DYOM » Members » Siviero Games

Profile of Siviero Games

Eu me chamo bruno abraão siviero da cruz tenho 14 anos e jogo gta san andreas, eu comecei jogar no dyom a 1 semana atras, eu fui aprendendo jogando outras missoes, nao sabia de nada, nem colocar um objetivo! mais com a paciencia tudo consegue, eu jogava gta san andreas quando eu tinha 12 anos, e parei de jogar por 2 anos e voltei nesse ano mesmo, eu fiquei 2 meses jogando no DYOM, sem internet porque meu pai nao recebia para pagar, dai nesse mes ele pagou, e estou aqui agora, moro no brazil, primeiro de maio, e um prazer imenso estar escrevendo porque cada letra que eu escrevo da vontade de ficar aqui, eu estou me sentindo bem com esse site, eu ate pedi pra pegar outra conta, dai apareceu amigos que ate coloquei no respect list, o irfan ingles gostou das minhas missoes, e eu nao sei ingles, eu traduzo tudo no google, eu so feliz aqui na terra e vou ser mais feliz quando eu ir com jesus, quando chegar a hora, vou na igreja universal no reino de deus, nao tenho magoa, nem odio e sou um pre adoslecente feliz!

Ingles: My name is Bruno Abraham Siviero cross am 14 years old and gta san andreas game, I started playing in the dyom one week ago, I was learning playing other missions, did not know anything, or put a goal! more with patience everything can, I played gta san andreas when I was 12, and stopped playing for two years and returned in that same year, I was two months playing in DYOM without internet because my father not received to pay, give this month he paid, and I'm here now, I live in Brazil, May 1, and an immense pleasure to be writing because each letter I write the will to stay here, I'm feeling good with this site, I even asked to take another account, give appeared friends who even put the list respect, the English irfan liked my missions, and I do not know English, I translate it on google, I so happy here on earth and I will be happy when I go with jesus, when the time comes, will the universal church in the kingdom of god, I have not hurt nor hate and I am a happy pre adoslecente!


MembergroupDYOM Designer
RespectList Friends/Amigos:

- NeonXD1337
- Irfan (Afan) (Best Friend)
- Studios Games
- Woozy
- Action Games
- Huzaifa
- JCGames
- Red
- Leoncj
- Arejai

My friends list!
Minha lista de amigos!
Gtaforums.com Username-

Siviero Games

Member Stats

Jul 10 '16
Last Login
Dec 22 '16
Missions made
60 Avg: 4.5
Trailers made
1 Avg: -
VideoTuts made
TextTuts made
Comments made
Ratings made
5 Avg: 4.6

