DYOM » Members » shah99

Profile of shah99


MembergroupDYOM Designer
LocationLahore, Pakistan
Birthdate20 sept 1995
Gtaforums.com Username


Member Stats

Dec 09 '11
Last Login
Nov 26 '12
Missions made
6 Avg: 3.2
Trailers made
VideoTuts made
TextTuts made
Comments made
Ratings made
4 Avg: 2.0

Mission List

MissionNameLast UpdateRatingViewsDownloadsComments
Base 13Dec 10 2011, 09:31478212991
My MoneyDec 11 2011, 10:49375211580
Summer DriveDec 17 2011, 10:25581911350
Dog Wars (pt.2) (FINAL)Jan 07 2012, 18:21-84713270
San Fierro StuntMan (pt.1)Nov 23 2012, 16:45-79011400
Dog Wars (pt.1)Nov 25 2012, 11:09188113222


Added by General Scrotum on Jan 04 2012, 16:56
It appears you and ahmed1 have the same IP for a few things. You have twenty four hours to respond.
Added by shah99 on Jan 07 2012, 17:36
YES!!! ahmed1 is my brother;;;
Added by General Scrotum on Jan 08 2012, 04:01
Ok. Thanks for responding.
Added by shah99 on Jan 13 2012, 11:29
YOU WELCOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Added by General Scrotum on Jan 14 2012, 01:26
If you want to do a moving cutscene, you can't.

Yet, there's a way to make it looks like there is a moving cutscene. Put many cutscenes with a time ammount of one (00:01) second. The rest, what is said and where it points, is up to you.
Added by shah99 on Jan 14 2012, 07:16
OK!! Thank You VERY MUCH
Added by shah99 on Jan 14 2012, 07:16
OK!! Thank You VERY MUCH
Added by General Scrotum on Jan 17 2012, 22:30
Although you are free to use any ideas you want for missions, you should try to talk to the first one who made something like that first to avoid reports which could have simply discussed of.

Anyway, telling someone is mission is poor without any reasons is not appreciated by many.

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