DYOM » Members » daniels0010

Profile of daniels0010


MembergroupDYOM Designer
Gtaforums.com Username


Member Stats

Aug 06 '12
Last Login
Apr 05 '21
Missions made
13 Avg: 2.5
Trailers made
1 Avg: -
VideoTuts made
TextTuts made
Comments made
Ratings made
4 Avg: 4.0

Mission List

MissionNameLast UpdateRatingViewsDownloadsComments
Cj and Brians story part 1: Blood brotheAug 07 2012, 15:08-87014030
Cj and Brians story part 2:The returnAug 07 2012, 15:12-81314760
Cj and Brians story part 2:(real)Aug 07 2012, 15:14-80612430
Cj and Brians story part 3: way back upAug 07 2012, 15:18-93013030
CJ and Brians story part 4:BetrayalAug 07 2012, 15:23-84513410
Cj and Brians story part 5:The escapeAug 12 2012, 10:42-78113430
Cj and Brians story part 6:One buster onAug 12 2012, 10:48-79314000
Cj and Brians story part 7:Saving a rappAug 12 2012, 10:52-86113270
CJ and Brians story part 8:Mike TorenoAug 12 2012, 10:59-89511930
GTA HencmanSep 20 2012, 09:12312774480
Friday the 13th part 1Sep 20 2012, 11:04-100514711
Hencman completed.Oct 22 2012, 14:56-8593051
Killer in the red country mission packNov 13 2012, 20:59230453830

Trailer List

Killer in the red country trailerNov 13 2012, 21:02-


Added by daniels0010 on Aug 12 2012, 11:00
play my missions they are good:)
Added by CLEOMASTER on Nov 26 2012, 19:26
Hey Daniel,I am a Small helper of Dyom.I saw your Question and it is "How To Start The Mission autorun?"
well thats Easy,When you finish making your mission
simply go to "Mission Menu" and you can see at the list option with name "Publish Mission" Thats all! if you wanna upload the mission just upload the Dyom.0 File when you publish the mission a file come at Gta san andreas User Files
name is Dyom.0 upload it!!!
Please Ignore me if you know how to make Thank U

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