DYOM » Members » Studios Games

Profile of Studios Games

Mission information
DYOM Version: 8.1 | Language of missions: ENGLISH + PT-BR

Discord: Snowflakes172#0252 - YouTube: William Sobrenome

Call me Snowflakes172 and ignore my past comments, thank you.



MembergroupDYOM Designer
Mateus H.
Rafael A.
Trilogy Games
Gtaforums.com UsernameSnowflakes172

Studios Games

Member Stats

Jun 02 '16
Last Login
Mar 08 '19
Missions made
1 Avg: -
Trailers made
VideoTuts made
TextTuts made
6 Avg: 4.8
Comments made
Ratings made
129 Avg: 4.9

Mission List

MissionNameLast UpdateRatingViewsDownloadsComments
The strange day of CJAug 07 2018, 18:39-105410250

Text Tutorial List

How Create Missions RacingJun 21 2016, 18:302232
How Create two objectives the same timeJul 13 2016, 17:492405
How save/load/abort you progress on StoryLineNov 12 2016, 12:221433
How create good Drive-by missionJan 18 2017, 15:031098
How to cancel an am.mp3 in a certain partJan 30 2018, 00:301585
Profile Customization: SpaceApr 13 2018, 17:591071


Added by VenomDYOM on Jun 04 2016, 15:21
Are you The Show Games?
Added by VenomDYOM on Jun 04 2016, 15:21
I will respect you.
Added by Studios Games on Jun 04 2016, 15:50

Yes, you know?
Added by VenomDYOM on Jun 04 2016, 15:59
I know it, you are The Show Games. How Is Going?
Added by Studios Games on Jun 04 2016, 15:59

Added by Wuzi on Jun 04 2016, 18:23
Hey i respect u,do u respect me?

You are The show games
Added by Studios Games on Jun 04 2016, 19:36
Added by Studios Games on Jun 05 2016, 13:46
Feed de noticias

Fala galera, temos novidades pra hoje. A Storyline "Insane Of The World" vai vir com muitas missões, preciso também (né), de parceiros pra criar essa Storyline insana, comente abaixo caso se interesse em faze-la comigo.
05/06/16 08:44
Added by AnDReJ98 on Jun 06 2016, 01:24
The Show Games... Why new account? Just because of name?
Added by Tukang Kerupuk on Jun 06 2016, 08:25
Added by Studios Games on Jun 06 2016, 11:47
@Tukang Kerupuk - Hola.
Added by Studios Games on Jun 06 2016, 17:38
@AnDReJ98 OK, OK... I will speak why, it was because of that (I had many missions to other "this is no problem, it shows my progress," only que the missions had almost nehum rating and comment, in my comments on DYOM, at the beginning I had bad things about me and was full of swearing at me "I do not like" and still leave all "BCODES" open. it is also, this is what you talk about the name, I was not enjoying much plus the name, why, I do not even know what
Added by AnDReJ98 on Jun 06 2016, 18:02
First, relax.

Second: i don't really understand your comment but okay. Consider this as a lecture and make your mind for once.
Added by Studios Games on Jun 06 2016, 18:04
@AnDReJ98 - OK, but did not get to the end of the review, the DYOM, let not go to the end.
Added by Studios Games on Jun 06 2016, 18:07
@AnDReJ98 - But I did not mean unkindly if you have misunderstood...
Added by AnDReJ98 on Jun 06 2016, 20:20
Yea yea it's ok.
Added by Studios Games on Jun 11 2016, 15:44

Está sendo planejada, uma StoryLine zumbis, que bacana não? Missões de base, matar, achar povos etc...
-William da Silva
Added by Studios Games on Jun 11 2016, 15:47

Está sendo planejada, uma StoryLine zumbis, que bacana não? Missões de base, matar, achar povos etc...]

Added by VenomDYOM on Jun 11 2016, 18:26
How did you make That moving Work in Progress? Help me
Added by Studios Games on Jun 11 2016, 19:40
Reply to VenomDYOM:
Just copy this: http://i.imgur.com/03ty3.gif and paste somewhere of your choice, ready.
Added by Studios Games on Jun 12 2016, 17:06

Visite o nosso Blogger, lá tem muita coisa interessante e muita coisa sobre DYOM, saibas da novidades daqui vai tá lá, missões betas, etc. Visite clicando no link acima!
Added by Wuzi on Jun 12 2016, 18:32
Man,What is this?
Added by Wuzi on Jun 12 2016, 18:33
I think u are saying that visit your blog,right?
Added by Studios Games on Jun 12 2016, 18:35
Added by Trilogy Games on Jun 12 2016, 18:56
Hey cara, nada legal fazer uma série chamada "World Hell" e ainda por cima se basear na minha sem permissão, acho melhor tu apagar enquanto ainda há tempo.
Added by Studios Games on Jun 12 2016, 19:40
Ah, cara, não está tão igual, ela foi baseada a única coisa de igual, é que, o título começo com "World" e o seu também, e acontece várias coisas estranhas, mais se quer que eu apague tudo bem :D vou entender.
Added by Trilogy Games on Jun 12 2016, 20:10
Não relaxa, achei até legal você explicar e tals..
Added by DYOMEK IS BEST on Jun 13 2016, 16:30
Added by Studios Games on Jun 13 2016, 17:12
dyommek... Get out bastard! Motherfucker, do not go back on my profile, or denounce!
Added by Wuzi on Jun 13 2016, 17:43
Man,Ignore this kid
Added by VenomDYOM on Jun 13 2016, 23:07

