DYOM » Members » ZombieMaker

Profile of ZombieMaker

Hello Dyom users! And Dyom moderators! i'am ZombieMaker, And I show zombie's missions! The missions will be long And somewhat difficult.... I'm new in Dyom, but... I think I will do good missions of zombies, please, don't leave bad comments, Remember, I'am new in Dyom!!!
I hope you like my missions!

There are the name of some missions i will make:

Zombie´s games
Welcome to Zombie Land
In progress

There are the list of my friends:
  • diegoxxd
  • jameelamir2005
  • Grovallas


MembergroupDYOM Designer
LocationKansas, Springfield
Birthdate2000, August 30
RespectListR1X4FIN: For make good missions.
diegoxxd: For make good missions And he help me, to make missions :D
Grovallas: For rate my mission And he make really good missions :D

And I respect:
-All Dyom Users
-All Dyom staffs
Gtaforums.com UsernameZombieMaker


Member Stats

Dec 18 '13
Last Login
May 11 '14
Missions made
2 Avg: 4.8
Trailers made
VideoTuts made
TextTuts made
Comments made
Ratings made
7 Avg: 1.3

Mission List

MissionNameLast UpdateRatingViewsDownloadsComments
The Apocalypse ZombieDec 18 2013, 13:194.599312121
Welcome to Zombie Land Chapter 1-1Dec 22 2013, 04:255157913602


Added by Grovallas on Dec 19 2013, 00:54
Oh, so he was your friend and he taught you. So that's why your first mission is nice. Well, keep it up :)
Added by jameelamir2005 on Dec 19 2013, 21:18
hi Zombiemaker
Added by jameelamir2005 on Dec 19 2013, 21:19
i was want to ask you how are you making this heading for your missions information
Added by jameelamir2005 on Dec 20 2013, 18:13
You Really Helped Me THANKS TOO MUCH!
Added by jameelamir2005 on Dec 22 2013, 20:34
See my Profile Now Amazing Thanks!
Added by diegoxxd on Dec 22 2013, 21:14
good missions ZombieMaker!
Added by jameelamir2005 on Dec 22 2013, 21:27
Read MY tutorial to learn the BBcodes Formatting.
[ Url=http://dyom.gtagames.nl/showtut/120]Click Here to see the Tutorial. [/Url ]
Added by jameelamir2005 on Dec 22 2013, 21:28
Added by jameelamir2005 on Jan 07 2014, 13:33
চমৎকার মিশন!
Added by jameelamir2005 on Jan 07 2014, 13:34
i mean nice missions.
Added by QaiserH on Feb 22 2014, 09:05
Great Missions + Profile

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