DYOM » Members » John Mooth

Profile of John Mooth

Stefan Alan Profilers. best known under the online pseudonym John Mooth. other names from JOH, Stefan and The Superstar. was known as the Stefan Productions and Rockstar Games fan. he is Brazilian-American actor, YouTuber, motorsport, football player and gamer. since 2001, he has been known a best of all. in 2005, he was known as the character and voice on the videogame Grand Theft Auto: ST.John's. since 2015, he has been competing on The Summer Show. since 2011, he has been being a captain of the ST.John's S.C. sports team of soccer. since 2009, he has been known for motorsport. Since 2023, being formed in the special school, the parents and friends of exceptional children association.

Hailing from Brazil, i'm a long-time the innocent, autist, gamer and masterpiece art creator now based in Los Angeles, California.

If you want help, a support, contact it via E-Mail:
Pls don't make you a SPAM to my E-Mail, this is not a kind of joke.


MembergroupDYOM Designer
LocationLos Angeles, California, USA
BirthdateFebruary 26, 1989
Gtaforums.com Username

John Mooth

Member Stats

May 14 '19
Last Login
Feb 18 '25
Missions made
20 Avg: 1.5
Trailers made
4 Avg: -
VideoTuts made
TextTuts made
Comments made
Ratings made

Mission List

MissionNameLast UpdateRatingViewsDownloadsComments
The Pre-Historic San AndreasMay 14 2019, 01:54-14432050
The FightingMay 14 2019, 02:05-3861620
Hurray Kimmay Chapter 1 BetaJul 01 2019, 19:49-5131440
Fighting CopsJul 01 2019, 19:55-3495320
TakedownSep 03 2019, 19:56-3675480
Custom Missions PackSep 09 2019, 23:59-3761540
The 24 Hours Le MansJun 28 2020, 19:44-12087160
The Daytona Arcade ClassicJun 25 2021, 16:59-9471783
Daytona Arcade Classic: The Kantaris'Jul 23 2021, 01:02-9531520
The Daytona Venturas DemoAug 30 2021, 16:39-2791210
The Daytona Venturas - Early AccessMar 11 2022, 20:00-2951202
Rockstar Live: Street Racing DYOM DemoApr 06 2022, 00:06-2504381
Director ModeMay 30 2022, 01:56-2444810
San Andreas Hustle DemoJun 04 2022, 23:13-8604440
The Daytona VenturasJun 04 2022, 23:14-3241410
GTA San Andreas Challenges Early AccessJul 02 2022, 02:06-3881450
Rockstar Live Street Racing DYOM EditionJul 08 2022, 02:22-3831410
San Andreas HustleSep 08 2024, 22:05-7631642
The Daytona Anthology CollectionSep 10 2024, 04:48-6111760
John Mooth: Butterflies & HurricanesFeb 18 2025, 02:101.582191042

Trailer List

The Pre-Historic TrailerMay 14 2019, 01:55-
Watch the Le Mans 24 Arcade Game by SegaJun 28 2020, 17:45-
Daytona Arcade Deluxe GameplayMay 28 2021, 00:14-
Daytona Arcade Classic - Full WalkthrughMay 28 2021, 00:15-


Added by John Mooth on Apr 05 2022, 00:38
Attention, Rockstar Live HD Street Racing on DYOM has been announced. first, is about to play the demo, keep it together, we're underway and confirmed.
Added by John Mooth on May 13 2022, 22:34
Note: I'm thinking about another Daytona game on DYOM, is leaked or not, it's The Daytona: Vice City Heat...
Added by John Mooth on May 14 2022, 00:12
The Daytona Vice City Heat has been cancelled. The problem did not fix working San Vice mod or the SAxVCxLC because does not working and fixing with Limit adjuster and even Take-Two tooks over by destroying mods.
Added by GTA lover:) on May 15 2022, 16:09
can u play my missions :(
Added by John Mooth on May 20 2022, 04:39
What, GTA loven)?, what do you want?
Added by John Mooth on Jul 02 2022, 01:54
3 Years later, Sorry when the mission file Hurray Kimmay Chapter 1 is Beta, it was cancelled. I was just tired of that, i don't know these dialogues and levels in this missions.
Added by John Mooth on Sep 18 2023, 15:39
Finally, another DYOM mission is about to be released, John Mooth: Butterflies & Hurricanes - the official game. This mission is based on the film. This will be released in Summer 2023, presented to The Hour of John Mooth: DU6AI. A demo footage is available: https://shorturl.at/iwxNP
Added by John Mooth on Jan 18 2024, 15:15
Whoa! Thanks for the highest views of the mission "John Mooth: Butterflies & Hurricanes", that it looks a masterpiece. Also enjoy the new Hour of John Mooth edition.

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