DYOM » Members » Barbara Walker

Profile of Barbara Walker

Lawn maintenance is a popular recreational activity for people all over the world. It's part of this activity to know when to water, trim, and even replace SOD. If you've just added a fresh layer of sod to your lawn, there are a few things to keep in mind. Sod is a living plant that will eventually die. Once you've paid for it, make sure to get it installed as soon as possible. The best chance for your new sod is to work with a professional lawn care company.


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Barbara Walker

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Mar 24 '22
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Mar 24 '22
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Added by Barbara Walker on Mar 24 2022, 14:29
Lawn maintenance is a popular recreational activity for people all over the world. It's part of this activity to know when to water, trim, and even replace SOD. If you've just added a fresh layer of sod to your lawn, there are a few things to keep in mind. Sod is a living plant that will eventually die. Once you've paid for it, make sure to get it installed as soon as possible. The best chance for your new sod is to work with a professional lawn care company.

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