DYOM » Members » Miguel Viejó

Profile of Miguel Viejó

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MembergroupDYOM Designer
Gtaforums.com Username

Miguel Viejó

Member Stats

Jan 22 '20
Last Login
Oct 11 '21
Missions made
20 Avg: 3.5
Trailers made
VideoTuts made
TextTuts made
Comments made
Ratings made
3 Avg: 4.0

Mission List

MissionNameLast UpdateRatingViewsDownloadsComments
PoliceApr 26 2020, 08:44-3756460
Operación JaquemateMay 05 2020, 09:08510116055
Historia de Grove Street (1)May 11 2020, 20:01-4607330
Historia de Grove Street (2)May 11 2020, 20:02-3276320
Historia de Grove Street (3)May 11 2020, 20:02-3255580
Historia de Grove Street (4)May 11 2020, 20:02-5846120
Historia de Grove Street (5)May 11 2020, 20:04-3446142
Historia de Grove Street (6)May 14 2020, 04:11-3475800
Historia de Grove Street (7)May 16 2020, 10:00-2765520
Historia de Grove Street (8)May 17 2020, 23:29-2955790
Historia de Grove Street (9)May 19 2020, 22:38-3005190
Historia de Grove Street (10)May 23 2020, 05:48-3715680
Historia de Grove Street (11)May 23 2020, 08:10-3035740
Historia de Grove Street (12)May 25 2020, 06:47-2815950
Historia de Grove Street (13)May 25 2020, 21:0322945702
Historia de Grove Street (14)May 27 2020, 05:50-2615640
Historia de Grove Street (15)May 29 2020, 11:05-3045820
Historia de Grove Street (Final)May 30 2020, 00:51-3235360
Grove Street StoriesJun 10 2020, 06:12-5045973
Grove Street Stories EnglishJun 15 2020, 20:58-3761840


Added by Creative845 on Jun 26 2020, 14:55
Miguel, can you translate the ''Historia De Grove Street'' mission in English? It's a suggestion I gave for more downloads and views.
Added by Creative845 on Jun 26 2020, 14:55
All missions in English
Added by Miguel Viejó on Jun 26 2020, 22:00
Bro, the MP "Historia de Grove Street" is "Grove Street Stories" only that the title changed because of the cover page.
Anyway, ¡Thanks for the suggestion!
Added by Creative845 on Jun 28 2020, 10:28
Is the ''Grove Street Stories (English)'' is the MP of all these?
Added by Miguel Viejó on Jun 29 2020, 09:57
@Creative845 Yes, brou.
Grove Street Stories (English and Spanish) contains the 16 missions that I uploaded individually here in my DYOM account.
Please, if you download it, don't forget to download the bands skin.
Added by tmt gamer on Sep 20 2020, 11:16

Hola querido amigo, gracias por subir las historias de Mission Groove Street en inglés. and i am english but i can speak spanish

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