Profile of Leo28
Header 1 | Header 2 |
Designer Status. | Active |
Hi, i'm Leo28.
First off, If you're still a Guest, please, create an account. You will be able to manage your creations and interact with the community. So get out of that dark cave and have fun with us!
I like to play missions designed by the community and help beginners, also i'm always open for given feedback in order to develop myself.
Membergroup | DYOM Designer |
Location | Brazil |
Birthdate | 12/02/1999 |
RespectList | T13
GalacticXp1 THBP leoncj | Username | Leo28 |

Member Stats
- Registered
- Jun 24 '13
- Last Login
- Feb 16 '25
- Missions made
- 26 Avg: 4.7
- Trailers made
- 0
- VideoTuts made
- 0
- TextTuts made
- 0
- Comments made
- 73
- Ratings made
- 5 Avg: 3.0
Mission List
MissionName | Last Update | Rating | Views | Downloads | Comments |
Combate Sangrento | Jun 24 2013, 06:21 | 2.75 | 1052 | 1359 | 8 |
P.I.M.P | Jun 25 2013, 17:15 | 5 | 926 | 1342 | 4 |
Cowboy Hero - Episode 1 | Jun 26 2013, 00:15 | 4 | 1069 | 1381 | 2 |
Cowboy Hero - Episode 2 | Jun 26 2013, 02:48 | 5 | 919 | 1422 | 1 |
Cowboy Hero - Episode 3 | Jun 27 2013, 00:47 | 3 | 968 | 1267 | 3 |
Cowboy Hero-Episode 4 | Jun 28 2013, 00:25 | 5 | 1035 | 1441 | 5 |
Cowboy Hero-Episode 5 | Jun 29 2013, 01:18 | 5 | 849 | 1512 | 2 |
Cowboy Hero-Episode 6 | Jun 30 2013, 03:13 | 5 | 1017 | 1455 | 2 |
Hitman! | Sep 20 2013, 21:10 | 5 | 908 | 1388 | 3 |
L.A.W - Episode 1 (A Lawful Person) | Sep 21 2013, 16:09 | 5 | 883 | 1361 | 3 |
L.A.W - Episode 2 (San Fierro Law Event) | Sep 22 2013, 00:23 | 5 | 892 | 1436 | 1 |
L.A.W - Episode 3 (First Day) | Sep 23 2013, 15:42 | 5 | 851 | 1514 | 1 |
L.A.W - Episode 4 (Foster Valley Situati | Sep 25 2013, 14:15 | 5 | 898 | 1449 | 4 |
L.A.W - Episode 5 (The other side of the | Dec 08 2013, 18:59 | 5 | 872 | 1365 | 2 |
The Brown Brotherhood Storyline - Chapte | Dec 11 2013, 16:30 | 4.2 | 1315 | 371 | 7 |
Hobo Wilson - Twist. Ep 1 | Dec 11 2013, 20:24 | 5 | 877 | 1449 | 1 |
Hobo Wilson - Twist. Ep 2 | Dec 11 2013, 22:14 | 5 | 720 | 1396 | 1 |
Hobo Wilson - Twist. Ep 4 | Dec 14 2013, 16:51 | 5 | 835 | 1345 | 1 |
Hobo Wilson - Twist. Ep 5 | Dec 14 2013, 17:01 | 5 | 874 | 1322 | 4 |
Hobo Wilson - Twist. Ep 3 | Dec 14 2013, 17:03 | 5 | 887 | 1476 | 1 |
Hobo Wilson - Twist. Ep 6 | Dec 15 2013, 16:26 | 3.5 | 864 | 1324 | 1 |
[MP] Bloody Waves - ACT 1 | Mar 25 2016, 18:09 | 4 | 915 | 287 | 10 |
Dando Boura, O Bandjido![PT-BR] | Nov 23 2016, 00:19 | - | 1409 | 1169 | 0 |
Burying the Past | Feb 06 2024, 19:54 | 5 | 602 | 448 | 1 |
Catching a Cheater | Feb 08 2024, 01:39 | 5 | 1191 | 551 | 1 |
Tomando o Morro | Jul 22 2024, 01:26 | 5 | 324 | 307 | 1 |
Added by basketziga on Jun 25 2013, 15:05
You want to know how to add sound, well first I can give you a link to the tutorial:
Added by basketziga on Jun 25 2013, 18:27
You put the mission file and file with sound in the WinRAR or Zip-7 file ( tutorial: ) Then upload the Winrar / Zip-7 file like you would do with the normal mission. The file must be less then 10 MB cause if it's going to be more, you won't be able to download it. Hope that help you ;)
Added by basketziga on Jun 25 2013, 18:28
Not download it I meant upload
Added by basketziga on Jun 26 2013, 00:05
If your sound is to big you can make it smaller with a program called MP3Resizer
Added by Target13 on Jun 27 2013, 10:42
Hey Man! You should make a GTA Forums topic about Cowboy Hero! Do You Know How?
