DYOM » Members » General Scrotum

Profile of General Scrotum

If you're worth the attention, then you have my respect.


MembergroupSenior DYOM Designer
Gtaforums.com UsernameGeneral Scrotum

General Scrotum

Member Stats

Oct 16 '11
Last Login
Nov 10 '21
Missions made
332 Avg: 4.8
Trailers made
8 Avg: 4.5
VideoTuts made
TextTuts made
Comments made
Ratings made
40 Avg: 3.8

Mission List

MissionNameLast UpdateRatingViewsDownloadsComments
The Last StandNov 15 2010, 17:463.67393631476
Running Training Test OneNov 19 2010, 02:285194228020
Running Training Test TwoNov 19 2010, 02:325241027350
Running Training Test ThreeNov 19 2010, 02:345209526040
Running Training Test FourNov 19 2010, 02:355226927380
Fighting Training Test OneNov 19 2010, 03:225189926800
Fighting Training Test TwoNov 19 2010, 03:265191727100
Fighting Training Test ThreeNov 19 2010, 03:285161926160
Fighting Training Test FourNov 19 2010, 03:305151625280
Fighting Training Test FiveNov 19 2010, 03:315239327281
Weapon Training Test OneNov 20 2010, 04:125181726840
Weapon Training Test TwoNov 20 2010, 04:265160625510
Weapon Training Test FourNov 20 2010, 04:285156224430
Weapon Training Test FourNov 20 2010, 04:325155426780
Driving Training Test OneNov 20 2010, 05:415174225820
Driving Training Test TwoNov 20 2010, 05:445161127670
Driving Training Test ThreeNov 20 2010, 05:475164027280
Flying Training Test OneNov 20 2010, 06:095238427040
Flying Training Test TwoNov 20 2010, 06:125159826200
Boating Training Test OneNov 20 2010, 06:365227428331
Boating Training Test TwoNov 20 2010, 06:375161325710
Impound ProtectionNov 22 2010, 01:165257528410
Choisissez Votre DestinNov 28 2010, 07:105215026080
Chemical ExperimentsNov 28 2010, 22:295273429951
One Gate, One Goal, Seven MenNov 29 2010, 01:045204527910
RadiationNov 29 2010, 05:025208527821
Four Greem OG In FierroNov 29 2010, 05:195206427710
Secrotech - Part OneNov 29 2010, 08:075230128070
Secrotech - Part TwoNov 29 2010, 08:305197926900
Secrotech - Part ThreeNov 29 2010, 09:015205326040
Secrotech - Part FourNov 29 2010, 09:215188027810
Secrotech - Part FiveNov 29 2010, 09:385246627630
Shady HideoutNov 29 2010, 16:515273328830
Cornered - Part OneNov 29 2010, 17:065203128160
Cornered - Part TwoNov 29 2010, 17:335195930680
Fleeing The MainlandDec 01 2010, 16:435205028370
Lost - Part OneDec 01 2010, 17:423220125381
Lost - Part TwoDec 01 2010, 20:005196528310
Lost - Part ThreeDec 01 2010, 20:105194529730
Deadly CreekDec 01 2010, 21:245204328720
The LibraryDec 01 2010, 22:195191426350
Deadly LibraryDec 01 2010, 23:405188229240
Safe LibraryDec 02 2010, 00:005211927700
Class One OutbreakDec 02 2010, 03:175203927680
Ship BaseDec 02 2010, 04:345266928090
Rising From The ShadowsDec 02 2010, 04:544199726630
Indesirable WitnessDec 03 2010, 01:195192627250
Undead CityDec 03 2010, 04:165229529990
BetrayalDec 04 2010, 04:305201629220
NearDec 04 2010, 20:545178726600
Goodbye, FriendsDec 05 2010, 03:155199728910