Mission List

MissionNameLast UpdateRatingViewsDownloadsComments
Infectados Jul 10 2016, 16:16558911001
problemas no futuro pt1Jul 10 2016, 16:18-50510821
problemas no futuro pt2Jul 10 2016, 16:19-48511990
Guerra em san andreas PT1Jul 10 2016, 16:20-59912210
Guerra em san andreas PT2Jul 10 2016, 16:21-49812180
Guerra em san andreas PT3Jul 10 2016, 16:22-56013110
Sniper Americano Pt1Jul 10 2016, 16:28-53511470
Sniper Americano o recomeço pt1Jul 10 2016, 16:29-57711530
Sniper Americano o recomeço pt2Jul 10 2016, 16:30-56412770
Sniper Americano o recomeço pt3 (final)Jul 10 2016, 16:31-57713460
Kamikazeeh MissoesJul 10 2016, 16:35-5702280
Minha serie de zumbi #1 Jul 10 2016, 16:36-6032570
Minha serie de zumbi #2 Jul 10 2016, 16:38-5742550
matando tempennyJul 10 2016, 18:37-54911081
matando tempennyJul 10 2016, 19:22-5692410
Le parkour Parte 1Jul 10 2016, 19:26-63413860
Le Parkour PT2Jul 10 2016, 19:26560113260
Palomine Creeck War BRJul 10 2016, 21:20-62212360
Kill The Gangs Jul 10 2016, 22:18-63713220
(PZ) Episodio 1 BRJul 11 2016, 01:48-57912660
Agente 62 BRJul 11 2016, 02:12-64610320
Brigas Estranhas 1,2,3Jul 11 2016, 02:15-7872500
A Droga TraidoraJul 11 2016, 02:23-58511760
Joe o aventureiro 1Jul 11 2016, 19:52-52710330
Joe o aventureiro 2Jul 11 2016, 19:54-56310980
Ataque ao navio terrorista Jul 11 2016, 20:45-68113080
Missao ImportanteJul 12 2016, 01:00-54011060
O Retorno Da Groove StreetJul 13 2016, 05:02-49913150
EDSA: Arabios invasoresJul 13 2016, 21:03-57511750
EDSA: Gangues em LSJul 13 2016, 21:24-53712200
EDSA: Espioes (epfinal)Jul 13 2016, 21:45556011980
San Fierro 1Jul 14 2016, 02:34-61811140
San Fierro 2Jul 14 2016, 03:46-53712290
Palomino Creeck WarJul 14 2016, 19:00-232317520
King of fight #1Jul 14 2016, 23:14-52212220
King of fight #2Jul 14 2016, 23:395588117718
Le Parkour pt3Jul 14 2016, 23:57-60413160
EDDO: O Primeiro AtaqueJul 15 2016, 16:05-53211840
EDDO: O Ataque BarrancasJul 15 2016, 16:05-54511020
EDDO: El DoradosJul 15 2016, 16:06-47612110
Sobrevivendo Ao Ataque 1Jul 15 2016, 17:18-56312670
Sobrevivendo Ao Ataque 2Jul 15 2016, 17:19-53511310
Bomba Naval Jul 15 2016, 17:23-52512170
Bomba Naval Jul 15 2016, 17:24-55412080
Bomba Naval Jul 15 2016, 17:24-54610890
Matando o CJJul 15 2016, 17:24-75713080
Fumou e nao pagouJul 15 2016, 17:30-55611691
Matando o Senador Jul 15 2016, 17:33-51912420
SWAT Jul 15 2016, 17:34-69713010
Primeiras missoes (em winrar) Jul 15 2016, 17:36-5202360
S.F.G.S O InicioJul 15 2016, 19:57-47211260
S.F.G.S O EncontroJul 15 2016, 19:57-47311410
S.F.G.S Resgatando a vidaJul 15 2016, 20:47-46510630
IMPORTANT!Jul 16 2016, 05:42-4982240
World of war 1Jul 16 2016, 20:57357212990
World of war 2Jul 16 2016, 20:57461814013
andrej,irfan,studios games, thbpJul 17 2016, 01:00-6922387
Conquistando a area restritaJul 17 2016, 02:10-59611540
GTA 5 Aug 12 2016, 02:59-87312920
GTA 6 !!!!!!!!Aug 17 2016, 18:09-69312680

Trailer List

Palomino Creeck MissionJul 14 2016, 19:01-


Added by Siviero Games on Jul 10 2016, 16:23
obrigado o primeiro que baixo! da um oi ae!
Added by Irfan (Afan) on Jul 15 2016, 08:15
Why Bro ? Why i create another account ?
Added by Irfan (Afan) on Jul 15 2016, 08:20
However Yours all missions are cool but King of fight #2 is Amazing.
Added by Irfan (Afan) on Jul 15 2016, 08:21
Added by Siviero Games on Jul 15 2016, 16:09
Irfan my language is brazil! dont understand
Added by Siviero Games on Jul 15 2016, 16:10
Thanks! You Missions are cool!
Added by Siviero Games on Jul 15 2016, 16:11

Irfan I know you are English more you want to be my partner ?
Added by Irfan (Afan) on Jul 15 2016, 16:57
No No! Huzaifa and I'm Pakistani.
******Yes Off course! So I'm Your best friend ok****
****************And More anything ?************
Added by Siviero Games on Jul 15 2016, 17:10

Irfan thank you I did not expect an English answer me , good it will be difficult to talk to you more thanks!
Added by Siviero Games on Jul 15 2016, 17:12