Added by Rendy Specter on Jun 28 2013, 07:19
This is me Rendy Specter,First of all I'm not a senior I mean,if you encounter a problem like 403 forbidden maybe because of your internet speed but if that's not the problem you should report it to Secronom President,he knows anything about dyom yes because he's the admin of this site.But for sound in your mission i have same problem as you even thought i've succeed adding it for the first time but later when trying that missions once the sound can't be played again for some objective n
Added by Rendy Specter on Jun 28 2013, 07:22
@Leo28:have you tried my NLAMS?people in this site is VERY enjoying that mission series like crazy right now because of NLAMS's awesome in both plot and missions c'mon Leo man give it a try
Added by Target13 on Jun 28 2013, 10:18
Yes idea was inspired from Cowboy Hero :D
Do You have a problem with that?
Do You have a problem with that?
Added by Rendy Specter on Jun 29 2013, 05:48
@T13:Who you talking to?Leo?
Added by Target13 on Jun 30 2013, 12:22
Added by Target13 on Jul 02 2013, 13:36
Hey Leo! Cowboys Vs Bikers is completed! Play them all & Give feed back!
Added by Target13 on Jul 05 2013, 14:59
no new Cowboy Hero missions?
Added by Target13 on Jul 11 2013, 19:18 new Cowboy Hero missions?
Added by Leo28 on Jul 13 2013, 03:01
I think.... I think im leaving..
Added by Target13 on Jul 24 2013, 19:30
Added by Leo28 on Sep 20 2013, 21:06
Im back, people! And i pretend to upload at least one mission each two days.. That is, if possible.
Added by DragonWarrior [DnW] on Sep 23 2013, 16:03
Hi, if you need any help on dyom just ask me. ;)
Added by DragonWarrior [DnW] on Sep 25 2013, 14:50
Sorry but I can't play the missions 'cause my PC is broken.
Added by DragonWarrior [DnW] on Sep 25 2013, 14:50
Sorry but I can't play the missions 'cause my PC is broken.
Added by Alessandro on Jul 25 2015, 12:41
Hello Leo28 My Name Alessandro
Added by Red on Feb 29 2016, 01:26
Ah, olá cara. Vai voltar a fazer missões?
Added by Leo28 on Mar 13 2016, 03:09
Added by Spyke Games on Mar 13 2016, 17:32
Tá bom então vou melhorar os diálogos
Tá bom então vou melhorar os diálogos
Added by The show Games on Mar 16 2016, 00:31
Cara, me adiciona em sua, RespcteList, que eu ti adiciono na minha ^^
Cara, me adiciona em sua, RespcteList, que eu ti adiciono na minha ^^
Added by Leo28 on Mar 16 2016, 21:56
@The show Games
Não brother, não.
Não brother, não.
Added by The show Games on Mar 16 2016, 22:22
Tudo bem... mas gosto de suas missões e ratings delas =) ^^ você e muito show man,...
Added by Red on Mar 17 2016, 00:17
Bem, tipo, eu faria. MAS tipo não tenho muito tempo para estar fazendo missões em inglês (mesmo que seja só pegar o DYOMTemp e traduzi). Mas é uma coisa legal pois não se fica preso à apenas um público. Por quê?
Added by Red on Mar 17 2016, 20:07
É... De qualquer forma, dê uma olhada nas minhas missões (mendigo intesifies)
Added by The show Games on Mar 17 2016, 20:38
Added by Red on Mar 18 2016, 00:55
Não. :v
Added by Trilogy Games on Mar 18 2016, 04:15
Hey cara developa umas missoes aí kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkjjjjj, eu não entendo que droga é developando ou developar, que diabos é isso?
Added by Trilogy Games on Mar 18 2016, 22:33
Kkkk tão tá né...
Added by Trilogy Games on Mar 21 2016, 01:21
Relaxa aí, eu vou mudar a rating ainda, porquê eu não joguei tudo, mais eu vou continuar aqui, era totalmente desnecessário eu comentar aquilo, mais eu vou rever isso aqui.. Rlx aê mano.
Added by Leo28 on Nov 01 2023, 18:40
You know, i might come back!
Added by Leo28 on Feb 05 2024, 22:41
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