Beginning Of The EndDec 05 2010, 04:155196929580
Front AssaultDec 05 2010, 17:545243026890
Goodbye, HarryDec 05 2010, 20:015192029930
Smoke Last SmokeDec 05 2010, 23:105210927370
The Truth About Truth - Part OneDec 06 2010, 00:035186828210
The Truth About Truth - Part TwoDec 06 2010, 18:305184629480
Two FatesDec 06 2010, 20:015189927930
Defending Jay ZombotechDec 06 2010, 21:484195830371
The Last DefenseDec 06 2010, 22:105192329320
Jay ZombotechDec 07 2010, 04:475188427770
Hilltop Farm ShootoutDec 21 2010, 20:383318334280
Chaotic LiberationDec 22 2010, 01:583194930250
Holy HideoutDec 22 2010, 02:333184230050
Cleaning Ganton - Part OneDec 22 2010, 16:275197532780
Cleaning Ganton - Part TwoDec 22 2010, 18:485172631000
Motel WipeoutDec 22 2010, 20:175190431350
Motel Of The DeadDec 22 2010, 20:525244834990
Calm DayDec 22 2010, 22:595220435870
Old SPADS HQDec 23 2010, 00:255187231690
SOS - Part OneDec 23 2010, 02:225186831170
SOS - Part TwoDec 23 2010, 03:195181230280
The Beginning Of The RebirthDec 23 2010, 19:055181231010
The MansionDec 23 2010, 19:505190128920
The Last SPADS MembersDec 24 2010, 05:555184030260
The Beginning Of The EndDec 24 2010, 06:305196037740
The Last PillarsDec 24 2010, 07:395163831230
A Finale ChaoticDec 24 2010, 08:105179230500
Gang War I - Intro [MP]Dec 24 2010, 10:095227434140
Gang War I - RevengeDec 24 2010, 14:431242227690
Gang War I - Unexpected AllianceDec 24 2010, 19:425221528940
Gang War I - Change Of CountyDec 24 2010, 22:265174731040
Yellow FriendsDec 26 2010, 07:235226226550
DYOM V6 BETADec 27 2010, 15:393.88724316612
In The BeginningJan 03 2011, 00:245177530600
Lack Of WeaponsJan 03 2011, 00:295181630380
United RussiansJan 03 2011, 00:315170628190
Molotov PartyJan 03 2011, 00:365176527000
Delivery BoyJan 03 2011, 00:385165027930
Dance FloorJan 03 2011, 00:405176029620
SunnyJan 03 2011, 00:415166125760
RampageJan 03 2011, 00:445169627680
Factory AssaultJan 03 2011, 01:045200833990
GalJan 03 2011, 01:075161131260
Aerial SuperiorityJan 03 2011, 04:435163527620
Blowing The Train DepotJan 03 2011, 10:125222529200
South Verdant BluffsJan 03 2011, 12:355169229740
East Verdant BluffsJan 03 2011, 12:405168428860
Gray Verdant BluffsJan 03 2011, 13:255164429650
Welcome BackJan 03 2011, 15:195170627590
Regular TreatmentsJan 03 2011, 15:405161429100
Treaty Of PeaceJan 03 2011, 18:285155428230
Prescripted DoseJan 03 2011, 18:335159330460
Combat In The HeightsJan 04 2011, 00:165220636990
False TreatyJan 04 2011, 00:295166236170
A Last Treatment For CesarJan 04 2011, 00:465239735390
Little MexicoJan 04 2011, 21:535187135600
Unity StationJan 04 2011, 23:555302933540
El CoronaJan 05 2011, 01:095226833131
A Little Warning Before You LeaveJan 05 2011, 01:455171630060
Goodbye, Los SantosJan 05 2011, 02:215211829890
TCOJS - Normal Feature - ZIP FileJan 05 2011, 02:53530817120
TCOJS - Storyline Featue - DSL.ZIPJan 05 2011, 03:035406911100
Welcome In The DesertJan 07 2011, 19:505159926180
They Are ComingJan 07 2011, 19:585148825710