Oi Studios Games como você está?
Added by VenomDYOM on Jun 13 2016, 23:08

Ao lançar a sua nova missão?
Added by VenomDYOM on Jun 13 2016, 23:09

Faça algumas missões de destruição xD
Added by Studios Games on Jun 14 2016, 01:10
Pera aí... você tá escrevendo em português? haha que bom, agora iremos nos entendermos melhores xD

Sim, eu acheo que irei fazer
Added by Black. on Jun 14 2016, 02:03
Studio Games

Acho melhor você tirar esse ''Work In Progress'' por causa que você plágio do Heisenberg_GR e melhor você tirar logo ouviu?
Added by Studios Games on Jun 14 2016, 02:06
Blz, já tirei, obrigado por me falar =D
Added by Black. on Jun 14 2016, 02:21
Não porque se você for nos tópicos do Heisenberg aparece iscrito ''Work In Progress'' entendeu?
Added by VenomDYOM on Jun 14 2016, 11:35
Ei cara como você está fazendo?
Added by DYOM MEMEK on Jun 14 2016, 16:44
você é um idiota e sua gramática suga ir chupar um pau eu vou queimar sua maldita casa e matar sua família! Você não é nada desprezível nesta terra, matar e acabar com isso >:)
Added by DYOM MEMEK on Jun 14 2016, 16:51
You are an idiot, and your grammar sucks! I will burn down your house, and kill your family! You are worthless nothing on this earth, go kill yourself, dumbass!
Added by Studios Games on Jun 14 2016, 17:13
Added by Wuzi on Jun 14 2016, 18:48
Ignore him,

Hows the photo,man?

Added by Fatin Ilham on Jun 15 2016, 19:18
This is my new account ,I am Wuzi
Added by Fatin Ilham on Jun 15 2016, 19:19
Change my name in your Respect list
Added by Fatin Ilham on Jun 15 2016, 20:04
Thank you for changing it
Added by Fatin Ilham on Jun 16 2016, 17:32
I am making a new MP named Triad Stories 2016
Added by Fatin Ilham on Jun 16 2016, 17:33
You can see in gtaforums.com
Added by Fatin Ilham on Jun 16 2016, 17:34
How can you post WORK IN PROGRESS in your missons,Can u help me?
Added by Studios Games on Jun 16 2016, 17:40
@Fatin Ilham

Just copy this: http://i.imgur.com/03ty3.gif and paste somewhere of your choice, ready.
Added by Fatin Ilham on Jun 16 2016, 17:43
@Studios Games-
Thanks for your help
Added by Fatin Ilham on Jun 16 2016, 19:53
Send me a friend request in FB
Added by Fatin Ilham on Jun 16 2016, 19:54
My name is Fatin Ilha.
Added by Fatin Ilham on Jun 16 2016, 19:59
http://imgur.com/oIQihtY this is my profile pic

My name is Fatin Ilham
Added by ThiagoBR215 on Jun 16 2016, 21:49
Studios Games
Faça um tutorial no seu canal ensinado a criar missoes
Pfv pfv
Added by ThiagoBR215 on Jun 16 2016, 21:56
Faiz tutorial de criacao pfv
Added by Studios Games on Jun 16 2016, 22:05
@ThiagoBR215 - Bom, eu posso te ajudar, mais vai demorar para ter vídeo :D
Added by Fatin Ilham on Jun 17 2016, 18:32
Did you checked this
Added by Studios Games on Jun 17 2016, 18:38
@Fatin Ilham - Good.
Added by Fatin Ilham on Jun 17 2016, 18:43

Are you making MP?
Added by Studios Games on Jun 17 2016, 18:45
@Fatin Ilham - Why MP?
Added by Fatin Ilham on Jun 17 2016, 19:03
Your Misson Pack? ARE u making missons?
Added by Studios Games on Jun 17 2016, 19:31
@Fatin Ilham - I not create Mission-Pack...
Added by Fatin Ilham on Jun 17 2016, 19:33
Oh,I didnt know thst
Added by Nicole56 on Jun 18 2016, 13:25

