 12:37
Would somebody want to download storyline that would needed mod criminal russia beta 2...IF somebody would download that storyline im going to make it
Added by CLEOMASTER on May 31 2012, 17:20
NO you fool
A(n)drEji school is good for your brain and for your study when you not study everyone will say you are unskilled
gta is not better that,college,=university is for you life
A(n)drEji school is good for your brain and for your study when you not study everyone will say you are unskilled
gta is not better that,college,=university is for you life
Added by AnDReJ98 on May 31 2012, 19:48
For you up! That we just say. Don't think really like that. ;) P.S: Don't call me fool
Jovan:I'd write our language but this is English website. Now to answer on your question:
INTRO is INTRO,then going: S and R,after finishing S,then spawns S2,after finishing R,then nothing,after finishing S2,then spawns another S (or every tag: W,Z,BS...)
INTRO - INTRO,S - 0,R - 0,S2 - 1 ,S3 - 2...
Jovan:I'd write our language but this is English website. Now to answer on your question:
INTRO is INTRO,then going: S and R,after finishing S,then spawns S2,after finishing R,then nothing,after finishing S2,then spawns another S (or every tag: W,Z,BS...)
INTRO - INTRO,S - 0,R - 0,S2 - 1 ,S3 - 2...
Added by SithLord on Jun 01 2012, 11:39
Point for CleoMaster, what can i say
Added by CLEOMASTER on Jun 01 2012, 13:42
OK sorry for saying fool A(n)drEji
Added by Nathan on Jun 28 2012, 04:14
I like your comments thanx mate
Added by jovan53 on Jul 09 2012, 19:49
I think im gonna make true crime chapter 2
Added by AnDReJ98 on Aug 21 2012, 22:31
Added by AnDReJ98 on Sep 25 2012, 14:43
Read again my last few posts,anyway YES i'll try to do it i'm on 42th mission,but only problem is dammn SCHOOL! Anyway i'm glad to see my fans worrying about it. I resect it!
When i finish that storyline i'll realase it as BETA. That means if players find any error crash or something,will be fixed at final version,also missions will be re-made from 0% to 100% so final version will be much better than beta + in final version will be added more missions and all deleted scenes
When i finish that storyline i'll realase it as BETA. That means if players find any error crash or something,will be fixed at final version,also missions will be re-made from 0% to 100% so final version will be much better than beta + in final version will be added more missions and all deleted scenes
Added by tufferke on Nov 28 2012, 16:41
Some people should learn the English language, before posting anything.
Added by AnDReJ98 on Jan 02 2013, 23:30
I'm back in the bussines,i'll countiniou and finish all my canceled projects this year,and of course SAS. Now i'm working on my new MP,Rock n Roll story. Check it out if you want.
Added by AnDReJ98 on Jan 14 2013, 16:00
Sa DYOM V7 da. Pročitaj ovo gore ^. Završiću sve što sam davno zapčeo al će mi trebati cela 2013. Znaš prijemni. Osmi sam razred! :)
Added by im king 200 2 on Nov 25 2013, 12:10
de si brate srbine!
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