DYOM » Members » PopeskyHoup

Profile of PopeskyHoup

Mihailo-mateja Popovic


MembergroupDYOM Designer
LocationSombor, Serbia
BirthdateApril, 15. 2004
RespectListGrand Theft Auto: Underground Series
Gtaforums.com UsernameMihailomatejaPopovic


Member Stats

May 03 '18
Last Login
Mar 04 '25
Missions made
17 Avg: 3
Trailers made
VideoTuts made
TextTuts made
Comments made
Ratings made

Mission List

MissionNameLast UpdateRatingViewsDownloadsComments
Catalina's Revenge On ClaudeOct 10 2021, 22:57-7488162
The Return Of Ricardo DiazOct 10 2021, 22:57-10387120
Big Smoke Survived In BullworthOct 10 2021, 22:57-10697490
Ryder's Return to Carcer CityOct 10 2021, 22:57-309213802
Race Tournament In Mainland LibertyOct 10 2021, 22:57-8887800
We Invade Dunsfold Military BaseOct 10 2021, 22:58-10677500
Tenpenny Destroys Cottonmouth CityOct 10 2021, 22:58-6867460
Race Around San Andreas WorldOct 10 2021, 22:58-5508140
Return Of Antonio Toni CiprianiOct 10 2021, 22:58-11097520
The Murder Of Sentinel HighOct 10 2021, 22:58-4057200
Statue Of Liberty In Liberty CityOct 10 2021, 22:58-8406490
Destruction Of Planes And HelicoptersOct 10 2021, 22:58-4745790
Grand Theft Auto Race TournamentOct 10 2021, 22:5856826530
Planes And Helicopters In Liberty CityOct 10 2021, 22:58-4086100
Newest Mainland Liberty Midway CityOct 10 2021, 22:59-9626140
Latest Snapshots In Vice CityOct 10 2021, 23:00-9266150
Grand Theft Auto: Underground SeriesOct 16 2021, 00:411504710811


Added by Nande Brasileiros on Jun 04 2018, 00:17
friend I adored his mission, I detonated all the enemies,
the bums detonated the mad dog house, it fits perfectly with the story,
hey friend can visit my profile has missions as well.

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