i am miss Nicole please contact me on my email address ( sgtnicole1@hotmail.com ) i have something very important to share with you OK from my mail i will send you my pictures and tell you everything about me thank you i will be waiting to recvied your mail
Added by Studios Games on Jun 18 2016, 16:32
@Nicole56 - No.
Added by Fatin Ilham on Jun 18 2016, 17:06
Got yoi
Added by Fatin Ilham on Jun 18 2016, 17:06
Ignore Nicole,He is a f*ckin dater
Added by Fatin Ilham on Jun 19 2016, 17:58
Happy fathers day
Added by Studios Games on Jun 19 2016, 18:19
@Fatin Ilham - Thanks.
Added by VenomDYOM on Jun 21 2016, 17:49
Go to my mission : http://dyom.gtagames.nl/show/42802
Added by Fatin Ilham on Jun 21 2016, 23:40
So good,Always use english,International language
Added by FUCK ME HARD!!! on Jun 22 2016, 11:01
Your grammar is bad
Added by Studios Games on Jun 22 2016, 17:54
Oh, I will improve my english :D
Added by Studios Games on Jun 23 2016, 19:58
Grand Theft Auto: Insane Of The World, will be the best Storyline (considered by me) full of action and adrenaline lot of history will come with many missions and missions-secondary, and more... I need your help by Mods, ae! It will be in multi-language!!!
22.06.2016 18:05
Added by Studios Games on Jun 23 2016, 20:00
Grand Theft Auto: Insane Of The World, will be the best Storyline (Considered by me) full of action and adrenaline lot of history will come with many missions and missions-secondary, and more... I need your help by Mods, one more thing! It will be in multi-language!!!
22.06.2016 18:05
Added by Studios Games on Jun 23 2016, 22:03
Added by RazoR on Jun 25 2016, 02:22
Hello Are you speaking english ?
Added by Studios Games on Jun 25 2016, 02:58
Well, some yes :D More... I prefer to use my language (Portuguese) because I'm not good at English.
Added by RazoR on Jun 25 2016, 03:38
Ya man, :)
Added by RazoR on Jun 25 2016, 03:40
I put you in my respectlist, you too pick me in your respect list.
Added by Studios Games on Jun 25 2016, 15:06
Thanks man!
Added by VenomDYOM on Jun 25 2016, 17:28
Im creating Apocalypse series its first ppart 1. Check it out! Type Apocalypse. Beacuse im talking on phone
Added by VenomDYOM on Jun 25 2016, 17:30
No wait. Type MPApocalypse.
Added by VenomDYOM on Jun 25 2016, 17:38
Added by VenomDYOM on Jun 25 2016, 17:44
can yourecord the mission plase firs t time i wanna see youtube my missions.
Added by Studios Games on Jun 25 2016, 20:09
OK, man.
Added by RazoR on Jun 26 2016, 01:56
Hey bro, i have new topic http://gtaforums.com/topic/859801-mp-hitman-1-assasin-killer/
Added by VenomDYOM on Jun 26 2016, 11:07
When your gonna record it?
Added by Studios Games on Jun 26 2016, 14:45
Maybe... I'll do it today.
Added by Fatin Ilham on Jun 26 2016, 17:46
How do u record misson?
Added by Studios Games on Jun 26 2016, 19:18
Added by Red on Jun 26 2016, 19:29
Não sei, se a carapuça servir. :)
Added by Studios Games on Jun 26 2016, 19:33
Bem antes iria, eu sou o The show Games. Não acredito que não saiba.
Added by Studios Games on Jun 26 2016, 20:38
Beleza pessoal, galera eu estou um tempo sem postar missões "Por que?" bom, estou sem ideia caso você possa me dar ideias, comentem abaixo.
Personal beauty, guys I'm a time without posting missions "Why?" good, I'm no idea if you can give me ideas, comment below.
Added by Studios Games on Jun 26 2016, 20:38
Beleza pessoal, galera eu estou um tempo sem postar missões "Por que?" bom, estou sem ideia caso você possa me dar ideias, comentem abaixo.
Personal beauty, guys I'm a time without posting missions "Why?" good, I'm no idea if you can give me ideas, comment below.
Added by you plastic asshole on Jun 26 2016, 21:37
Pare de usar Traduz Google, é uma merda! Basta aprender alguma porra Inglês! Será que é tão difícil de entender porra?
Added by Fatin Ilham on Jun 26 2016, 23:30
Added by VenomDYOM on Jun 27 2016, 12:03
Can you make another picture for me please?!
Added by Studios Games on Jun 27 2016, 17:49
Ask here: http://gtaforums.com/topic/859739-advert-want-photos-to-their-missions-or-storylines-and-also-profile-pictures-click-here/#entry1068892234
Added by Fatin Ilham on Jun 27 2016, 18:05
How are u?
Added by VenomDYOM on Jun 27 2016, 18:50
Sorry, my account cannot open.
Added by Studios Games on Jun 27 2016, 19:57
VenomDYOM, I'm sorry, but that's it for yourself.
Added by Fatin Ilham on Jun 27 2016, 23:56
You need to learn English
Added by Studios Games on Jun 28 2016, 00:54
I know.
Added by Fatin Ilham on Jun 28 2016, 05:12
How did you make parceidos,What is mean by parceidos?
Added by Studios Games on Jun 28 2016, 11:51
Fatin Ilham, No got it.
Added by Fatin Ilham on Jun 28 2016, 11:57
It is a gang,I will tell u about this later in gtaforums.com

