DYOM » Members » Venom_Bro

Profile of Venom_Bro


MembergroupDYOM Designer
LocationSilent Hill
BirthdateAugust 15
Gtaforums.com Usernameit's poundcake time


Member Stats

Sep 25 '17
Last Login
Dec 05 '19
Missions made
Trailers made
VideoTuts made
TextTuts made
1 Avg: 4.3
Comments made
Ratings made
26 Avg: 4.3

Mission List

No missions found

Text Tutorial List

How to make a survival-horror mission (basic tutorial)Mar 24 2019, 19:591065


Added by AfricaDesigner on Sep 30 2017, 11:56
You Are Not Venom!Venom Create Awesome Missions!And you mission Is Not Like him!That Why I HATE YOU!............I Wish Dyom has new site
Added by AfricaDesigner on Oct 04 2017, 17:33
But What?....Yo Dude,I Respect you,But you English Is Horrible,Must Respect Our Others Not Disrespect
Added by Steamanco on Oct 07 2017, 19:32
You still remember me!? I am surprised bro. Thanks! I am gonna try out some of your missions.then tell you how it was.
Added by AfricaDesigner on Oct 20 2017, 17:49
Make A Mission Pack Not Single :|
Added by AfricaDesigner on Oct 20 2017, 18:30
Dude Why you talking to me like that you disrespet Me,By The Way You Not Good Guy To Talk With.........So One Thing And You Will Reported
Added by Soap Mactavish on Oct 27 2017, 18:43
Hi bro nice missions u got.do check mine and leave a rating and feedback
Added by Roxie on Nov 17 2017, 07:30
Hey Venom Remebred me?
Added by Roxie on Nov 17 2017, 20:43
A Big Fan Boi of Silent Hill :D U knw i miss u
Added by Green Goo on Jan 01 2018, 03:21
Venom my blood brother, how are you man? I knew you wouldn't forget me after what I did. Thanks man, how are you I missed you too. :)
Added by Venom_Bro on Jan 01 2018, 11:46
LOL Who is giving me every mission one star? xD
Added by Green Goo on Jan 01 2018, 13:12
Wait a second, when I made a bad mission pack? I always make good ones, haha! XD
Added by Green Goo on Jan 02 2018, 13:27
I ALWAYS make good MPs despite I'm the creator of BBM and Infection. -_-
Added by Green Goo on Jan 03 2018, 03:38
I'm trying but still no answers from the moderators, if it's impossible then I think the answer will be "No" forever. If that happen I think I won't have a choice but to leave the DYOM community forever. :(
Added by Green Goo on Mar 02 2018, 11:58
Blood brother I'm very very happy to talk with you! Where were you all these days what happened about Silence Scream? That pack is awesome, anyway how's it going? :D
Added by Green Goo on Mar 02 2018, 11:58
Blood brother I'm very very happy to talk with you! Where were you all these days what happened about Silence Scream? That pack is awesome, anyway how's it going? :D
Added by Green Goo on Mar 09 2018, 12:07
I understand you, I have school troubles too just like you but this won't continue, it'll end sooner or later. ;D
Added by Fatin Ilham on Mar 28 2018, 19:48
Hey man,I am happy that you've finally changed and thanks for still respecting me and mentioning in GTAFORUMS xD
Added by DennysCute99 on Jul 02 2018, 18:57
I should be in your respect list.
Added by TomekManieczki on Aug 07 2018, 17:13
nice mission bro!
Added by FatGat on Mar 23 2019, 19:46
kaj ima?
Added by Venom_Bro on Mar 23 2019, 20:36
ima svudje

(probaj balkan misiju)
Added by GameOfLife on Mar 29 2019, 04:59
I am your fans bro! make more dyom pleaseeeee :D

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