DYOM » Members » JCGames

Profile of JCGames

My Series:
WAR3 - O Fim do Mundo (Canceled)

The Walking Dead - Chapter 1 (Complete)

The Walking Dead - Survivors [01] Chapter 1 (Complete)

The Walking Dead - Chapter 2 (soon)


MembergroupDYOM Designer
Secronom President
Gtaforums.com UsernameJCGames


Member Stats

Apr 01 '13
Last Login
Nov 23 '14
Missions made
31 Avg: 4.8
Trailers made
11 Avg: 3.6
VideoTuts made
TextTuts made
Comments made
Ratings made
8 Avg: 4.4

Mission List

MissionNameLast UpdateRatingViewsDownloadsComments
WAR3: Missao 1Apr 22 2013, 19:194.598414981
WAR3: Missao 2Apr 26 2013, 17:40-74013870
WAR3: Missao 3May 02 2013, 01:11-76713070
WAR3: Missao 4May 13 2013, 18:58580714712
WAR3: Missao 5May 18 2013, 19:04-77513652
The Walking Dead - #01 (Chapter 01)May 28 2013, 21:32536617180
The Walking Dead - #02 (Chapter 01)May 30 2013, 01:185379219244
The Walking Dead - #03 (Chapter 01)Jun 03 2013, 03:49-289819280
The Walking Dead - #04 (Chapter 01)Jun 05 2013, 21:47-29255251
The Walking Dead - #05 (Chapter 01)Jun 09 2013, 18:21529095921
The Walking Dead - #06 (Chapter 01)Jun 12 2013, 21:304297620440
The Walking Dead - #07 (Chapter 01)Jun 17 2013, 12:395317318937
The Walking Dead - #08 (Chapter 01)Jun 23 2013, 01:295286818266
The Walking Dead - #09 (Chapter 01)Jun 27 2013, 06:03531044294
The Walking Dead - #10 (Chapter 01)Jul 01 2013, 01:14-270517762
The Walking Dead #11 (Chapter 01) FINALJul 04 2013, 01:065272116942
The Walking Dead - Chapter 1 CompleteJul 07 2013, 02:59-9914581
The Walking Dead: Survivors #01 EnglishJul 07 2013, 02:594.597514855
The Walking Dead: Survivors #02 EnglishJul 07 2013, 02:59594114343
The Walking Dead: Survivors #03 EnglishJul 10 2013, 15:24592114082
The Walking Dead: Survivors #04 EnglishJul 15 2013, 04:33-86312830
The Walking Dead: Survivors #05 EnglishJul 20 2013, 20:44-8244030
The end of world (MOTW #8 Winner)(MOTM)Jul 29 2013, 13:3041997194011
The Walking Dead: Survivors #06 EnglishJul 29 2013, 20:37412546443
Hitman: Mission ChallengeAug 01 2013, 23:28-96313661
TWD: Survivors -Chapter 1 full [English]Aug 02 2013, 17:13513203834
The Walking Dead: Survivors #07 EnglishAug 06 2013, 23:25-89612511
The Walking Dead: Survivors #08 EnglishAug 12 2013, 13:16-90312421
The Walking Dead - #12 (Chapter 02)Aug 24 2013, 22:445200625368
The Walking Dead - #13 (Chapter 02)Sep 14 2013, 14:32-91412653
The walking dead: Survivors #9 EnglishSep 16 2014, 00:39-84513251

Trailer List

The Walking Dead- Episode 01 (Trailer)May 19 2013, 08:324
The Walking Dead (Trailer 1)May 27 2013, 16:273.5
The Walking Dead (Trailer 1)May 31 2013, 12:573.5
The Walking Dead (Trailer 01)Jun 03 2013, 03:523.5
The Walking Dead (Trailer 1)Jun 05 2013, 21:513.5
The Walking Dead (Trailer 1)Jun 10 2013, 05:023.5
The Walking Dead (Trailer 1)Jun 12 2013, 21:34-
The Walking Dead (Trailer 1)Jun 17 2013, 12:42-
The Walking Dead (Trailer 1)Jun 23 2013, 01:31-
The Walking Dead (Trailer 1)Jun 27 2013, 06:05-
The Walking Dead (Trailer 1)Jul 01 2013, 16:22-