Personal Messenger.It is a gang,Make missons like related about it
Added by Fatin Ilham on Jun 28 2016, 11:58
You can join here,So simple,Create misson about it
Added by Fatin Ilham on Jun 28 2016, 12:00
Wanna join?
Added by Studios Games on Jun 28 2016, 18:07
Fantin lham, I will go later...
Added by Fatin Ilham on Jun 28 2016, 18:11
Alright,See ya
Added by RazoR on Jun 29 2016, 10:39
Studios Games, I played your mission it's good , i rate 5/5 good ..
Added by RazoR on Jun 29 2016, 11:45
I have motw now bro http://dyom.gtagames.nl/show/42954
Added by Studios Games on Jun 29 2016, 12:03
@Razor, I will play mission! and thanks man!
Added by Studios Games on Jul 02 2016, 02:17
Iaê pessoal beleza. Bom galera, as missões/Storylines vão demorar a sair, por causa que estou traduzindo o Great Theft Car, eu e mais um cara do dyom. É por isso, em breve, retorno.
Added by RazoR on Jul 02 2016, 09:35
Hey Studios Games How it's going now ?
Added by VenomDYOM on Jul 02 2016, 12:41
How do you turn off the BBcodes?
Added by Studios Games on Jul 02 2016, 14:15
@RazoR Great, thanks question!
@VenomDYOM Use close bold close italic close underline
Added by Studios Games on Jul 02 2016, 14:15
Use [/ b] close bold [/ i] close italic [/ u] close underline
Added by VenomDYOM on Jul 02 2016, 15:22
Where to write? I love playing Silent Hill 4 The Room game
Added by Fatin Ilham on Jul 03 2016, 08:57

You dont respect me?
Added by Studios Games on Jul 03 2016, 14:24
@Fatin Ilham, Yes man. you is grand friend!
Added by Fatin Ilham on Jul 03 2016, 16:06
how do i use bbcode?
Added by Studios Games on Jul 03 2016, 16:57
@Fatin Ilham, This tutorial have all you need http://dyom.gtagames.nl/showtut/43
Added by Fatin Ilham on Jul 03 2016, 17:25
i cant
Added by Fatin Ilham on Jul 03 2016, 17:31
Added by Fatin Ilham on Jul 03 2016, 17:49
add me in respectlist
Added by Fatin Ilham on Jul 03 2016, 18:48
[Color=Red]How are you doing now?[/Color]
Added by Studios Games on Jul 03 2016, 19:09
@Fatin Ilham, Good. Colors in comments not it workd and. Add you respectList.
Added by Fatin Ilham on Jul 03 2016, 19:21
Didnt work?!
Added by Studios Games on Jul 03 2016, 21:21
Added by Studios Games on Jul 04 2016, 19:13
Nova Missão-Pack saindo!
Galera, vamos fazer uma nova "MP" para o DYOM, chamada Against time limits que vai ser bem legal pra quem curte se diverti bastante antes da volta a escola! Em breve...
Added by Fatin Ilham on Jul 04 2016, 19:53
Thanks,I didnt see my name in your respectlist
Added by Fatin Ilham on Jul 04 2016, 19:54
My misson table didnt worked,man
Added by Studios Games on Jul 06 2016, 17:06
Agora, a missão pack (acima) será no modo Storyline também!!!
Added by IoNuT06k on Jul 06 2016, 19:46
Hey,Studios,im invite to play my mission „ War on Mount Chiliad ”(is my first mission)please play the mission,rate,and comment,thanks :)

Mission link: http://dyom.gtagames.nl/show/43088
Added by THBP on Jul 07 2016, 01:33
Vê nesse link aqui, não sei ao certo se tem sons de alarmes, mas é um pack bem completo com bastante efeitos sonoros do próprio GTA SA:
Added by RazoR on Jul 10 2016, 01:32
Sure bro tnx :)
Added by Fatin Ilham on Jul 11 2016, 11:34

