DYOM » Members » xxsamuelaaronxx

Profile of xxsamuelaaronxx


MembergroupDYOM Designer
Birthdate2 de mayo
Gtaforums.com Username


Member Stats

Sep 06 '13
Last Login
Nov 15 '13
Missions made
57 Avg: 1.8
Trailers made
VideoTuts made
TextTuts made
Comments made
Ratings made

Mission List

MissionNameLast UpdateRatingViewsDownloadsComments
final gunSep 06 2013, 13:08-69912090
END OF RYDERSep 06 2013, 13:27-72111741
graciosa unoSep 06 2013, 14:05-58910381
sweet and ballasSep 06 2013, 14:25-92310860
THE DEADSep 08 2013, 15:32-157412760
the invasionSep 08 2013, 15:55-64711620
final battleSep 08 2013, 17:05-64410660
DEHAT BIEBERSep 08 2013, 17:35-6019860
graciosa dosSep 08 2013, 17:50-58710240
DEAHT OF JUSTIN BIEBERSep 10 2013, 16:00-134210522
carl vs policeSep 10 2013, 16:50-67312822
end of lucasSep 10 2013, 18:26-66412124
end of lucasSep 10 2013, 18:27-71910290
carl and deniseSep 10 2013, 18:46-137411200
carl and deniseSep 10 2013, 18:46-72511010
END OF BROTHERSSep 10 2013, 19:10-67412110
the policeSep 11 2013, 15:54-68110120
the policeSep 11 2013, 15:54-70210680
ATACK OF PRESIDENTSep 11 2013, 17:09-70110780
LAS VENTURASSep 11 2013, 18:21-60110291
WUZIMUSep 12 2013, 15:24-5589690
THE ATRACKSep 12 2013, 15:33-55910580
SWEET,S HELPSep 12 2013, 16:01-55611042
CJ AND SAN FIERROSep 13 2013, 15:22-61410942
end of line san fierroSep 13 2013, 16:05-83311181
tempenny life Sep 13 2013, 16:21-60610600
back to schollSep 14 2013, 18:01-62510560
back to autoschoolSep 14 2013, 18:05-55010410
back to liberty citySep 14 2013, 19:13-6879810
powerSep 18 2013, 19:36-62210000
LA SUPER AVENTURASep 19 2013, 15:33-77911281
home coming betaSep 24 2013, 19:08-66111240
epic adventureSep 24 2013, 19:12-65610710
end of sweetSep 24 2013, 19:13-65011200
end of the lineSep 24 2013, 19:44475111853
DEAHT OF SWEETSep 24 2013, 21:34-62610460
bye sweetSep 25 2013, 16:23-73810580
cj and zeroSep 25 2013, 20:12-66712580
END OF THE LINE BETAOct 01 2013, 21:28-70211570
TRANSFORMERS 2 MISIONOct 07 2013, 20:09-106611452
GTA SA STORIESOct 07 2013, 20:11-73110150
CARL AND LILAOct 07 2013, 20:52-6109850
SWEET LILA AND CARLOct 07 2013, 21:06-67011010
GTA SA STORIESOct 08 2013, 18:41-76811131
scarlOct 08 2013, 18:42-58111690
SOct 12 2013, 16:27-62110600
gta sa sOct 15 2013, 19:13-7062620
GTASASOct 17 2013, 18:48-10012860
gta super carlOct 19 2013, 19:49-10042570
UNICRON REVNEGE TRANSFORMERS Oct 20 2013, 19:23-8503060
GTA San Andreas beta v1Oct 24 2013, 15:35-12833210
una vida siendo s.w.a.t en San AndreasOct 24 2013, 22:51-15313040
mi propia end of the lineOct 31 2013, 16:40-66310410
Gta 6Nov 02 2013, 12:45110863360
GTA 7Nov 05 2013, 21:46111553602
GTA Return of Groove StreetsNov 08 2013, 21:03-9533061
GTA 8Nov 15 2013, 17:59110943871


Added by xxsamuelaaronxx on Sep 08 2013, 17:49
ya graciosa dos
Added by Saqib Khan Afridi on Sep 13 2013, 10:40
hi Samuel will you download my missions and rate them plz
Added by xxsamuelaaronxx on Sep 19 2013, 15:31
Added by xxsamuelaaronxx on Sep 19 2013, 15:32
Added by diegoxxd on Oct 19 2013, 22:16
hola soy diegoxxd, he visto que tienes 49 misiones! y muchas descargas, puedes descargar mis misiones porfa? gracias.
Added by diegoxxd on Oct 19 2013, 22:17
y si quieres podemos hacer un grupo entre tu y yo :D
Added by diegoxxd on Oct 24 2013, 23:51
olle, me podrias decir como puedo publicar mi mision al Dyom Contest#7? ayudame porfa
Added by mijata cj2 on Nov 05 2013, 17:18
hi man look my mission
Added by Herok ! on Nov 08 2013, 22:50
Prueba las misiones antes de publicarlas algunas tienen bastantes errores
Added by xxsamuelaaronxx on Nov 11 2013, 19:15
hola diegoxxd dale a upload mission y la rellenas dale a select file mission
Added by ramoncrew on Dec 26 2013, 20:39
pinches misiones culeras

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