DYOM » Members » M.B. Kovas

Profile of M.B. Kovas

I am a designer from Samogitia who has been creating missions on and off since 2016, even though this profile does not encompass all of my history of contribution to the site. My main goal is to create content that is enjoyable to a variety of people, and the mod has been a really useful tool in terms of making my own imagination of San Andreas missions come to life for everyone else to experience. I create missions that have an essential focus on detailed storytelling over plain gameplay elements like driving and shooting, which is different from what the original San Andreas storyline has to offer.

Mission SeriesTotal MissionsRelease DateStatus
The New Old7October 15th of 2020Cancelled
Dummy Missions2April 30th of 2021TBD

AwardProjectDate of Issuance
Mission Of The Week #187HayhavenJune 8th of 2021

My introduction to the community has been consolidated with the release of my personal first mission pack titled War of San Andreas in late 2016, which to this day stands as the most known project made by me. There have been attempts to make other mission packs, however, none of them, including WOSA, were ever finished due to lack of consistent effort. My designing has ultimately ceased in 2018 and I have made a departure from the mod for over two years. The introduction of The New Old marks the return of my designing in 2020 and also the real beginning of this profile.

How are your missions different compared to others?
- I focus a lot of attention to detailed storytelling. This means that my characters are usually more fleshed out and the story is more profound, which sometimes comes at the expense of gameplay. Gameplay is not my priority, since you already have a lot of missions out there that have too much simplistic driving and shooting.

How long do you take to create one mission?
- It really depends on the type of mission I'm working on. There are some constants in my style of designing, though. For example, I usually reach atleast 80 objectives on each mission, and since most of them are somewhat carefully constructed, it takes me an average of 2 to 3 hours to complete one mission. Sometimes even more than that.

Have you ever recorded missions on YouTube?
- Yes, I have. I have quite a sum of DYOM videos on my channel which, atleast in the beginning of the channel, was the majority of my uploads.

What tips do you have for beginning designers?
- Focus on what you like to do most in your missions, whether it's telling detailed stories, crafting intriguing gameplay or simply making missions for the sake of it, because it's easy to lose motivation to continue. Make missions because you enjoy the process of designing, and not because you want awards, views or ratings.

What is your opinion on the DYOM community?
- Considering we're talking about the English one, I have been a part of it for years and I have a varying opinion on it. My arrival in the community was met with a still pretty dedicated group of designers who made great projects. This, however, didn't last as I was involved in unfortunate drama between myself and other designers, and since the community's goal of discussion was the drama rather than mission designing at the time, and also since DYOM moderators were absolutely failing to handle it, I left. I have returned in 2020 rather isolated from the main community with the sole intention of simply designing.

Who do you think are good DYOM designers?
- Jimmy Leppard sits as one of my favorites, because he embodies the style of storytelling that I sympathize with. Martin Strada has been a friend of mine starting with this community, and his missions, which focus on rather detailed gameplay mechanics, aswell as his contribution to the activity of the community, are underrated. Target13 and RithRake24 are also nice additions to the platform with their own style of combining gameplay and storytelling which I personally enjoy. Other honorable mentions are GalacticXp1, HeisenbergGR, THBP and more.

Who do you think are good DYOM youtubers?
- I think AznKei1 deserves the top spot as he is the most consistent and dedicated DYOM youtuber out there, with hundreds upon hundreds of videos made on many missions including some of my own. GalacticXp1 brought a new sense to the usage of the mod as he made some of the most popular GTA San Andreas Machinimas using it, and since they are rather old, I remember them ever since childhood when I enjoyed them a lot. Andrej has a useful set of tutorials on his channel which also helped me start out with the mod in 2016. EddyIr is a channel for those who enjoy plain DYOM walkthroughs uploaded on a consistent basis and I like it.


MembergroupDYOM Designer
Jimmy Leppard
Martin Strada
Mr. TongWah
Gtaforums.com UsernameM.B. Kovas

M.B. Kovas

Member Stats

Aug 13 '18
Last Login
Jun 08 '24
Missions made
14 Avg: 4.7
Trailers made
10 Avg: 5
VideoTuts made
TextTuts made
Comments made
Ratings made
10 Avg: 3.8

Mission List

MissionNameLast UpdateRatingViewsDownloadsComments
The New Old S1M1 - Strada of the StreetsOct 15 2020, 11:3635741890
The New Old S1M2 - Folded HistoryOct 24 2020, 12:5753681610
The New Old S1M3 - It Never EndsOct 25 2020, 08:2053191960
The New Old S1M4 - Friends in High PlaceOct 25 2020, 13:5153001600
The New Old S1M5 - GentlemanOct 25 2020, 13:5353151680
The New Old S1M6 - Precious TimeOct 29 2020, 18:4653141750
The New Old S1M7 - The Final BattleNov 01 2020, 13:3953661630
Dummy Missions - Part 1Jun 16 2021, 21:57511196761
Hayhaven (MOTW #187 Winner)Jun 16 2021, 21:5751771148310
Skyscraper Stunting: Los SantosJul 04 2021, 11:393.6712851993
The New Old - Season 1Aug 22 2022, 22:5752901131
Dummy Missions - Part 2Oct 10 2022, 12:1358984720
East Los RyderApr 29 2023, 12:30513623722
Turf Wars: GroveSep 08 2023, 12:1344134730

Trailer List

Walkthrough by M.B. KovasFeb 11 2019, 19:09-
2:28 - by M.B. KovasJul 04 2021, 11:41-
KovasilenceOct 27 2022, 14:06-
East Los Ryder - Kovasilent WalkthroughMay 04 2023, 09:32-
GTA SA DYOM - Mission - "Cocaine BarJun 01 2023, 06:04-
GTA SA DYOM - Mission - "The Return.Jun 02 2023, 13:13-
Kovasilent WT - Quick EscapeAug 01 2023, 09:215
Kovasilent WT - Ryder is AliveAug 03 2023, 13:03-
Kovasilent WT - Toni Cipriani kills CJSep 16 2023, 20:015
Kovasilent WalkthroughMar 02 2024, 09:20-


Added by NorthRock on Sep 11 2018, 14:34
Remember me, old friend? 😈
Added by DennysCute99 on Oct 06 2018, 16:40
New account?
Added by M.B. Kovas on Jan 04 2019, 16:53
Yes, it is. I'll probably upload a few missions every now and then, since I'm not that keen on designing anything big anymore.
Added by AnDReJ98 on Jan 05 2019, 01:55
Added by Anouar on Oct 24 2020, 09:05
Hiii, Arent you making any more missions bro? Your ideas are great
Added by M.B. Kovas on Oct 24 2020, 09:08
Sure, man. The second mission to "The New Old" will be coming out sometime soon.
Added by Anouar on Nov 02 2020, 07:35
BRO!!!! Your profile!!!!

First i thought you write an paragraph but after i read all my mind blowed! You got a big fat profile!
Added by Anouar on Nov 02 2020, 07:38
And I am a follower of AznKei1
Added by M.B. Kovas on Nov 02 2020, 10:27
Nice. AznKei will probably play my ongoing mission pack sometime in the future, too.

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