DYOM » Members » Bidhan Tandukar

Profile of Bidhan Tandukar

I'm a Gamer who loves Gaming, Anime, Programming and Digital Art!



MembergroupDYOM Designer
LocationJawalakhel, Lalitpur, Nepal
Gtaforums.com UsernameRedAISkye

Bidhan Tandukar

Member Stats

Oct 28 '13
Last Login
Aug 11 '23
Missions made
12 Avg: 3.9
Trailers made
VideoTuts made
TextTuts made
Comments made
Ratings made

Mission List

MissionNameLast UpdateRatingViewsDownloadsComments
S1 Mission#1 Killing CJ's MomMay 20 2015, 10:303139813331
S1 Mission#2 Killing The Ballas BossMay 20 2015, 10:30381612772
S1 Mission#3 The Drug Dealer [Fixed]May 20 2015, 10:30375312011
S1 Mission#4 Chasing a Rich StrangerMay 20 2015, 10:30577412131
S1 Mission#5 Robbing in CJ's HomeMay 20 2015, 10:30381612231
S1 Mission#6 Revenge for RobbersMay 20 2015, 10:30578212071
S1 Mission#7 FBI are Watching YouMay 20 2015, 10:30382313161
S1 Mission#8 Ending the Case ForeverMay 20 2015, 10:30575211671
Story 1 - S1 Mission#1 - #8 FULL PACK [FMay 20 2015, 10:3137902591
S2 Mission#1 Starting A New LifeMay 20 2015, 10:31472812811
S2 Mission#2 Saving The PresidentMay 20 2015, 10:315160618841
S2 Mission#3 Sleeping Dogs w/ Claude SpeMay 20 2015, 10:315112212561


Added by Bidhan Tandukar on Oct 28 2013, 22:10
Download all my 8 missions because it is a short story gameplay. Download all parts and play. If you download only 1 or few parts but not all than you will not understand the story.
Added by Dhiman on Apr 02 2014, 15:50
Welcome to DYOM, checkout my profile.
Added by Bidhan Tandukar on May 18 2015, 15:06
Im active again after inactive of 2 years because I was busy playing GTA IV, Sleeping Dogs, Watch Dogs, Minecraft & making youtube videos! And Im back and made another new mission! Please Download All my missions because ITS REALLY FUN!!! The first 10 missions were made when I was newbie so dont hate it because its still Fun! Hope you guys enjoy it! Please Hit that rate button for my work! :D
Added by Jhandave on May 20 2015, 08:47
Hey, man, nice missions you've got there, check mine, tell me your opinion, and i'll appreciate it.
Added by PaigeMackenzieHyland on May 20 2015, 08:59
Can you fix Mission#3 The Drug Dealer? There are some errors at last when you have to go to kill the fake Drug dealer but the dealer seem to be nowhere, I cant complete that mission.
Thank You!
Added by Bidhan Tandukar on May 20 2015, 09:02
+PaigeMackenzieHyland , Sure! I will fix it soon when I got time. Thank you for reporting it! :D
Added by Bidhan Tandukar on May 20 2015, 10:35
NEWS: I Fixed the S1 Mission#3 The Drug Dealer so please re-download it to play the actual mission! & Please re-download Story 1 - S1 Mission#1 - #8 FULL PACK too because S1 Mission#3 The Drug Dealer was not fixed in that pack!
Added by Bidhan Tandukar on May 20 2015, 10:38
Thank You All For Downloading My Missions! And Please Report me if any missions contains errors & DON'T RE-UPLOAD MY MISSIONS CREDITING YOURSELF IMPOSING ITS YOUR OWN WORK!!! [Just Dont Do That]
It Is CoPyRiGhT!!!

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