DYOM » Members » SkyLine

Profile of SkyLine

List all of my MP, all of them aren't finish yet. I hope you to be patient...

Mission Pack NameStatusYear of Event
True HuntersIn Progress2013
True Hunters: East HunterWill make after True Hunters finished2013
The Foxtrot V2Will remake after The True Hunters finished2013


MembergroupDYOM Designer
Birthdate10 September 1998
RespectListAll Mission Designers and DYOM Players
Gtaforums.com UsernameSkyLine10


Member Stats

Nov 26 '12
Last Login
Jan 22 '18
Missions made
25 Avg: 4.8
Trailers made
VideoTuts made
TextTuts made
Comments made
Ratings made
2 Avg: 5.0

Mission List

MissionNameLast UpdateRatingViewsDownloadsComments
[DYOM World] Newcomer - Sean BlackJan 05 2013, 06:39-5939970
[DYOM World] Newcomer - Sean BlackJan 05 2013, 06:40-7219110
[DYOM World] Beating Drug Dealer - Sean Jan 05 2013, 11:00-7218780
[DYOM World] Training Day - Sean BlackJan 07 2013, 10:29-7159030
[DYOM World] Revenge - Sean BlackJan 08 2013, 14:10-72210570
[DYOM World] Drive Away - Sean BlackJan 12 2013, 15:21-7239260
[TTH] A Friend Become EnemyJan 13 2013, 13:02-74310050
[DYOM World] X Files - Sean BlackJan 15 2013, 11:34-7339320
[TTH] BetrayedJan 18 2013, 15:45-7398620
[TTH] The MercenaryJan 20 2013, 05:47-7329850
[TTH] Cancel...Jan 23 2013, 16:16-7288960
[TTH] No RulesJan 26 2013, 16:16-6388800
[TTH] Chapter 1 - The HunterJan 26 2013, 16:2257682330
[TTH] All ChangedJan 29 2013, 13:59-6788810
[TTH] The RedsFeb 03 2013, 12:08-6667930
[TTH] City of WarFeb 12 2013, 16:36-6628700
[TF] First RaidMay 20 2013, 09:0757848901
[TF] Red GooJul 12 2013, 02:5957909270
[TF] House of TrapJul 12 2013, 03:09-7619700
[TF] Gambling ItJul 14 2013, 03:32-6207640
[TF] Hotel RaidJul 28 2013, 03:05-6699570
[TF] Private MeetingAug 13 2013, 18:47-7088730
[TF]Chapter 1 - Operation SlezkhAug 13 2013, 19:17-7432310
[TH] Chapter 1 - The Beginning (Yuri)Feb 23 2016, 16:5846111900
[TH] Chapter 1 - The Beginning (Sean)Feb 23 2016, 16:59-5701760


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