DYOM » Members » DJThanos

Profile of DJThanos


MembergroupDYOM Designer
Gtaforums.com UsernameACCOUNT_missing


Member Stats

Nov 21 '13
Last Login
Apr 05 '15
Missions made
6 Avg: -
Trailers made
7 Avg: 4
VideoTuts made
TextTuts made
Comments made
Ratings made

Mission List

MissionNameLast UpdateRatingViewsDownloadsComments
The Time's ComeNov 23 2013, 12:39-211410960
Hangout with CJNov 24 2013, 18:57-204910691
STUNTMANNov 30 2013, 10:15-374911980
007 Everything or NothingMar 14 2014, 17:15-201210140
Stuntman: Ignition / Town of HellMar 24 2015, 17:52-205812781
Stuntman: Ignition / Escape ArtistMar 25 2015, 20:54-222110520

Trailer List

Prologue missionNov 22 2013, 14:07-
The Time's ComeNov 23 2013, 15:46-
Hangout with CJNov 25 2013, 15:19-
STUNTMANNov 30 2013, 11:40-
the missionMar 14 2014, 19:024
PreviewMar 24 2015, 18:41-
PreviewMar 25 2015, 21:09-


Added by DJThanos on Nov 22 2013, 14:11
How can i fix the thing with Prologue mission saying "non-member"?
Added by Grovallas on Dec 18 2013, 07:56
Hi DJThanos! I see your mission that you created when you haven't joined DYOM in Dumping Grounds. Then i saw you have made an account and i visited this. If you want to move your mission from Dumping grounds to Showroom, i suggest you to report that mission and say in the report that you wanted to move that mission to this account. I think that gonna work. Just give it a try.
Added by DJThanos on May 24 2014, 20:00
Guys, i made a big heist mission, but in a part of the mission it always crashes. Same with another mission. What to do?

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