DYOM » Members » Brian Walker

Profile of Brian Walker

THE legend of bad missions.

The child that was locked in a room, making said missions all day.

If you remember me from the past, feel free to leave a comment.

I may not ultimately be who I presented myself as, but the soul is still there.

Hello, you who may read this.

Thanks to a Nekomata.


MembergroupDYOM Designer
Gtaforums.com Username

Brian Walker

Member Stats

May 30 '12
Last Login
Apr 21 '22
Missions made
84 Avg: 3.3
Trailers made
VideoTuts made
TextTuts made
Comments made
Ratings made

Mission List

MissionNameLast UpdateRatingViewsDownloadsComments
Brian's Story - What i've done &May 30 2012, 19:04-9292640
Facebook's DYOM fan pageMay 30 2012, 19:07-9379670
AFT IV: To the bridgeMay 30 2012, 19:07-116011420
AFT IV: Ship (Finaly FIX)May 30 2012, 19:08-123814910
AFT IV: At the same time...May 30 2012, 19:09-108412520
AFT IV: Under the bridgeMay 30 2012, 19:10-102312270
AFT Extra: What happened to Michelle? 2May 30 2012, 19:10-107612500
AFT Extra: What happened to Michelle?May 30 2012, 19:11-106911460
METAL GEAR SOLID Part 3-6May 30 2012, 19:11-14183430
METAL GEAR SOLID TRAILERMay 30 2012, 19:12-12403330
LSS C.2: 3 missions storylineMay 30 2012, 19:12-128112600
Army Fourteenth Team 3: Saving cpl BakerMay 30 2012, 19:141128713460
LSS C.2 INTROJun 07 2012, 19:23-103315500
LSS: Jerry HernandezJun 07 2012, 19:24-105015460
LSS: Another day, another mobJun 07 2012, 19:24-98512640
LSS: Relax!Jun 07 2012, 19:25-96111950
LSS: VagosJun 07 2012, 19:25-112114550
LSS: David GrayJun 07 2012, 19:25-111914480
Los Santos Stories: IntroJun 07 2012, 19:26-140418950
AFT3: The last missionJun 07 2012, 19:26-115913700
Army Fourteenth Team 3: Sav. cpl Baker 3Jun 07 2012, 19:265163316892
Army Fourteenth Team 3: Sav. cpl Baker 2Jun 07 2012, 19:27-116716320
Splinter Cell GTA: HQJun 07 2012, 19:295164513580
Splinter Cell GTA: ShetlandJun 07 2012, 19:295228914500
Splinter Cell GTA: LSPDJun 07 2012, 19:295188515350
Splinter Cell GTA: Prison BreakJun 07 2012, 19:29-265016570
Black Hawk Down! (Contest Mission)Jun 07 2012, 19:30-211822282
The Riot (Contest Mission)Jun 07 2012, 19:30-129813510
AFT3- Beating Down The flakJun 07 2012, 19:30-113112250
AFT3- Town FightJun 07 2012, 19:31-113012150
ARMY Fourteenth team 3 -Road to the beacJun 07 2012, 19:31-129812890
Army Foureenth Team 3 -D-Day-Jun 07 2012, 19:31-140715580
DYOMJun 07 2012, 19:321132713141
Army fourtenth team 3 -To the base-Jun 07 2012, 19:32-118213700
Over 99 Objectives!!!Jun 07 2012, 19:32-238516130
Army Fourteenth Team 3Jun 07 2012, 19:32-125214120
Army Fourteenth Team 2 -Michelle-Jun 07 2012, 19:33-114812710
ShooterJun 07 2012, 19:33-164713510
Grand Theft Auto Fourteenth TeamJun 07 2012, 19:33-93110980
Army Fourteenth Team 2 -To the pier-Jun 07 2012, 19:33-114412140
The last fight for the army fourteenth tJun 07 2012, 19:34-116314030
[TUT]How to make the mission fail when..Jun 07 2012, 19:34-128714111
Stunt EliteJun 07 2012, 19:34-83612720
S.W.A.T The first missionJun 07 2012, 19:34-132312460
Kill the spy THE REMAKEJun 07 2012, 19:34-109611850
Army fourteenth team 2 -Plane-Jun 07 2012, 19:35-129312710
Army fourteenth team 2 -Japanese's-Jun 07 2012, 19:35-120613430
Brother In Arms BETAJun 07 2012, 19:36-116412220
Army fourteenth team 2 -to fort carson-Jun 07 2012, 19:36-112013020
The GodFatherJun 07 2012, 19:36-136712350
(FIXED)Army Fourteenth team 2 -2 hours bJun 07 2012, 19:36-142913820
ARMY Fourteenth team -Defend and ConquisJun 07 2012, 19:36-119115780
Fontanellato's Life Parte2Jun 07 2012, 19:37-107012240
ARMY Fourteenth team EXTRA -Training-Jun 07 2012, 19:37-119312820
Brian Walker 40th MissionJun 07 2012, 19:37-109712180
Fontanellato's Life DEMOJun 07 2012, 19:37-100011280
ARMY Fourteenth Team 2 ThemeJun 07 2012, 19:38-79810950
ARMY Fourteenth Team 2 -Bone Country-Jun 07 2012, 19:38-129813420
ARMY Fourteenth team 2 -Where are all?-Jun 07 2012, 19:38-128813810
ARMY Fourteenth Team 2 -For the team-Jun 07 2012, 19:38-138914220
ARMY Fourteenth Team 2 -Fucked-Jun 07 2012, 19:39-143513560
ARMY Fourteenth Team 2 -Back to the HQ-Jun 07 2012, 19:53-139913270
ARMY Fourteenth Team 2 -A new camp.Jun 07 2012, 19:53-134814500
ARMY Fourteenth Team -Evasion-Jun 07 2012, 19:53-131512370
ARMY Fourteenth team -Goodbye Johnson...Jun 07 2012, 19:54-130613750
ARMY Fourteenth team -Prisoned-Jun 07 2012, 19:56-134314070
ARMY Fourteenth team -Defende the camp-Jun 07 2012, 19:57-138514610
ARMY Fourteenth team -Fourtyth Team 4-Jun 07 2012, 19:57-149714760
ARMY Fourteenth team -Fourtyth Team 3-Jun 07 2012, 19:57-152114720
ARMY Fourteenth team EXTRA -D-DAY-Jun 07 2012, 19:57-130814650
ARMY Fourteenth team -Fourthy Team 2-Jun 07 2012, 19:57-139014370
ARMY Fourteenth team -Fourthy Team-Jun 07 2012, 19:58-124013060
ARMY Fourteenth team -A new foreman-Jun 07 2012, 19:58-139514240
ARMY Fourteenth team Mission packJun 07 2012, 19:58-15345991
ARMY Fourteenth team -Free Play- V 0.1Jun 07 2012, 19:58-91011410
ARMY Fourteenth team -Renforcements!!-Jun 07 2012, 19:59-140614720
ARMY Fourteenth team -The Mount 2-Jun 07 2012, 19:59-125012800
ARMY Fourteenth team -The Mount-Jun 07 2012, 19:59-131412480
ARMY Fourteenth team -Reconnaissance-Jun 07 2012, 19:59-144114070
ARMY Fourteenth team -The first mission-Jun 07 2012, 19:59-218520981
ARMY Fourteenth team -The beginning-Jun 11 2012, 11:57-231921803
Good long nightJan 17 2013, 14:2416239261
Brian's story: IntroApr 15 2022, 13:49-322619381
Army 14th Team: The end?Apr 20 2022, 20:55-7575250


