Stealing The Hydra
By Gilbow (non-member)
Big mission
Starting on the 3rd island you go to a gangs hideout to get info on where the hydra is. then get into an army base and shoot your way through people till you get the hydra
Starting on the 3rd island you go to a gangs hideout to get info on where the hydra is. then get into an army base and shoot your way through people till you get the hydra
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- May 28 '09
- Views
- 872
- Downloads
- 1007
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 0
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 16
- Actors
- 58
- Cars
- 10
- Pickups
- 10
- Objects
- 17
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