DYOM » Members » Enks

Profile of Enks

Hi,i am ENKS my country is brazil and italia..
I speak english , portuguease and spanol
My DYON is in game le parkour i like..
And i like people,and people like me ;D


MembergroupDYOM Designer
LocationBrazil Italia
Gtaforums.com Username


Member Stats

Oct 24 '11
Last Login
Apr 05 '12
Missions made
27 Avg: 3.5
Trailers made
VideoTuts made
TextTuts made
Comments made
Ratings made
2 Avg: 4.0

Mission List

MissionNameLast UpdateRatingViewsDownloadsComments
Hitmans part 1 PT-BRASIL by EnksOct 29 2011, 14:10-98811132
Hitmans part 2 PT-BRASIL by EnksOct 30 2011, 14:22-9169940
Hitmans part 3 PT-BRASIL by EnksNov 05 2011, 00:554130911512
Missão impossivel (Demo)Nov 12 2011, 22:1227919942
Missão impossivel 1Nov 13 2011, 13:19388312243
Missão impossivel 2Dec 09 2011, 18:54-8609760
A typical dayDec 10 2011, 22:49-77910530
A typical day 2Dec 13 2011, 20:34-73011010
Missão impossivel 3Dec 14 2011, 13:45-80510330
Missão impossivel FINAL pt.[1/2] Dec 17 2011, 17:22-84310391
Assassino chinesDec 18 2011, 15:10-74311400
Missão impossivel FINAL pt.[2/2] Dec 18 2011, 20:45-88513600
God of war kratos history demoDec 21 2011, 19:04-153910870
Le parkour in the city 1Dec 24 2011, 12:27-99511440
God of war kratos history complet serie Dec 31 2011, 22:09-9693061
God of war kratos history complet serieJan 01 2012, 20:09-11313242
God of war kratos history complet serie Jan 01 2012, 20:15-18114451
god of war kratos history mission 1Jan 01 2012, 20:18-311812061
god of war kratos history mission 2Jan 01 2012, 20:19-166511580
god of war kratos history mission 3Jan 01 2012, 20:20-129610920
god of war kratos history mission 4Jan 01 2012, 20:22-86110820
god of war kratos history mission 5Jan 01 2012, 20:23-94811520
god of war kratos history FinalJan 01 2012, 20:24-111512210
Hitman contracts asylum aftermathJan 22 2012, 14:53-101511420
Cops vs terroristas Jan 24 2012, 13:53-110210450
Hitman contracts Meat King's partyJan 29 2012, 13:26-153210930
Operação Rio de Janeiro - BrasilFeb 17 2012, 23:135192413606


Added by General Scrotum on Nov 06 2011, 01:17
Double accounting isn't allowed. Choose one and I'll ban the other one. If I don't get an answer in the next two hours, I'll ban the one of my choice.
Added by Enks on Nov 12 2011, 22:16
I do not understand?? But do not ban my account i like Dyon
Added by General Scrotum on Nov 12 2011, 22:32
What I am saying is that your IP has been linked to another user's account, Petri, and that both account logged in only two minutes: one at something hour and 15 minutes and the other one at something hour 17 minutes.
Added by General Scrotum on Nov 12 2011, 22:33
Anyway, you don't have to worry. Petri account was banned, but yours won't. Well, unless you persistently try to have more than one account which would surprise me.
Added by Enks on Nov 13 2011, 11:34
How strange and petri account and the account of a friend of mine who likes to play missions in Dyon ... but he'll be nervous to know that his account was banned Tina made ​​it a mission that took over 6 hours.
Added by Michael Knight on Dec 22 2011, 13:17
Download My Mission Pleasse :
Added by Enks on Jan 22 2012, 14:05
Eae galera voltei agora vo continuar fazendo missoes por favor fassa download :D
Added by Enks on Feb 16 2012, 21:50
Galera to fasendo uma missao que prometo que sera bem legal por favor espalhem ela :D Logo logo ela tara pronta
Added by RobertoBrasil on Apr 30 2012, 18:17
ei enks você tem que por suas missão pra ir direta cara se não os outros podem editar...enfim é so ir no menu da missão e selecionar a opção ''publish mission'' depois é so ir na pasta user files e pegar o arquivo DYOM0.
quando as pessoas forem jogar vai estar iniciando automaticamente...FlW!
Added by sedikitarek0 on Dec 16 2016, 23:31
Enks in the god of war i kill you sorry

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