Added by Brian Walker on May 30 2012, 18:59
For some unknown reason (to me atleast) my missions don't show here so...

These are my missions D:

Added by SithLord on May 30 2012, 21:06
Added by Brian Walker on May 31 2012, 22:31
... Huh, i'm Brian Walker dude xD, i mean i know i'm not famous but, just an old mission designer D:
Added by Sgt.Mike on Jun 04 2012, 13:05
Man!I never thought id see you again ;3.Im an old friend of urs a designer i got you on Windows Live.
Added by Brian Walker on Jun 07 2012, 19:22
Windows live? Huh, please you must forgive me xD, but a realy lof of stuff happened, my life realy changed from that time D: ... So , =S i don't know how to say it but

GOMENASAI! (Sorry in jap xD) i don't recall your name :( I'm so realy sorry and embarassed D: D: D: ... but... huh i'm happy to read that, thanks =)
Added by Davian Thule on Jul 16 2012, 20:20
Hi brian! Are you from Verona?
Added by Brian Walker on Jul 18 2012, 23:20
Nope xD
Added by Brian Walker on Jan 16 2013, 19:42
I am so ashamed of myself D: , I'll perhaps do something but please just ignore me xD, I've spent a lot of time on DYOM and I kinda feel "close" to it xD.

So maybe I'll do something for the sake of old times, I've been training my english all this time too, watched videos, films, I've been speaking in english and stuff so now I hope my missions wont be ridicolous as they were before xD

I also want to thank everyone who showed me support long time ago, I realy apreciate it B
Added by Tay K on Apr 16 2022, 15:09
nice work

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