I do not know how to speak English , it will be hard for you and me , the more the two will make legal missions with patience , my good friend !
Added by Studios Games on Jul 16 2016, 14:10
Não há como deleta, só se, você pedir ao AnDReJ98 ou SP para mover todo seu trabalho (missões e Storylines) para teu novo perfil.
Added by Siviero Games on Jul 16 2016, 15:17
mas nao da pra criar novo perfil!
Added by Siviero Games on Jul 16 2016, 15:18
aonde ele fica?
Added by Studios Games on Jul 16 2016, 16:32
Ué mano, os donos e moderadores, são inglês doidão, WFT?! Cria outra mais se tu não quiser perde seu trabalho, faça o que falei. Da pá criar outro. É só procurar por AnDReJ98.
Added by Siviero Games on Jul 16 2016, 17:59
mas ele ta online? mano fica aqui respondendo eu que agradeço!
Added by Siviero Games on Jul 16 2016, 18:05
cara mais nao da pra criar outra conta!!!
Added by AnDReJ98 on Jul 16 2016, 18:42
Well no. I'm tired of all this account changes. Stick to this one OR make a new account but i'll not move all your missions to the new one since i don't have time to do that. On the side note, you don't need to change account either.
Added by Siviero Games on Jul 16 2016, 19:10
I just want to have another account without missions andre !
Added by THBP on Jul 16 2016, 20:31
Por que tu precisa de outra conta? Essa aqui não tá boa pra ti?
Added by Siviero Games on Jul 16 2016, 20:49
Porque eu quero comeca uma nova conta com missoes legais! alem disso quero parceria com alguem mais ninguem tem vontade, tudo desanimado, eu ate continuaria nessa conta se tivesse ajuda!
Added by Irfan (Afan) on Jul 16 2016, 21:40
Thank you very much Brother for adding me in your Respect List :-)
Added by Studios Games on Jul 16 2016, 21:41
Cara, não é preciso ajuda, eu achava que sim mais não, só você aprender mais mano, parceria é só pra ideias, essa conta tá boa man.
Added by Irfan (Afan) on Jul 16 2016, 22:17
Brother you can change your dyom profile username by writting a report to dyom staff :-)
Added by THBP on Jul 16 2016, 23:54
Continua com essa que conforme tua habilidade vai desenvolvendo, as missões ficam melhores.
@Ifan (Afan): No, he can't. Only dutchy could do it for him, but she's inactive since 2014
Added by AnDReJ98 on Jul 17 2016, 00:41
Ok you can make a new account but you will be starting from starch. If i was on your place, i wouldn't do that. You will lose your account history (missions, comments etc.)
Added by Siviero Games on Jul 17 2016, 00:53

Okay andre I do not want to lose the account , more thank you, thank you for telling me studios and irfan I know I'm Brazilian and translate all the translator, but on the day I made the account was worth it.
Added by AnDReJ98 on Jul 17 2016, 01:48
It's your choice. I just don't understand why so many people insist on changing accounts like every few days. I could move your missions to your new account but i currently don't have time to do that. And it's nice to hear that you will stay on your old account.
Added by Siviero Games on Jul 17 2016, 02:06

I gave up because here is this site I know not nobody helped me ! thanks for everything.
Added by Siviero Games on Jul 17 2016, 02:08

I gave up because some people helped me ! and changed me my direction . thank you
Added by Trilogy Games on Jul 18 2016, 04:46
Cara, me impressionou esse seu texto. Mas então, se precisar de ajuda tô aqui..
Added by VenomDYOM on Jul 18 2016, 21:12
Stop using Google Translator and fucked up with it. Please don^t use it anymore.
Added by Siviero Games on Jul 30 2016, 00:19
Trilogy valeu cara, vc e o melhor de criar missoes. VOU POSTAR STORYLINES AGORA.
Added by XdBrunoPt21 on Aug 12 2016, 09:00
Eu sou português e também me chamo Bruno já agora!
Podes fazer video da minha missão sim!aproveita e vota em mim lá no MOTW #47!
Added by XdBrunoPt21 on Aug 17 2016, 00:27
o MOTW (Mission of the week) é um concurso onde concorrem as melhores missoes da semana e quem tiver mais votos ganha e assim esta perto de ganhar o MOTY (Mission of the Year) quem ganha o motw tem a sua missao destacada no inicio da pagina DYOM durante uma semana,e quem ganha o MOTY durante um ano (eu tenho uma missao minha destacada por exemplo no showroom das missoes
Added by THookerBrasil on Aug 19 2016, 00:58
Nossa Cara, Suas Missões São OTIMAS, PERFECTS Mano, Espero que ganhe o Mission Of The Year Gostei Muito De verdade
Eu só não gostei da serie do sniper americano, mas as outras, são bem otimas

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