You can make my misson pack
Added by Fatin Ilham on Jul 11 2016, 12:04
You can make tthe trailer of that
Added by Studios Games on Jul 11 2016, 17:49
Fatin Ilham, Trailer? Warthourgh?
Added by Fatin Ilham on Jul 11 2016, 19:01
Added by Fatin Ilham on Jul 11 2016, 19:35
Alright,I cant send big,I designed some misson not yet,I am just saying,No need to walkthrough,Later ,I will send u big,I just designed one misson,More will come later
Added by Red on Jul 15 2016, 03:47
Nunca. :^)
Added by Siviero Games on Jul 16 2016, 05:51
Como deleta ou cria outra conta??? me respondam!!
Added by Studios Games on Jul 16 2016, 14:09
Silvero Games, Não há como deleta, só se, você pedir ao AnDReJ98 ou SP para mover todo seu trabalho (missões e Storylines) para teu novo perfil.
Added by Studios Games on Jul 16 2016, 15:03
Insane Of The World, multi lenguages, coming soon for Top The World
Added by Siviero Games on Jul 16 2016, 15:21
mas esse cara e ingles!
Added by Siviero Games on Jul 16 2016, 15:22
eu quero cria outra conta
Added by Studios Games on Jul 16 2016, 16:30
Ué mano, os donos e moderadores, são inglês doidão, WFT?! Cria outra mais se tu não quiser perde seu trabalho, faça o que falei.
Added by Siviero Games on Jul 16 2016, 18:07
mais nao da pra criar !
Added by Studios Games on Jul 17 2016, 23:18
Added by Studios Games on Jul 17 2016, 23:18
Added by AnDReJ98 on Jul 18 2016, 11:43
Pfff, nothing really. You? xD
Added by Studios Games on Jul 18 2016, 13:43
Good man, haha...
Added by VenomDYOM on Jul 18 2016, 21:20
Added by VenomDYOM on Jul 18 2016, 21:21
Sorry, Man, ask Sivero Games to stop using the google tranaslator.
Added by Studios Games on Jul 20 2016, 18:15
Relaxem cabrons.
Vai voltar as missões, eu não sei por que não faça sei lá, emfim mesmo que ninguém ligue pra isso (nenhuma realmente) mais só aviso.
Se liguem!
Added by VenomDYOM on Jul 20 2016, 19:57
#YOLO m8. U got rekt MLG !!! [Hey man!!]
Added by VenomDYOM on Jul 21 2016, 18:36
Check my mission story: " The Last Day On Earth"
Added by Fatin Ilham on Jul 22 2016, 17:55

Lets chat in gtaforums.com?
Added by Studios Games on Jul 22 2016, 18:15
Fatin Ilham, Yes!
Added by VenomDYOM on Jul 22 2016, 19:04
Lol xd
Added by VenomDYOM on Jul 22 2016, 19:05
Starting DEMO Mission
Added by leandro santos on Jul 26 2016, 04:30
http://dyom.gtagames.nl/show/43507 good mission
Added by leandro santos on Jul 26 2016, 19:03
vou provar o sabor de uma de suas missoes e vou ver o que digo...
Added by Fatin Ilham on Jul 27 2016, 18:43
Hey,Friend,How are u?
Added by Studios Games on Jul 27 2016, 21:35
Good, thanks for question =D
Added by Fatin Ilham on Jul 30 2016, 18:53
Welcome,Any new misson?
Added by Studios Games on Jul 30 2016, 19:16
Added by Studios Games on Aug 01 2016, 03:41
More now, I'm creating now.
Added by Black. on Aug 13 2016, 17:42
Hey Studios missões betas são todas as missões BETA do GTA SA?!
Added by Studios Games on Aug 13 2016, 19:51
@Black.: TUDO! Em apenas um pack de missões, mais você não leu errado amigo, todas "Impounded", "Awo Angel", "Doberman (All-Terrain-Takedown)", "Road Assistence" e "The Truth Is Out There".
As missões que mais vão dar trabalha são: "Awo Angel" e "The Truth Is Out There"
Added by JETHRO NITROWS on Aug 26 2016, 01:32
uma nova missao com vozes para voce que nao gosta de gta mudo
a new mission with voices for you that does not like change gta
Added by Studios Games on Aug 26 2016, 16:41
@JETHRO NITROWS Cabei de falar com o cara que diz que a missão é a melhor do mundo, e depois você vem anunciar essa missão a mim pela milezima vez...
PORRA!!!!! Uma missão com vozes de bixa não significa melhor missão do mundo...
Added by Red on Aug 29 2016, 15:20
Ele fez duas contas pra ficar spammando, dá pra ver isso.
Added by Fatin Ilham on Sep 01 2016, 14:23
Added by Studios Games on Sep 01 2016, 17:40
Yo mean, what's up?
Added by Mafia Games on Sep 23 2016, 18:23
E aí peixe, como é que tá o Dyom esses dias?
Added by Studios Games on Sep 24 2016, 18:19
A mesma merda de sempre, brs fazendo missões da zoeira, missões nada veres, gringos arrebentando com a cara do BR...
Added by VinePlayed on Sep 25 2016, 19:12
Added by AnDReJ98 on Sep 26 2016, 02:36
I've already dealt with him. Thanks for the report anyway!
Added by leandro santos on Oct 28 2016, 21:47
Added by leandro santos on Oct 28 2016, 21:49
Added by Studios Games on Oct 29 2016, 01:06
Melhor mesmo cara você ter parado.
E você não vai conseguir se disfarça, pois você é o único que comenta em inglês, espanhol e português, e tem uma semelhança de comentar num único perfil: leandro santos
Added by Studios Games on Oct 29 2016, 01:08
Ah, por favor, para de falar que você cria as melhores missões, usar vozes não dará mudanças. Exemplo: Se GTA San Andreas não tivesse vozes, a história e toda jogabilidade legal seria inútil???
Added by leandro santos on Oct 29 2016, 04:52
eu sou profissional em criar missões para o dyom, agora consigo criar missões identicas ao gta sa (ou ate melhores)... mas agora meu perfil do dyom ja ta todo estragado por reclamações e u não quero mais postar nada la
Added by Studios Games on Oct 29 2016, 13:52
^ Exatamente por isso cara, você acha que ninguém pode te passar no dyom, você não é bom cara, não é. Aprenda com gente de muito mais experiencia como o Trilogy Games, Mafia Games, Red etc... E o THBP e conhecida como um bom designer de 2016 cara, ele vai se torna um dois mais respeitados do site. Por isso, aprenda com esses caras.

