DYOM » Members » DonMino95

Profile of DonMino95

I love Gta Sa and the DYOM mod
I think that GTA will be an immortal game, and I will also have to know my children, assuming that I will have.


MembergroupDYOM Designer
Birthdate12 April
RespectListI Respect only myself
Gtaforums.com Username


Member Stats

Aug 13 '12
Last Login
Jan 16 '13
Missions made
35 Avg: -
Trailers made
VideoTuts made
TextTuts made
Comments made
Ratings made

Mission List

MissionNameLast UpdateRatingViewsDownloadsComments
La ribellioneAug 14 2012, 00:07-6859960
Le nuove arrivateAug 28 2012, 19:05-6139620
AssaltateAug 31 2012, 12:15-61811250
Invasione Russa: AssedioSep 11 2012, 21:27-75410460
Invasione Russa: Attacco aereoSep 11 2012, 21:28-67011080
Invasione Russa: Battaglia navaleSep 11 2012, 21:28-62011670
Invasione Russa: Saperne di piùSep 11 2012, 21:29-65310850
Invasione Russa: Questioni nucleariSep 11 2012, 21:29-64711280
Invasione Russa: Apocalisse Pt. 1Sep 11 2012, 21:30-66910270
Invasione Russa: Apocalisse Pt. 2Sep 11 2012, 21:30-72211170
Invasione Russa: Apocalisse Pt. 3Sep 11 2012, 21:30-64012110
Invasione Russa: Inferno nei cieliSep 11 2012, 21:30-74810810
Stealth Project: PrologoSep 11 2012, 21:32-75211280
Stealth Project: ScopertaSep 11 2012, 21:32-62211000
Stealth Project: ContrattaccoSep 11 2012, 21:32-59010230
Stealth Project: ScambioSep 11 2012, 21:33-67310640
Stealth Project: TrovatoSep 11 2012, 21:33-62810551
Stealth Project: La terza baseSep 11 2012, 21:33-61810410
Stealth Project: RecuperoSep 11 2012, 21:34-60911340
Stealth Project: Prova di resistenzaSep 11 2012, 21:34-62110380
Revenge: Brutti RicordiSep 11 2012, 21:58-65911670
Revenge: InizioSep 12 2012, 13:33-5919810
Revenge: Pista Da SeguireSep 12 2012, 16:09-58110930
Revenge: SpionaggioSep 13 2012, 11:24-5799980
Revenge: NighthawkSep 13 2012, 20:40-65010750
Revenge: La Raffineria Pt. 1Sep 14 2012, 21:49-56610810
Revenge: Colpo Di Scena Pt. 1Sep 15 2012, 14:07-61511440
Revenge: Colpo Di Scena Pt. 2Sep 16 2012, 11:24-57810620
Revenge: La Raffineria Pt. 2Sep 16 2012, 23:08-58010000
Revenge: Cambio Di Programma Pt. 1Sep 22 2012, 14:16-5919170
Revenge: Cambio Di Programma Pt. 2Oct 03 2012, 18:43-59711290
Revenge: Sviluppo InaspettatoOct 05 2012, 15:04-56411000
Revenge: ConfessioneOct 05 2012, 19:23-61011610
Revenge: Triste DecisioneOct 06 2012, 14:41-5819890
Revenge: RevengeOct 12 2012, 18:05-5638820


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