Added by Zackzack85 on Apr 17 2013, 03:05
Mano Faiz Mais Missoes Sua Missao Fico MUITO Daora
Added by JCGames on Apr 17 2013, 17:03
Vlw cara, A proxima missao vai sair domingo. Dia 21, fique atento ai.
Added by Harrison_West on May 04 2013, 10:54
@JCGames, Hey, thanks for the good comments :)
By the way, Part 7, and 9 is uploaded. you might also try those parts :)
Added by EDUARDO3D on May 07 2013, 18:16
Pow cara faz mais missões suas missões são da hora i e bom que e tudo em Portugues :D !
Added by Target13 on May 09 2013, 04:22
hey. JC. i saw that you did not enjoy the first mission of Modern Combat, sorry that i disappointed you. hopefully i will make better
missions in the future. i would really like to play your missions but unfortunatly i do not speak spanish.
Added by Target13 on May 09 2013, 04:24
hey. JC. i saw that you did not enjoy the first mission of Modern Combat, sorry that i disappointed you. hopefully i will make better
missions in the future. i would really like to play your missions but unfortunatly i do not speak spanish.
Added by Lego2 on May 15 2013, 12:59
Ai man passa seu Skype preciso tirar ideias com vc!
Added by LucayOrlando on May 21 2013, 03:34
why the fuck its evreything seeing like shit
Added by Martincho on Jun 24 2013, 21:26
Hi man, i saw your missions and they're cool, except that i don't speak portuguese very well... I'll add you to my respect list :)
But... why do I see everything like this?
Added by GtBorg on Jun 25 2013, 16:22
-Eu uso na capa das missões o PowerPoint 2010 que tem lá umas ferramentas novas (e interessantes).
-Você está fazendo um brilhante trabalho na série The Walking Dead. Muitos parabéns. Candidata a série de zombies do ano, na minha opinião.
Added by GtBorg on Jul 09 2013, 23:27
Acho que posso fazer um trailer da série TWD.
Vou dar o meu melhor na edição.
Depois aviso-te quando eu o lançar no Youtube.
Só uma ?: Posso pôr como música de fundo a música que vc pôs no trailer que fez?
Resposta no meu perfil.
Added by basketziga on Jul 16 2013, 17:12
you just post a mission on MOTW topic ;), hope you understand
Added by Dude on Jul 16 2013, 19:41
Added by JCGames on Jul 17 2013, 01:10
Added by GtBorg on Jul 18 2013, 02:20
Peço imensa desculpa, mas o trailer foi cancelado, eu tive muitos problemas com o meu PC e o GTA SA e agora estou de volta finalmente!
Added by ALOKIK on Jul 18 2013, 19:17
your end of the world is Great,I like it,,,..,,...,,,
Added by JCGames on Jul 18 2013, 20:12
thanks, man!
Added by Target13 on Jul 20 2013, 15:05
Why is everything Bold & Italic?
Added by JCGames on Jul 20 2013, 16:55
Some parts I put so.
Others are Bugs of site.
Added by JPMorbek45 on Jul 31 2013, 00:17
Mano suas missoes sao muito legais pf faça The Walking Dead chapter 2
Added by GtBorg on Aug 15 2013, 18:58
Posso fazer a tradução para inglês da sua série de TWD em PT JC?
Added by GtBorg on Aug 16 2013, 03:45
Já acabei o 1º Capítulo. Posso carregar a missão no meu perfil ou não?
Added by Martincho on Aug 16 2013, 19:34
Thanks man :3
Hope you enjoyed the MP :3
And... one question... why is your profile like this?
Added by HDVitorino2 on Aug 23 2013, 15:38
Adicionado na minha "RespectList", Muito Boas as Suas Missões
Added by JCGames on Aug 23 2013, 16:34
Valeu , cara!
Added by GarthArbucciLUtl on Aug 27 2013, 21:07
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Added by GarthArbucciLUtl on Aug 27 2013, 21:07
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Added by DragonWarrior [DnW] on Sep 14 2013, 14:41
nice peice of missions.
Added by Lars on Nov 08 2013, 16:06
Ai mano, lança o The Walking dead porfavor, lança logo, please.. eu amei a serie, lança os ep novamente, e se tiver skype, me passa ai.
Added by Jean felipe on Mar 30 2014, 00:11
Faz mas missoes do the ealking dead brasileiro por favor eu adoro essa missoes fiquei triste quando o tommy morreu kkkkkkkk
Added by Brasil Games2 on May 29 2014, 23:46
Nossa Suas Missões São Feras! Algum Dia Podemos Fazer Parceria Se Quiser!
Added by Trilogy Games on Sep 13 2014, 03:02
JC voltou !
Added by JCGames on Sep 13 2014, 17:50
Voltei, e agora é pra ficar!
Added by Red on Nov 26 2015, 13:15
Séria tão bom se você voltasse pro DYOM. Você é muito bom. :v
Added by Red on Jan 28 2016, 20:18
Koé JC, pega a tampa aê!

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