PS: Recomendo a você um fórum, o DYOM WORLD BRASIL, lá tem vários tutoriais entre outras coisas dyomworldbrasil.forumeiros.com
Added by Letters on Oct 30 2016, 18:29
Eii cara eu não uso mais a conta Leandro santos, e a unica conta Que eu tenho é a conta Letters, e Por favor, não critiQue la no meu Perfil, POrque demorou muito para criar uma Conta Descente, lembre-se esta é a unica conta Que eu uso agora... Não Me repoprt!!!
Added by Letters on Oct 30 2016, 18:48
Eu aprendi a criar missões no dyom sozinho... e sem net... agora Preciso da sua ajuda Para criar uma storyline, mas se tu não queres me ajudar tudo bem, só não me reporta não cara... essa é a unica conta Que eu uso e que eu tenho...
Added by Letters on Oct 30 2016, 18:50
eu vou dar minhas 5 estrelas nas sua missões... Porque ja joguei tudo =D
Added by Letters on Oct 30 2016, 18:55
sabia Que não da Para criar outra conta no computador?
eu tive de ser banido para criar essa aqui, tive Que formatar o Pc e perder todas minhas 85 missões Que eu tinha criado desde 2011, eu não Postei elas Porque nem sabia que esse site existia nequela epoca, bom agora vou criar minha nova velha historia, Que acontece Quando o big smoke mata os russos em ''apenas negocios''
Added by leandro santos on Oct 30 2016, 21:37
mano namoral, va para o quinto dos inferno e que o diabo te carregue com todo orgulho que ele tem da sua mãe chupando a piroca do meu Pai,, minha conta foi banida seu piranho asanhado, e meus primos estão me zoando, eu so queri vc perto meu para encher vc de tiros com a pistola do meu tio timara que sua mae nem apareça em casa Hoje que eu vou chupar os peitos dela ate sair sangue
Added by leandro santos on Oct 30 2016, 21:40
mano namoral, go to the fifth of hell and the devil you carry with pride all that he has his mother sucking the dick of my Father,, my account was banned its piranho asanhado, and my cousins are making fun of me, I just wanted vc vc close to fill my shots with the gun my uncle Timara that his mother not to appear at home today I'll suck her breasts even out blood
Added by leandro santos on Oct 30 2016, 21:40
Мано наморал, идите на пету пакла и дјавола ти носе са поносом све што је његова мајка с
Added by Red on Nov 05 2016, 02:29
JoJo é ruim.
Added by Studios Games on Nov 05 2016, 17:55
Added by Trilogy Games on Nov 05 2016, 23:13
Vim aqui do futuro pra dizer que o Leandro vai voltar com a viadagem.
Added by Trilogy Games on Nov 06 2016, 00:24
Matando dias com sucesso.
Added by Fatin Ilham on Nov 08 2016, 11:26
Hiya!!!!!!How r ya?
Added by SF Online on Nov 17 2016, 10:21
Hello studios i,m SF Online lets be
Added by Black. on Nov 18 2016, 21:05
Ah, vai a merda!
Added by Studios Games on Nov 19 2016, 17:07
Nova missão saindo. Aguardem...
Added by Black. on Nov 20 2016, 13:48
Cala a sua boca seu merda!
Added by Black. on Dec 01 2016, 23:47
Cara qual é o seu problema eu tava falando com o Trilogy e não com você então não procede (por algum motivo falei que nem ele!) então fica queto e outra coisa você fica achando que eu não sei fazer que os outros conseguem! claro que eu sei único problema que eu tenho preguiça de fazer! cara DYOM tá chato é por isso que eu não posto! então cara fica queto e para de encher o meu saco com criancice pois eu tenho mais o que fazer do que falar com você!
Added by Studios Games on Dec 03 2016, 00:33
Added by Black. on Dec 03 2016, 01:44
Quer saber que se foda eu não preciso ficar respondendo você eu sou melhor que você mesmo! BICHA!
Added by Studios Games on Dec 03 2016, 13:16
@Black. Que delicia de choro cara. QUE DELICIA.
Added by Trilogy Games on Dec 20 2016, 04:55
Que treta invocada rapaz.
Added by HeisenbergBr on Jan 12 2017, 03:36
Amigo, você sabe informar em qual opção eu faço com que a câmera fica se tremendo em uma CG?
Added by HeisenbergBr on Jan 13 2017, 03:44
Instalei a versão BR a poucos dias e ainda estou me acostumando com ela kkkk fiquei muito tempo com a versão inglês e já estava acostumado. Vlw Studios
Added by RedDevil16 on Jan 13 2017, 05:21
Hey how can I take part in MOTW
Added by Green Goo on Jan 13 2017, 12:05
Added by Studios Games on Jan 16 2017, 00:47
Nova missa
Added by Green Goo on Jan 16 2017, 14:27
I want to be friend.

