Awake (TSoCB)
By Mati
Los Santos, 2011. The Story Of Cosimo Bettino is not another rise-to-the-top tale. Cosimo was always a honest man, serving his country in need. One day though he must come back to his f*cked up family in Los Santos, where he gets disrespected by the mobsters and his own father and the Don of the Crime Family, Nevio Bettino. Cosimo will have to experience the pains and gains of the Family with his own eyes against his own will, until one day there's not an option left for him. He will become the young boss of the Family, which is going to drastically change his personality.
First mission. Please visit for more info and to give me some feedback :)
First mission. Please visit for more info and to give me some feedback :)
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- Last Update
- May 23 '11
- Views
- 1565
- Downloads
- 2153
- Trailers
- 0
- Comments
- 0
Mission Statistics
- ReadOnly
- yes
- Objectives
- 78
- Actors
- 60
- Cars
- 6
- Pickups
- 0
- Objects
- 3
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