DYOM » Members » Vinesh

Profile of Vinesh

Medium: Design Your Own Mission Designer
Mission series and packs
Mission S/PProgress
GTA - Swat LifeW.I.P

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MembergroupDYOM Designer
RespectListPatrickW and Dutchy3010
leoncj (LnD)
MadMarshMallow (Arejai)
The Odyssey
DragonWarrior (DnW)
ryder nigga
daniel mathers
Secronom President
Blue Ray Team
Dyom King
Prince Gumball
Gtaforums.com UsernameVinesh AKA SanAndreasDYOM


Member Stats

Aug 19 '12
Last Login
Jan 22 '17
Missions made
59 Avg: 2.7
Trailers made
5 Avg: -
VideoTuts made
TextTuts made
Comments made
Ratings made
20 Avg: 4.5

Mission List

MissionNameLast UpdateRatingViewsDownloadsComments
Ruining LabAug 19 2012, 13:25173012223
Ruining Lab[Fixed]Aug 29 2012, 09:30180413534
Maze ParkourSep 21 2012, 16:08-88515201
Bombing Big EarSep 22 2012, 14:57-79212390
CementarySep 22 2012, 15:25-94213300
Daniel Adventures - Its Accident?Sep 25 2012, 14:31180214150
Daniel Adventures - Me Officer!!Sep 25 2012, 14:32-76714910
THE END..!!Oct 02 2012, 07:36-82613260
Santa Maria Beach Party Oct 03 2012, 11:01-87814720
Drug kill!Oct 03 2012, 14:34-86014120
BoxingOct 03 2012, 14:46-75413470
Stealing HouseOct 03 2012, 15:21-92313010
Rocket Man!Oct 04 2012, 06:12-84412290
Army of SA TrainingOct 04 2012, 11:08113004311
ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE-Getting a gunOct 04 2012, 13:25-87715570
Army Claude Adventures - Chapter IOct 15 2012, 14:51-8092780
The HiddenOct 22 2012, 16:25-76013800
Madd Dogg Crib Assault - S.W.A.T MissionOct 25 2012, 14:47-406918281
The Terrorist's ShipOct 29 2012, 08:38-78414390
Prison BreakOct 29 2012, 11:28-84313410
Race In San Fierro!Oct 29 2012, 12:50-86214800
THE SNIPING TIME!Oct 29 2012, 13:01-75313200
The Kill Of Balla'sOct 29 2012, 13:03578714070
Escape the DYOM MazeMar 16 2013, 15:04593514944
Adventures of the Brothers - IntroductioApr 19 2013, 13:13-71714740
AotB - Joe AndersonApr 22 2013, 14:51-74913110
Canceled!May 01 2013, 14:51169813400
The Legend of Zero begins!May 01 2013, 15:53381114033
TLoz - Intro for the friendsMay 02 2013, 10:25-71613760
The HitoffJul 06 2013, 13:17-7352840
Andrey Stories - You can't run!Jul 21 2013, 14:29-7912880
Andrey Stories - Its a journey..Jul 27 2013, 11:00-8032720
AS - Pick 'n' PackJul 28 2013, 12:58-7552750
AS - World of CiviliansAug 03 2013, 16:55-7472650
Delivery BusinessAug 04 2013, 15:44-7182560
I just breaked out. [MOTW #10]Aug 06 2013, 13:03-9873080
Hit in (DYOM Contest 13)Aug 27 2013, 15:294107913992
The Aztecas Family - IntroductionDec 02 2013, 12:29-11052520
The Aztecas Family - The new recruitDec 03 2013, 06:11-10923170
Parkour TimeDec 28 2013, 15:38-9653013
Steal the fileDec 30 2013, 11:45-7072690
[TRoLS] IntroductionJan 08 2014, 13:36-75013380
[TRoLS] Old StoriesJan 08 2014, 13:39-73612020
[RTJ] Caught to EscapeJan 28 2014, 15:56-95716360
MOTW #11: Jail BreakJul 27 2014, 10:45210972992
CC Team: Case 1Aug 06 2014, 12:08-14783521
MOTW #12: Desert raceAug 10 2014, 09:5549473211
MOTW #17: Heist in LSNov 18 2014, 15:43514584011
Swat Life: Plan before ActDec 01 2014, 15:21-9243790
SWAT Life - IntroductionDec 01 2014, 15:26331595530
SWAT Life - Operation DrugDec 01 2014, 15:262.535965670
SWAT Life - Happy, sad and madDec 01 2014, 15:27338944951
SWAT Life - Truth and DeathDec 01 2014, 15:27335694782
SWAT Life - Gang of revengeDec 01 2014, 15:27-34144700
SWAT Life - Funeral criesDec 01 2014, 15:28232734390
SWAT Life - Got KidnappedDec 01 2014, 15:28-10923790
SWAT Life - Trip to LVDec 01 2014, 15:28-11394030
GTA Swat Life - Welcome to LVDec 01 2014, 15:28-15144120
Swat Life - Chapter - I - Full RipDec 01 2014, 15:29-15508053

Trailer List

GTA Swat Life - Operation DrugDec 21 2013, 14:16-
Happy, sad and mad (Walkthrough)Dec 24 2013, 08:05-
Truth and DeathDec 24 2013, 08:06-
Gang of RevengeDec 24 2013, 08:07-
Funeral CriesDec 25 2013, 08:09-


Added by Vinesh on Oct 04 2012, 11:02
Added by Zohair Irani on Mar 15 2013, 15:48
About the trick , Vinesh .
First submerge the submarine half in the ground so that ground seems to be submarine's base.Then add teleport objective in the submarine and VOILA ! You are inside the submarine's interior(which is actually empty.).
Hope this helped.
Added by Zohair Irani on Mar 15 2013, 15:51
Sorry forgot to add this : Place the marker just where the submarine is located.( By 'Just where' I mean at the EXACT LOCATION.Then select tools ->teleport to marker.
If everything goes right , then you will be teleported right inside the submarine.Then you can continue the mission there.
Added by ArmMei133 on Dec 16 2013, 15:30
Hello! I translate the mission into Russian. You can give your missions in the usual form?
E-mail: pspmp4films@gmail.com.
Added by DYOM MASTER on Dec 21 2013, 06:56
Just Join For Free Man It Is Good Fourms About Dyom Mission Making Online http://dyomhelpers.freeforums.net/
Added by DYOM MASTER on Dec 21 2013, 14:40
Come To My Fourms For Creating Missions Vinesh
Added by KC10a on Jan 12 2015, 11:53
Hi! My name is KC10a. I want to make a drive-by mission. can you help me ?

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