Purple RuinsJan 07 2011, 20:555198827180
El QuebradosJan 07 2011, 23:305169628400
Improvised HQJan 08 2011, 18:115152926381
[BUYSAG]: Da Nang Boys: In The BeginningJan 08 2011, 21:175206128330
[BUYSAG]: Da Nang Boys: Securing The ShiJan 09 2011, 20:385228633530
[BUYSAG]: Da Nang Boys: Welcomed By The Jan 10 2011, 04:135189828670
Russians In An American BaseJan 10 2011, 23:485160127660
The Beginning Of The BattleJan 30 2011, 16:375155028580
A Not So Simple DayFeb 12 2011, 21:225213530930
Outbreak PreventionFeb 12 2011, 21:595175628120
Moving OutFeb 12 2011, 22:505182328970
Plan BFeb 13 2011, 06:245184627150
Protection DomeFeb 13 2011, 06:565177227860
Government And Gang MembersFeb 13 2011, 16:535215629820
A Way OutFeb 13 2011, 18:295190029790
Defend Or FleeFeb 13 2011, 22:295170328650
One Last FightFeb 14 2011, 03:095187729210
Welcome In The DesertMar 07 2011, 03:015220027950
El Quebrados TakeoverMar 07 2011, 03:365159426180
[BUYSAG] - A Deal From Liberty CityMar 07 2011, 20:085217928180
TCOJS - Chapter Two - .zip fileMar 08 2011, 08:42519016180
TCOJS - Chapter TwoMar 08 2011, 08:45525177640
[LYOFR] The TriangleMar 20 2011, 03:565222728362
[LYOFR] - Road ConfrontationMar 20 2011, 03:575189730130
[LYOFR] - The OperationMar 20 2011, 03:595194029640
[LYOFR] - Close To LibertyMar 20 2011, 05:165203331260
[LYOFR] - Naval ActionMar 20 2011, 20:105194037520
[LYOFR] - Trouble With Globale DefenseMar 20 2011, 22:425195629620
Dead FrontierApr 11 2011, 21:375178629270
[BUYSAG] - The New Loco SyndicateApr 12 2011, 00:465189428950
DF - Setting OutApr 12 2011, 04:115160627560
[BUYSAG] - Two Old AlliesApr 12 2011, 23:315165726820
[BUYSAG] - A Strange BuyerApr 13 2011, 01:055166625330
DF - Night StandApr 13 2011, 16:275153126020
[BUYSAG] - Hit On The VagosApr 14 2011, 02:155175533490
[BUYSAG] - Four Gangs, One Mafia FamilyApr 16 2011, 09:345257228940
Operation RADSEMay 20 2011, 01:015183828580
Sandcastle AssaultMay 20 2011, 21:38518975670
[BUYSAG] - Ride In The HeightsMay 22 2011, 17:225172829240
TSoSG - Operation BISEMay 23 2011, 00:10523568830
TSoSG - Fifty Years Into The FutureMay 23 2011, 02:395161030130
TSoSG - Alone...May 23 2011, 18:255150525210
[BUYSAG] - Capo Dela Famiglia LeoneMay 24 2011, 01:165173027540
TSoSG - The Nightmare BeginsMay 26 2011, 02:505227928330
TSoSG - A Small Light Of HopeMay 26 2011, 03:025186334640
TSoSG - Assistance RequiredMay 26 2011, 03:105179829660
TSoSG - Band Of LootersMay 28 2011, 21:345179528670
TSoSG - Moving OutMay 29 2011, 00:005181729530
TSoSG - Chapter OneMay 29 2011, 00:05515405270
TSoSG - Terrible RealityMay 29 2011, 06:565171733510
TSoSG - Medical SuppliesMay 29 2011, 20:315306642410
TSoSG - DispatchedMay 29 2011, 22:075181433730
TSoSG - TraitorMay 30 2011, 04:495185128370
TSoSG - Chapter TwoMay 30 2011, 05:01515165740
TSoSG - Beta Missions - Chapter OneMay 30 2011, 05:06516696090
TSoSG - New County, New Troubles...Jun 03 2011, 16:295176527920
TSoSG - Weapons And A New FriendJun 03 2011, 19:425167425860