Want to?
Added by Green Goo on Jan 16 2017, 14:28
And I see you've a lot of friend so.
Added by Green Goo on Jan 18 2017, 11:40
Well we became friends.

No I don't know them.
Added by Green Goo on Jan 18 2017, 11:42
No but I wanna become a friend to them too!
Added by Green Goo on Jan 18 2017, 14:28
If you say so, I talked to VenomDYOM and asked him to be friends but wuzi's profile banned?
Added by Studios Games on Jan 18 2017, 15:45
@Green Goo Now is Fatim Ilham, I had forgotten
Added by Green Goo on Jan 18 2017, 16:21
Okay, thank you for everything you're a good friend!
Added by Studios Games on Jan 20 2017, 16:35
Grand Theft Auto: Infernal Wheels

Added by Green Goo on Jan 26 2017, 18:33
Hey bro, how are you.
Added by Green Goo on Jan 26 2017, 20:16
I'm good too, so did you play my new mission?
Added by THBP on Jan 30 2017, 22:13
Valeu. xD
Added by Green Goo on Jan 31 2017, 11:45
Play my new mission =http://dyom.gtagames.nl/show/46185
Added by Studios Games on Jan 31 2017, 14:29
@Green Goo Very nice mean, you is incrible!
Added by Green Goo on Jan 31 2017, 14:39
Okay lets begin first with 5= very nice
Added by Huzaifa on Feb 02 2017, 05:37
Thanks bro :)
Added by Green Goo on Feb 02 2017, 10:28
Hi Studios Games, how' going?
Added by Green Goo on Feb 02 2017, 19:01
Good, so what about the evaluations you wanted to teach me?
Added by Green Goo on Feb 03 2017, 03:50
So let's begin then
Added by AnDReJ98 on Feb 08 2017, 17:38
It should start soon.
Added by Nande Brasileiros on Feb 09 2017, 08:38
Meu Deus... não usa o showroom pra postar isso.
andrej,irfan,studios games, thbp
Lembra disso? kkk foi elogiar us manu i foi zoado...
Eu baixei Pensando Que era uma missão, novato
Added by Nande Brasileiros on Feb 15 2017, 03:00
[color=green] então cara e as novidades, Primeiro esqueça Tudo Que eu disse, 2 Peça Para o moderador aPagar a mensagens da conta leandro santos do seu Perfil, e assim seguimos com a novidades[/color]
Added by Studios Games on Feb 15 2017, 09:37
Added by Nande Brasileiros on Feb 23 2017, 19:54
Que divertido! agora Que Joguei suas Missões,
Vou compartilhar Para os amigos, até Breve, e crie mais!!!
What fun! Now I've played your missions I'll share For friends, until Breve, create more!
Added by Studios Games on Feb 23 2017, 20:12
Added by Trilogy Games on Feb 25 2017, 03:05
Estragando perfis em 3 2 1..
Added by Trilogy Games on Feb 25 2017, 03:06
Nande Spawneiros.
Added by Trilogy Games on Mar 03 2017, 02:28
Trigoly é o meu ovo.
Added by Green Goo on Mar 09 2017, 18:48
Hi friend, we never talked together from long time, what's up? Any new missions?
Added by Green Goo on Mar 17 2017, 14:53
Awesome! Keep up the good work, but don't forget I only know English ;)
Added by Nande Brasileiros on Apr 06 2017, 04:02
Eâe como vai Designer?
Eu Sempre visito seu Perfil sabe, Não Para copiar seu ProJeto ou coisa do tipo,
é Que você é um dos únicos Brasileiros que cria missões Bôas...
sabe, diferente Da action Games Que Foi ''Plagiada'' Pela Trilogy (como a Própria action disse)
Você acabou sendo alvo de Gozação Quando agradeceu seus amigos Por um Post...
Eu vou demorar Para Postar missões Porque eu estou fazendo vários Packs...
Added by Nande Brasileiros on Apr 06 2017, 04:04
...Para Postar de uma só vez, ao invés de Postar um Pack agora... outro amanhã e ''talz'' Mas, Porquê você não Postou Mais nada? e os Projetos???
Added by Green Goo on Apr 18 2017, 16:51
- Do you love creating missions with DYOM?
- Do you want your mission pack to be famous and get more feedbacks?
- Do you like to compete someone?

MPOTM is the best bit. First create a gta forum account. Second check the MPOTM Office here = http://gtaforums.com/topic/885611-mpotm-office/ . And be a winner!
Added by Green Goo on Apr 18 2017, 16:53
- Do you love creating missions with DYOM?
- Do you want your mission pack to be famous and get more feedbacks?
- Do you like to compete someone?

