DYOM » Members » Medo_GamerX

Profile of Medo_GamerX

(My youtube channel)

ProjectsStatus of ProjectsFeaturesTopic
San Andreas Heists0%W.I.P.N/AN/A


MembergroupDYOM Designer
RespectListDYOM creators (For mading DYOM)
DennysCute99 My Best Friend
And the other DYOMERS
Simply everyone in DYOM
Gtaforums.com UsernameMedo_GamerX (Banned)


Member Stats

Jul 21 '18
Last Login
Oct 23 '18
Missions made
9 Avg: -
Trailers made
VideoTuts made
TextTuts made
Comments made
Ratings made
13 Avg: 4.4

Mission List

MissionNameLast UpdateRatingViewsDownloadsComments
Cop Life (1)Jul 21 2018, 15:09-5149295
Cop Life (2)Jul 21 2018, 15:12-4038884
Cop Life (2)Jul 21 2018, 15:12-4079063
The Solider (1).Jul 22 2018, 13:29-3898362
Cop Life (3) THE END!!!!.Jul 22 2018, 16:39-4178954
Cop Life 3 (MISSIONS IN 1 PACK)Jul 22 2018, 16:42-7923022
The Solider (2).Jul 23 2018, 16:43-4348912
The Solider (3).Jul 24 2018, 00:24-3788191
The Solider ( Missions Pack have the 3 pJul 24 2018, 00:29-4352111


Added by Medo_GamerX on Jul 22 2018, 16:45
I hope you like my missions and thanks for playing it (:
Added by DennysCute99 on Jul 23 2018, 22:34
Welcome to DYOM world! ^^
Added by Medo_GamerX on Jul 23 2018, 23:01
can you check my missions and give me advice or two
Added by Saif rehman on Jul 24 2018, 20:08
Advice for what?
Added by Medo_GamerX on Jul 24 2018, 20:21
Added by DennysCute99 on Jul 24 2018, 22:46
Enjoy bro! :)

[tr][th]My Project[/th][th]Status[/th][th]Trailer[/th][th]Topic[/th][/tr]
[tr][td]Name of Universe[/td][td]W.I.P.[/td][td][Url=Put your link of site]Example: Youtube[/Url][/td][td][Url=Put your link of this Topic page]Example: THE FALL OF MICHAEL[/Url][/td]
[tr][td]Name of Universe[/td][td]W.I.P.[/td][td][Url=Put your link of site]Example: Youtube[/Url][/td][td][Url=Put your link of this Topic page]Example: A Ghost Night[/Url][/td]

This one!
Added by Medo_GamerX on Jul 25 2018, 17:05
why you want the facebook accounts why???
Added by Medo_GamerX on Jul 25 2018, 17:06
in every proflie can you give me your facebook profile link whyyyyy?
Added by Medo_GamerX on Jul 26 2018, 15:08
i'm a arabic guy everything in my account is arabic and my friends (some of them i just friend with them to help me in a facbook game XD
Added by Huzaifa on Jul 27 2018, 07:53
Here's the mission of 2016 of mine. Hope you like it bro :)


Your every feedback will be appreciated! ;)
Added by Medo_GamerX on Jul 27 2018, 07:56
ok bro i'll play it but not now
Added by Medo_GamerX on Jul 27 2018, 21:13
Ok bro here is my account
Added by Medo_GamerX on Aug 11 2018, 13:49
guys try my first storyline ok

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