Twenty Millions, Two Lifes, One Way To GJun 04 2011, 17:385233430010
SoGC - Day OneJun 05 2011, 15:085248927200
TSoSG - A Change Of SkyJul 05 2011, 05:505181436510
TSoSG - The Highroad To San FierroJul 05 2011, 16:155175830460
TSoSG - A Radio TowerJul 05 2011, 19:315189929930
TSoSG - The Weapon CommandoJul 06 2011, 01:045184030980
TSoSG - Zombotech...Jul 06 2011, 07:055237831770
TSoSG - Zombies And InfectedJul 06 2011, 22:445285741260
TSoSG - The One...Jul 07 2011, 01:495191432000
[BUYSAG] - The Last Dime Motel EsesJul 07 2011, 22:515188927030
TSoSG - Two Months LaterAug 06 2011, 19:045195730470
TSoSG - The United AllianceAug 07 2011, 19:305188729520
TSoSG - Secrets and FactsAug 08 2011, 00:565168333470
TSoSG - Lower ThreatAug 08 2011, 20:105181628540
TSoSG - A Cleaner Liberty CityAug 08 2011, 21:065195338550
TSoSG - Even More Corrupt Than BeforeAug 09 2011, 20:585169834900
TSoSG - The Black SuitsAug 09 2011, 21:045185827350
TSoSG - Most WantedAug 10 2011, 01:435208830240
TSoSG - Outbreak AttemptAug 10 2011, 21:185186928120
TSoSG - The Government's EndAug 11 2011, 04:185188027060
TSoSG - Back to San AndreasAug 16 2011, 03:085185328400
TSoSG - Las Venturas Zombie StationAug 16 2011, 21:535187629960
TSoSG - SOS CaligulaAug 17 2011, 22:155183929020
TSoSG - Hearth's True PowerAug 29 2011, 17:465169631960
TSoSG - Desert BaseSep 05 2011, 23:285183737100
TSoSG - Naval Town OutpostOct 08 2011, 07:055170827930
BUYSAG - Drug 69Oct 08 2011, 10:554171829280
TSoSG - The Truth HurtsOct 08 2011, 16:514176933350
TSoSG - Big HitOct 08 2011, 23:474169627420
The First Gang War - BUYSAGOct 10 2011, 01:144229529930
TSoSG - The Beginning of the EndOct 10 2011, 03:404178228190
BUYSAG - ACSaDiHOct 10 2011, 05:534163428300
TSoSG - An Old Rat's WhereaboutOct 10 2011, 09:464166928390
TSoSG - The Last PeonsOct 10 2011, 19:213170227030
TSoSG - End of the LineOct 11 2011, 02:244200526130
BUYSAG - Robbing the ArmiesOct 17 2011, 22:564156528560
BUYSAG - Fight for BlueberryOct 24 2011, 02:134190327290
BUYSAG - A New EraOct 25 2011, 20:534178228590
CYD - Choose Your DestinyOct 26 2011, 01:454213029120
CYD - Going to BlueberryOct 26 2011, 01:454191835930
CYD - Risks or no RisksOct 26 2011, 22:534188133422
CYD - Four Bases, One Right Base...Nov 04 2011, 19:384204936418
TSoSG - PreludeNov 04 2011, 19:59416345710
TSoSG - Chapter OneNov 04 2011, 20:00415646020
TSoSG - Chapter One BetaNov 04 2011, 20:01414445030
TSoSG - Chapter TwoNov 04 2011, 20:01415366010
TSoSG - Chapter ThreeNov 04 2011, 20:03414265510
TSoSG - Chapter Three BetaNov 04 2011, 20:03414795080
TSoSG - Chapter FourNov 04 2011, 20:03414605790
TSoSG - Chapter FiveNov 04 2011, 20:04414555390
TSoSG - Chapter SixNov 04 2011, 20:04415175290
TSoSG - Chapter SevenNov 04 2011, 20:05415765740
The Story of Samuel GarretNov 05 2011, 17:254.517576012
BUYSAG - Burried and PromotionNov 06 2011, 07:424152225610
CYD - One Out of TwoNov 06 2011, 08:274227031120
Chronicles of SecronomNov 06 2011, 10:40415766130