MPOTM is the best bit. First create a gta forum account. Second check the MPOTM Office here = http://gtaforums.com/topic/885611-mpotm-office/ . And be a winner!
Added by Nande Brasileiros on Apr 22 2017, 02:36
Hi man, I'm designing missions, they're 100% dubbed in English
My project began two days later, and I abandoned all the missions that used the voice of the translate, and I am using voices in movie

Note: I'm sorry for English with errors, I'm Brazilian and I'm learning.
The audio is in english, so I'll use caption in PT
Added by Nande Brasileiros on Apr 22 2017, 17:32
Sabe, eu andei estudando, e largei esse negoço de google tradutor, e estou usando dublagens de filmes, agora a legenda está em Portugues e o audio em inglês, eu poderia deixar o audio em pt br, mas to acostumado a Jogar lendo e ouvindo os americanos.... veja se ficou Bom
Added by Studios Games on May 13 2017, 01:34
Eu acho que vou voltar.
Added by Nande Brasileiros on May 17 2017, 22:05
eu to cheio de ideias, mas vários problemas para postar missão, meu ip ta bloqueado e eu to mexendo no pc do meu professor
Added by Studios Games on Jun 30 2017, 20:44
Isso pode ser um novo recomeço do DYOM em 2017 feito por mim, vou voltar? Ainda não sei, mas creio que sim... Todas as séries que estão no perfil estão CANCELADAS e talvez quando vocês voltarem a ver meu perfil esteja lotado de missões, pois estarei transferindo todo meu trabalho no DYOM pra cá, talvez também eu consiga mudar meu nome sem criar outra conta.
Added by Studios Games on Jul 01 2017, 03:14
Todas as afirmações acima, podem ser verdadeira ou falsas, ainda estou vendo o que vou fazer.
Added by THBP on Jul 01 2017, 17:26
Studios Games: O retorno
Added by THBP on Aug 01 2017, 05:49
Vai indo. Expansão nova de VfV vindo neste mês. Fica ligado aí, bicho.
Added by Nande Brasileiros on Aug 05 2017, 02:11
nem viu...
Added by Studios Games on Aug 08 2017, 19:49
@Nande Brasileiros Que?
Added by THBP on Aug 26 2017, 01:08
Corrigi o link do download e botei senha no arquivo. Espero que o Mediafire não bloqueie de novo, senão...
Added by Nate on Oct 27 2017, 15:33
Você "reclamando" que eu criei um perfil novo, sendo que você criou mais do que eu...
Added by BrasilDyom on Dec 19 2017, 22:04
Meu deus quanto comentário man
Added by Trilogy Games on Jan 11 2018, 20:52
Ainda bem, até um outro dia.
Added by ZUSZUSPLAYbr on Jan 29 2018, 15:53
Como coloca camera fixada e poder andar com o personagem? meajuda pf!
Added by Studios Games on Jan 29 2018, 19:11
@ZUSZUSPLAYbr Verifique seu perfil/profile, deixei a resposta lá!
Added by ZUSZUSPLAYbr on Jan 30 2018, 14:33
Added by Fenik on Jan 30 2018, 22:56
@Studios Games[w] Como faz pra fazer um bloco com o status de missões, exemplo, em desenvolvimento, se puder me ajudar ?
Added by Studios Games on Jan 31 2018, 01:09
@Fenik Respondi no seu perfil, confere lá
Added by Fenik on Jan 31 2018, 20:58
Consegui, Obg pela a ajuda ;)
Added by Studios Games on Feb 01 2018, 04:21
Added by TheRyder on Feb 01 2018, 18:27
Hey SG, Can u make missions English?
Added by Studios Games on Feb 01 2018, 20:23
@TheRyder I answered you there on your profile, check it there!
Added by Trilogy Games on Feb 24 2018, 16:24
Aquela poha vai ficar em progresso Wilson, você não vai me impedir hahaaha.
Added by Nande Brasileiros on Mar 08 2018, 21:51
Ei Studios Games, ainda está em progresso mais da uma olhada, está com varias dublagem e um enredo muito dahora, passe mais 2 anos criando porem parei com tempo
Added by spyderblack66 on Apr 16 2018, 01:03
hola si queres poneme en respect list haci si queres podemos ser amigos
Added by spyderblack66 on Apr 16 2018, 01:05
uso el traductor te puedo hablar portuges
Added by spyderblack66 on Apr 22 2018, 19:53

por que você não fez missões de dyom?
Added by spyderblack66 on May 03 2018, 02:58

aqui eu tenho um tutorial para instalar o gta vice city stories pc mod que você foi capaz de instalar antes de ter feito o tutorial?
Added by The show Games on Sep 08 2018, 14:47
Shit, I lost this account. So, I guess is my new profile for now.
Added by Vasiliyspook on Jan 18 2019, 10:19
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