Gang War I - Intro [MP]
By General Scrotum
You are Jason Anderson, a normal person with a normal job a the Liquor Store in Blueberry. One day, you go to collect your pay but, no one's there. You decided to take it yourself. As you do, a Ballas arrive and ask you to give him the money. You run from him and take the gun that the owner of the shop always keeps in the back room. You kill him and his friend waiting at the back of the shop then return to your appartment
Upload Statistics
- Last Update
- Dec 24 '10
- Views
- 2276
- Downloads
- 3414
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 0
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 15
- Actors
- 3
- Cars
- 1
- Pickups
- 0
- Objects
- 0

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