CYD - The Second OneNov 12 2011, 19:514176532752
Special Weapons and TacticsNov 13 2011, 22:263.7526599314
Hope for San AndreasDec 14 2011, 01:295185227920
One on OneDec 14 2011, 01:315168329252
The ArmyDec 15 2011, 02:39515365700
CYD - Returning to Las VenturasDec 18 2011, 12:185188236001
TCoJS - In The BeginningDec 18 2011, 16:495189926980
The Tale of Jack FrazerDec 18 2011, 18:07520286290
TCoJS - Grey Against Light Blue (NeutralDec 18 2011, 22:025176627010
TCoJS - Grey Against Light Blue (RussianDec 18 2011, 22:315280028770
TCoJS - Grey Against Light Blue (AztecasDec 18 2011, 22:575212328240
CYD - You're Dead...Dec 22 2011, 03:525185937780
Special Weapons and Tactics 2Jan 03 2012, 05:03518367562
Special Weapons and Tactics 3Jan 11 2012, 23:19419586770
Special Weapons and Tactics 4Jan 29 2012, 23:354.3321327251
Ocean Docks ConfrontJun 11 2012, 04:073.5201434131
Trapped On The BoatJun 11 2012, 04:085193027620
Getting OutJun 11 2012, 04:085172933890
PropagandaJun 11 2012, 04:085190733870
They Are ComingJun 11 2012, 04:085184127020
Bad NewJun 11 2012, 04:095184427120
TCoJS:GWI - In te BeginningJul 02 2012, 20:365187728671
TCoJS - RetaliationJul 14 2012, 05:055199426350
TCoJS - Rampage PartyJul 15 2012, 02:005153024950
TCoJS - SuppliesJul 15 2012, 22:485165227180
TCoJS - Two or BoomJul 16 2012, 19:495150425390
TCoJS - Headshots at the AirportJul 16 2012, 20:015231325550
TCoJS - Peace and BloodJul 16 2012, 20:045155525800
TCoJS - North Verdant BluffsJul 19 2012, 04:585151927300
TCoJS - South Verdant BluffsJul 21 2012, 07:235154124250
TCoJS - An Alliance?Jul 23 2012, 06:145154525880
TCoJS - Going Out of Los SantosJul 23 2012, 22:275151125950
TCoJS - United RussiansJul 25 2012, 06:555186925620
TCoJS - El CoronaJul 25 2012, 21:545167727820
TCoJS - Completetion of the First ContraAug 24 2012, 01:245206826191
TCoJS - Chapter One - ItBAug 24 2012, 02:524.1753098133
DYOM 6 Beta 2Aug 24 2012, 06:144380312272
One Shots Challenges - RacingAug 25 2012, 11:175166622862
TCoJS - The Triple ContractJan 04 2013, 20:185133523630
Special Weapons and Tactics 5Mar 18 2013, 14:44513485530
TSoSG 2 - A New Nightmare BeginsMar 26 2013, 00:485146425601
TSoSG 2 - LiberationApr 26 2013, 22:015124523303
TSoSG 2 - ExtractionApr 28 2013, 16:115125923051
TSoSG 2 - Change of SituationApr 28 2013, 22:095128023761
TSoSG 2 - Assault on ZombotechMay 11 2013, 23:315140425151
TSoSG 2 - The Zombotech CorporationMay 12 2013, 17:245155723473
TSoSG 2 - Moving OutAug 27 2013, 11:574117823861
TSoSG 2 - The Three FriendsAug 27 2013, 12:025113622851
TSoSG 2 - Gab Logman's FBI PlanAug 29 2013, 14:095168622421
TSoSG 2 - So Much for a Quiet ExploratioAug 31 2013, 15:335122923051
TSoSG 2 - Strategies Will MatterSep 01 2013, 00:055137421892
TSoSG 2 - Another Troublesome MatterOct 26 2013, 19:405135721971
TCoJS - New City, New SupervisorApr 12 2014, 11:245137623370
TCoJS - Trusting IssuesApr 13 2014, 07:241131022361
TCoJS - Arming the RifaApr 13 2014, 09:365145524941
