DYOM » Members » XdBrunoPt21

Profile of XdBrunoPt21

Im just a 14 years old guy who during the holidays work for my parents (FARMERS) the whole day!So,i design missions only for MOTW while the dinner or the lunch get ready!I already tried to publish many long storylines here but sometimes when i am playing the missions,they itself crashes and i stay so much angry that i delete them immediatly!!At least,when im designing MOTW missions,im not so stressed and never crashes!


MembergroupDYOM Designer
Birthdate31 December 2001
RespectList-Everyone who respect me
-Mission Designers that publish good mission and aren"t trollers who publish fuckin" shitty missions!
-My steam account Str33t (Contact me,i have GTA 4 (hacked) but in September i will buy GTA 4 EPISODES FROM LC and i play online with you guys :D )
Gtaforums.com UsernameThe same name that i have here


Member Stats

Dec 07 '15
Last Login
Dec 18 '16
Missions made
11 Avg: 4.4
Trailers made
VideoTuts made
TextTuts made
Comments made
Ratings made
5 Avg: 5.0

Mission List

MissionNameLast UpdateRatingViewsDownloadsComments
DELETEDApr 23 2016, 20:34-6187580
DELETED (DONT DOWNLOAD)Aug 13 2016, 13:29511935022
DELETED (DONT DOWNLOAD)Aug 13 2016, 13:30-8139230
DELETED (DONT DOWNLOAD)Aug 13 2016, 13:3038438642
DELETED (DONT DOWNLOAD)Aug 13 2016, 13:31511444910
DELETED (DONT DOWNLOAD)Aug 13 2016, 13:3258492980
DELETED (DONT DOWNLOAD)Aug 13 2016, 13:3257182180
DELETED (DONT DOWNLOAD)Aug 13 2016, 13:3458162442
DELETED (DONT DOWNLOAD)Aug 13 2016, 13:3558282400
MOTW #47 / Race 2 Love (Winner)Aug 21 2016, 22:073114713014
MOTW #48 / Brian Last BreathAug 21 2016, 22:074156310712


Added by Spyke Games on May 01 2016, 18:53
Hello XdBruno you want me to do a cover for you the Mission Pack The Bomber Hospital and also a trailer?
Added by XdBrunoPt21 on May 03 2016, 17:27
Sure!Why not?Hey are you portuguese?I am portuguese!
Added by Spyke Games on May 03 2016, 18:17
É só pra ajudar a sua missão a ter Mais downloads pq eles vāo ver o trailer e vão pensar po essa MP É bem legal e então vou baixar é por isso!
Added by Spyke Games on May 03 2016, 18:19
Não que eu esteja falando mau da sua MP
Added by XdBrunoPt21 on May 03 2016, 20:26
Ah ok!Obrigado pela atençao!Sim podes fazer!Mas porque queres tanto fazer um trailer pa mim!Curtes fazer trailers ou walktroughts de MP?
Added by Spyke Games on May 04 2016, 20:55
Sim, eu Fasso gameplays de MP de DYOM e essas coisas
Added by Spyke Games on May 06 2016, 23:39
Cara talvez seu trailer demore um pouco por causa que eu um preguiçoso filho de uma égua
Added by Spyke Games on May 06 2016, 23:40
Não se esqueça eu disse ''Talvez''
Added by Spyke Games on May 07 2016, 15:56
Added by Spyke Games on May 14 2016, 22:28
Cara desculpa mais eu não posso criar mais o seu trailer pq o meu GTA tá toda hora crashando então é por isso
Added by Spyke Games on May 15 2016, 16:22
Vlw, mais é serio o meu GTA tá crashando pra KRL eu até consigo fazer uma missão pq as vezes ele crasha e as vezes não é por isso entendeu?
Added by Str33t on Jun 08 2016, 17:45
Hi old account,so good see you back!
Added by THookerBrasil on Aug 12 2016, 16:32
Eae, Que Tal A Gente Fazer Uma Equipe? Pra Fazermos Missões Legais
Added by cute gamer on Aug 16 2016, 07:31
Hey xdbrunopt21, my name cute gamer
Added by Siviero Games on Aug 16 2016, 20:46
oque e motw?
Added by XdBrunoPt21 on Aug 17 2016, 00:30
Wassup cute gamer,you dont need to say me what"s your name,i can see that by your coment info in my page (added bt cute gamer on Aug 16 2016 7:31)
Added by VenomDYOM on Aug 17 2016, 12:55
Hey how did oyu make that on your MOTW#48? Like this: For rules and guidelines, click here.
Added by XdBrunoPt21 on Aug 17 2016, 14:57
you just need to write any word and then you underline it and click in the link button,then paste the url of the page you want that appears when you click on that certain word on the URL option and then click OK :D
Added by Black. on Aug 19 2016, 02:44
Hey Bruno pq vc tirou as suas melhores missões lembra de mim o Spyke!
Added by XdBrunoPt21 on Aug 19 2016, 21:09
E ai Spyke!Tirei-as porque sao um desgosto,pelo menos pa mim!
Added by Studios Games on Sep 23 2016, 00:19
Ei, você quer participar de um MOTW? Mais BR? Vá no meu perfil e saiba mais sobre isso. Está começando agora, e neste domingo se iniciara a 2° parte.
Added by Green Goo on Apr 18 2017, 17:17
- Do you love creating missions with DYOM?
- Do you want your mission pack to be famous and get more feedbacks?
- Do you like to compete someone?

MPOTM is the best bit. First create a gta forum account. Second check the MPOTM Office here = http://gtaforums.com/topic/885611-mpotm-office/ . And be a winner!

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