DYOM » Members » Mirkisa

Profile of Mirkisa


MembergroupDYOM Designer
LocationBosnia and Hercegovina
RespectListEveryone, basically everyone.
Gtaforums.com Username


Member Stats

Nov 20 '18
Last Login
Feb 22 '19
Missions made
1 Avg: -
Trailers made
VideoTuts made
TextTuts made
Comments made
Ratings made
12 Avg: 4.3

Mission List

MissionNameLast UpdateRatingViewsDownloadsComments
Need of drugsNov 26 2018, 02:37-3867481


Added by HBH on Dec 24 2018, 19:17
I see you replied to me on my comments. I'm sorry, but I never worked on a storyline before, only missions. I don't even know how make storylines myself. I'm sorry for not being able to help.
Added by Mirkisa on Dec 27 2018, 22:19
Thank you I found out that i was making 2 missiontriggers that had 0 in it, I didnt put up a house icon now and its working.
Added by Venom_Bro on Jan 01 2019, 12:24
Imamo još jednog bosanca :D
Added by FatGat on Feb 27 2019, 21:28
(ovo mi je drugi acc) Tu misiju sam pravio davno pa sad sam se malo poboljsao i radim moj storyline

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