TSoSG 2 - Extracting the VirusApr 14 2014, 00:115138023321
TSoSG 2 - A Small Task for RyanApr 14 2014, 20:455133923570
TSoSG 2 - Repairing SAM Guidded MissilesApr 14 2014, 22:065147822831
TSoSG 2 - Flying the TraineesApr 15 2014, 00:525136222960
TSoSG 2 - Desert DriveApr 15 2014, 01:515132522980
TSoSG 2 - Looking for CathyApr 16 2014, 00:075195325490
TSoSG 2 - The Blood or RevivalApr 16 2014, 02:455150623401
TSoSG 2 - Theory of InfectionApr 16 2014, 18:285137323211
TSoSG 2 - Training the TraineesApr 16 2014, 20:375130524890
TCoJS - The Triads and the Da Nang BoysApr 16 2014, 21:115150126510
TSoSG 2 - The Final TestsApr 17 2014, 00:125157221801
The Story of Samuel Garret 2 - Chapter 1Apr 17 2014, 00:18518755731
The Story of Samuel Garret 2 - Chapter 1Apr 17 2014, 00:27516515071
TCoJS - Meeting the TriadsApr 18 2014, 20:085137723980
TCoJS - The FatherAug 10 2014, 19:545147322770
TCoJS - More Trusting IssuesAug 12 2014, 19:575133624660
TCoJS - The Two Weak Mexican GangsAug 13 2014, 22:375133623740
TCoJS - For a Future JobAug 15 2014, 22:245122923440
TCoJS - Fueling With VodkaAug 22 2014, 05:525130524810
TCoJS - Ping PongAug 22 2014, 10:575130121660
TCoJS - About the DrugsAug 31 2014, 00:345151723670
TCoJS - I Hate YellowSep 01 2014, 16:075133023300
TCoJS - Don't Come BackDec 19 2014, 19:184121523331
TCoJS - In TouchDec 25 2014, 18:565125822210
TCoJS - Welcoming GiftDec 25 2014, 19:015131523040
TCoJS - One Less in San FierroDec 25 2014, 19:035131523740
TCoJS - Random Attack IDec 25 2014, 19:055149223821
(MOTW #31) A New Nightmare BeginsApr 01 2016, 21:454.67294927582
[BUYSAG II] SFT - The Las Venturas TriadApr 13 2016, 11:10-164322160
[BUYSAG II] SFT - Ecstasy? Buying!Apr 15 2016, 11:30-114119380
[BUYSAG II] SFT - Kong Kuang Hui?May 09 2016, 20:53-103421350
[BUYSAG II] SFT - Ecstasy? Selling!May 17 2016, 01:56-104918260
[BUYSAG II] SFT - IToP... YTWYC!May 17 2016, 22:55-163120060
[BUYSAG II] SFT - Baseball?May 29 2016, 00:58-117519920
The Last Stand RemakeMay 21 2018, 11:463.5343821850
SAA Recruitment Drill: Stamina TestMay 24 2018, 02:23-159616851
[CLASSIFIED]: 1992 - Week Six: Part OneSep 12 2018, 16:28599316472
[CLASSIFIED]: 1992 - Week Six: Part TwoOct 28 2018, 17:34-142015300
[CLASSIFIED]: 1992 - Week Six: Part ThreNov 01 2018, 21:31581016690
[CLASSIFIED]: 1992 - Week Six: Part FourNov 20 2018, 09:14-74215540
[CLASSIFIED]: 1992 - Week Six: Part FiveNov 20 2018, 09:21-73915870
[CLASSIFIED]: 1992 - Week Seven: Part OnMar 27 2019, 23:40-72315370
[CLASSIFIED]: 1992 - Week Seven: Part TwMar 27 2019, 23:41-72715750
[CLASSIFIED]: 1992 - Week Seven: Part ThMar 27 2019, 23:41-75715430
[CLASSIFIED]: 1992 - Week Seven: Part FoMar 27 2019, 23:43-69815740
[CLASSIFIED]: 1992 - Week Seven: Part FiMar 27 2019, 23:44-70515050
[CLASSIFIED]: 1992 - Week Eight: Part OnMar 29 2019, 17:31-67314530
[CLASSIFIED]: 1992 - Week Eight: Part TwApr 02 2019, 07:08-68114720
[CLASSIFIED]: 1992 - Week Eight: Part ThApr 07 2019, 03:17-148415490

