DYOM » Members » nono

Profile of nono

Polish Creator


MembergroupDYOM Designer
Gtaforums.com Username


Member Stats

Aug 25 '12
Last Login
Jun 17 '16
Missions made
10 Avg: 4.3
Trailers made
VideoTuts made
TextTuts made
Comments made
Ratings made
9 Avg: 3.7

Mission List

MissionNameLast UpdateRatingViewsDownloadsComments
Explosion!Aug 25 2012, 11:41-7489294
Explosive Desert.Aug 26 2012, 11:3746778781
Zombie 69Aug 26 2012, 18:405142111752
Elimination of MafiaAug 27 2012, 23:5138639563
Where my money?!Aug 30 2012, 21:3356208451
Sprunk FactoryAug 31 2012, 22:504.3310529425
Exploded 69Sep 17 2012, 20:4747369311
Dealer StoriesSep 22 2012, 11:544.679902645
Big Heavy Guns for Big Boys?Jun 28 2013, 15:34-5878090
Angry FarmersJul 03 2013, 13:49-6308170


Added by dhruvchauhan1208 on Aug 25 2012, 16:27
Hey man! make 2nd mission!
Added by NUDA!Official on Aug 31 2012, 00:42
Mamy nadzieje,¿e nasza misja siê spodoba³a. To znaczy,je¿eli pan j± pobra³. Pozdrawiamy! Ekipa NUDY!
Added by ok1wwa on Sep 20 2012, 15:11
Znasz mnie z YouTube'a? Ja ciebie jako¶ nie kojarze..
Added by ok1wwa on Sep 20 2012, 18:21
Added by szufla22 on Dec 07 2012, 20:04
I zapodaj lajkacza https://www.facebook.com/GtaZoo
Added by TheMariusz700 on Mar 22 2013, 21:16
Dziêkujê za komentarz :) W³a¶nie pojawi³a siê nowa misja u mnie :) Pozdrawiam i miej dzisiaj ¶wietny dzieñ! :)
Added by rolnikpl on Mar 25 2013, 16:07
Jeste¶ polakiem a wiêc rób polskie misje!!! ;o
Added by yvonne on Sep 22 2013, 13:01
My name is Yvonne, a single girl, i like making friend that is why i write you after been attracted to your profile at dyom, i will appreciate if you reply me only to my email address ( yvonne44love@yahoo.com ) so that from my email i can tell you about me and a picture, am waiting now for your mail .
Yvonne .
my email address ( yvonne44love@ yahoo.com )

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