Profile of Sohail4Games
Hello friends welcome to my profile I hope you will like my mission and give me a great review after playing.
Please don't think that I troll in this site , I'm true guy.But if you think , then comment me below to hold my working Project and tell me to make simple missions , Enjoy!
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[(No Videos Yet)(read my description of my channel and give me challange of QnA)]
Info of my profile :-
MP and SL :-
Please don't think that I troll in this site , I'm true guy.But if you think , then comment me below to hold my working Project and tell me to make simple missions , Enjoy!
Follow me on Instagram -Click Here
Contact me on Facebook - Click Here
Suscribe my channel in YouTube - Click Here
[(No Videos Yet)(read my description of my channel and give me challange of QnA)]
Info of my profile :-
Planning... | This means that I am planning the MP or SL and this is my current working MP or SL but it can be remove also. |
Coming Soon... | This means that it is not in working MP or SL list and it can be remove also |
***% - In progress | This means that I am making MP or SL and In Progress. |
Completed | This means that the MP or SL is completed. |
***%-On Hold | This means that I have hold the working MP or SL because of my personal work or some other work and modding. |
MP and SL :-
Missions/Storylines | Progress | Genres | Type | Forum Topic | Release Date
[MP]Grand Theft Auto : Gangster Vegas | Planning... | Adventure , Action , Assansins | Strong Violence , Language | --- | --- |
[SL] Stories from Vasily Clinton | Coming Soon... | Lifesytle | All ages | --- | --- |
Membergroup | DYOM User |
Location | Delhi ,India |
Birthdate | 2002 |
RespectList | * GammoudiCJ
* AnDReJ98 *Aftab Adeel *Rockstar Team *Stradaboy *GOTH *Yasashakeel *Roxie | Username | Sohail4Games |

Member Stats
- Registered
- Dec 31 '16
- Last Login
- May 20 '17
- Missions made
- 0
- Trailers made
- 0
- VideoTuts made
- 0
- TextTuts made
- 0
- Comments made
- 10
- Ratings made
- 0
Mission List
No missions foundComments
Added by Sohail4Games on Dec 31 2016, 09:18
Hello I'm Merlo Dave my real name is Sohail...I'm not from Philippines ,My real city is Delhi...If anybody added me in respect list but name of Merlo Dave then please change Merlo Dave to Sohail4Games!! ,Okay!!!
Added by ADib154 on Dec 31 2016, 09:32
Added by AnDReJ98 on Dec 31 2016, 15:52
Glad you could make it. :D
Added by Infantry Warfare on Jan 01 2017, 06:45
Hi bro, i played your other missiones, are cool. Can you do a trailer for my mission? it have a bad english, but im sure you can understand it.. xD
Added by Aftab Adeel on Jan 07 2017, 13:04
Sure why not. We should hire our friends on this website to join gtaforums for discussion. But MOTY has been ended. DYOM Awards 2k16 have been started.
Added by Roxie on Jan 07 2017, 19:04
Waiting For your missions br0
Added by Yasir RFL on Nov 28 2017, 18:06
Whoa ! Hi Sohail
I am also from India!
I am also from India!
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