Trailer List

In the BeginningSep 10 2012, 03:314
Secronom's Playthrough and ReviewOct 20 2016, 14:02-
Secronom's Playthrough and Review - Oct 21 2016, 16:46-
Secronom's Playthrough and Review - Oct 22 2016, 15:165
Secronom's Playthrough and Review - Oct 24 2016, 14:38-
Secronom's Playthrough and Review - Dec 28 2016, 00:00-
Secronom's Playthrough and Review - Dec 28 2016, 00:00-
Secronom's Playthrough and Review - Jan 02 2017, 22:32-


Added by General Scrotum on Oct 21 2016, 17:39
Deleted all comments from October 16, 2011 to October 21, 2016.
Added by General Scrotum on Oct 29 2017, 23:30
Deleted all comments from October 21, 2016 to October 29, 2017.
Added by Soap Mactavish on Nov 03 2017, 10:29
Hi big fan of u. Do check my missions and leave a rating if u like em
Added by Green Goo on Dec 07 2017, 16:00
Hi there boss, just want to request something. I thought a lot and I want to say something that maybe good, can I do something to deserve getting back to the GTAForums? Anything? Do something good for a month? Say sorry to every designer I disrespected in the past? Just something make me pure again? I know I've done bad things, and I know deserved to get banned from the beginning but believe me I didn't meant to cause that shameful drama. Please can you give me one last chance? Just one last chance.
Added by General Scrotum on Dec 17 2017, 16:41
Not my decision, it's up to the higher staff at GTAForums.
Added by GuerreroX on Dec 20 2017, 19:29
Hey Sir!why you locked The Designer Loungue?
Added by Green Goo on Dec 22 2017, 06:45
Thanks for answering, I appreciated your reaction after what I drama I caused in the forums. Then, if they accept can I get my old account back or sign up as new member. What I mean is, is there any way I can get my old account back?
Added by Green Goo on Dec 22 2017, 06:45
Thanks for answering, I appreciated your reaction after what I drama I caused in the forums. Then, if they accept can I get my old account back or sign up as new member. What I mean is, is there any way I can get my old account back?
Added by Green Goo on Dec 22 2017, 06:48
You're a higher staff aren't you?
Added by General Scrotum on Dec 22 2017, 23:00
I am part of the ''lesser staff'' - those in charge only a few select parts of the forums, also known as led-by or area moderators.

The higher staff would those part of the Moderators or Administrators member group.
Added by Green Goo on Dec 27 2017, 07:10
Okay but I wanna know that if someone got his miserable ass banned can the admins somehow give back his old account?
Added by Daeslender on Apr 06 2018, 22:23
Uh hello I'd like my account to be deleted with any comments or missions or whatever made by it.
Added by Medo_GamerX on Jul 24 2018, 09:28
can you check my missions and give me advice or two
Added by spyderblack69 on Sep 21 2018, 16:05

you can stop chinese alex insults the moderators http://dyom.gtagames.nl/profile/27079
Added by DavidPruth on Mar 03 2020, 23:35
Added by DavidPruth on Mar 03 2020, 23:35
https://sdelai.ru/members/davidodops/ - https://sdelai.ru/members/davidodops/
Added by tmt gamer on Sep 04 2020, 19:05
please make me staff too 😢
Added by Ramsev on Apr 04 2021, 06:47
Hello, I have errors that I do not know when uploading the Storyline, the errors say: Storylinefine: 2, and an error when uploading the image. Help me please.

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