DYOM » Members » Rick Stiven

Profile of Rick Stiven


MembergroupDYOM Designer
Gtaforums.com UsernameSyndrome

Rick Stiven

Member Stats

Feb 22 '13
Last Login
Jul 07 '14
Missions made
5 Avg: 3.8
Trailers made
VideoTuts made
TextTuts made
Comments made
Ratings made
8 Avg: 2.6

Mission List

MissionNameLast UpdateRatingViewsDownloadsComments
DELETEDJun 16 2013, 13:36-64910920
DELETEDJun 16 2013, 13:37-60212640
DELETEDJun 16 2013, 13:38-62110970
Area 69: Team 1 VS. Team 2Jul 21 2013, 13:224.571010563
Life at State Prison [Part 1] - The HeisAug 03 2013, 22:10393311992


Added by georgekiller2 on Mar 02 2013, 22:53
they need to make a new version of dyom
Added by Rick Stiven on Mar 03 2013, 17:22
Wut? :D
Added by GriZzLY on Mar 17 2013, 12:41
Sveikas :) as irgi lietuvis
Added by Rick Stiven on Apr 30 2013, 17:02
Daug èia lietuviø. Bet gal naudok anglø kalbà. ;)
Added by Dude on Jul 16 2013, 19:34
Why don't you make your missions threads on GTAforums?
Added by Rick Stiven on Jul 21 2013, 13:21
I don't make much missions, Dude, and if I make any I don't want to upload them, but I will... soon...
Added by edgaras904 on Jul 28 2013, 16:03
I am not a LT but i can speak
Your missions are good :)
You are a good DYOM Manager
Please make more missions and i'll be happy
Added by Rick Stiven on Jul 28 2013, 19:25
I'm not a DYOM Manager :D, I am DYOM Designer.
I will make more missions, thanks. :-)
Gonna play your missions, too.

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